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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Here's a few topics on sparring that might be of help: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=1777 http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=3258 http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=2637 I'm going to move this to Strategies/Tactics. You may get more help there.
  2. That's true, RB. I'm glad my dojang isn't "belt factory." It is tough to get your BB in my dojang. I guess that's why most the students stayed after BB, because it's a b***h to get.
  3. Same here, Kickchick! I love breaking week Free firewood. We heat with a wood stove, so any wood we get for free is a good deal
  4. I just changed dojangs. I'm still a blue belt, but I'm a 4th gup instead of 6th gup. So much to catch up on ..... eeeekkkkkkk.
  5. Kickchick, that will work. My TSD dojang did that. The instructor allowed all the cho dan bo (black belt canidates) to attend the black belt classes. It worked really well. Of course, that was the toughest class of them all. My new school has a large black belt class, but that's the kids. There's about 30 to 40 of them. The adult BB's range around 20 to 25. There isn't that many color belts. So that tells me that all the color belts stay to become BB's AND stay after that. I haven't been there long enough to see if anyone has quit (or will) when they get their BBs.
  6. My new school (which is Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan) goes like this: white 10th gup yellow 9th gup gold 8th gup orange 7th gup green 6th gup purple 5th gup blue 4th gup brown 3rd gup red 2nd gup black with white stripe 1st gup black 1st dan
  7. In TSD we did a lot of bunkai realed training. Sometimes the instructor would answer questions like, "What is this move for" or "how does this work" by doing the move on us LOL. In my new dojang, yes they do. In fact, tonight is forms night, so we will prolly do some bunkai (I hope). I've seen them do it from just visiting them a few months back. But now I can actually do them. I can't wait
  8. Withers! Long time no chat. Welcome back
  9. Can you post a link (or anything about it)? I never heard of it, but it sounds interesting.
  10. Na, it's a common mistake newbies make. It's ok. Welcome to the forum
  11. Welcome to the forum. I'll move this to the intro forums, so you'll get more welcomes
  12. Good thinking, dude I can kick high, but I feel that low to mid section kicks are more powerful (for me anyways). I have kicked someone over with a high kick in sparring, but I wouldn't try it for "real." Just my opinion. Do what works best for you. Don't worry about kicking high. Work on your week kicking techniques for now. Then go from there
  13. Cool site Thanks for passing it on. A lot of beginners (even advanced students) will learn a lot from that site
  14. I just switched dojangs, so the classes are different here. We do warm-ups, then drills. The rest of the class is depending what is scheduled. We have a "cycle." For example, the school is open 4 days a week, and those 4 days are broken down into two days. Monday, Tuesday maybe forms, then wednsday, thursday maybe sparring. The next week it maybe one steps, and self defense. Then they repeat that the next two weeks, and so on.
  15. It's never too late to start. I started MA at 24. You are a youngin Anyways, there a lot of karateka's to help you here. Feel free to throw questions at us Welcome to the forums.
  16. I agree, Ramy. My TSD instructor in NJ was like that also. Laid back, funny, but strict on technique. This one is the same way I just feel "at home" here. It's great.
  17. I think you know me too well, Ramy LOL. Thanks so much for your help (thanks to everyone of course ). Plus, I could teach my man the stuff I learn in the new school It wouldn't be the first time
  18. Yea, good place to train. It the only "non-sport" TKD club LOL.
  19. Yes, Doug is the man to talk to with KSW stuff. He's a nice guy, and very helpful. Welcome to the forum
  20. I'm hurtin Man, we did a lot of jump kicks tonight. It was fun, though. I haven't done jump kicks in so long. My legs hurt, though. I learned some of the step sparring I need to learn, also. I was confusing them with the old dojang ones LOL. I was chatting with some of the other students, and I know I will love it here
  21. LOL Heidi. No, I was just bustin his chops, cause I was doing good till he stood next to me LOL. And thanks I'll still catch you at MR. Lafter's dojang sometime
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