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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Me and Ninjanurse were from the same system (three schools in all). But I bailed out.
  2. I should move this to the humor section ...... sheesh. Maybe not. It's not funny in a way that people are trying to make a buck on a black belt on ebay *shakes her head*
  3. My guy loves it. Except when we practice joint locks. We were going to practice joint locks last night, and he said, "Don't hurt me." LOL
  4. Welcome to the forums. We need more Kenpo people on here
  5. I'm attracted to my man, not because he does MA. Weeeellllll, he looks good (better) because of MA, and he looks cute in his dobohk Other than that, he was attracted to me cause I did MA Sort of hehehehehehe
  6. I perfer sneakers, too. In the summer, I wear those flip flop things with the thick souls. They make for a good weapon, too. Kick them puppies off and have it hit them where it hurts or in the face ....... Or I can whack them in the head with one LOL.
  7. That's what my instructor says Cool. Again, congrads
  8. Good post, chh. Yes I agree here. "avoiding" a bad area in the first place is your best defense. Never walk alone at night, and cross the street if you see an evil looking guy on your side, ect. My instructor says if we do have to end up fighting (defending) ourselves, do it quickly and get out. If you mean learning self defense stuff in class, that's basically the same thing. We do joint locks throws, counter attacks against all sorts of different attacks, ect. But the main thing is how to avoid the situation in the first place. Learning this other stuff is just icing on the cake
  9. Niel just reminded me of my new addiction. We downloaded a few computer games last week (puzzle games), and they are just addicting! Sheesh! My honey plays the same ones at work. We have competitions against each other. I win most of the time hehehehehe
  10. Oh yea. I forgot to say internet junkie. Thanks Sai LOL.
  11. I don't have a notebook, but my school has something similar. They have student manuals that have everything all written out. Everything from forms to step sparring to joint locks. It is split up by rank (what you need to know for each rank). It comes in handy, that's for sure
  12. I like music. I listen, and play a lot of music. I try to attend, at least, one concert a year. I like nature. I'm planing two camping trips this year I'm a sun bum. Trying to work on my tan And go to the beach more (once the weather behaves). And spend time with my honey, the dog and the cat LOL.
  13. Yes, tommaker. GM Ahn was one of the ones who split or got split from TSD 40 years ago. But he still teaches the same stuff, except for the Taegeuk forms.
  14. Greendragon, No. We get graded on Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan. Which is almost the same as TSD (except for the beginner forms, which are Taegeuk forms). (I think. I could be wrong on that). But if that instructor wants to grade that way, and he has the "proof" he studied both, than that's good. Like Chi said, it's not uncommon to find mixed MA.
  15. I have a light weight uniform, and we grapple with them. The Proforce ones hold up well. But the Centery ones rib
  16. Mine doesn't either, but I saw one person fail a test already. So the instructor is the main one who can tell you if you are ready. I donno why that person tested, but I guess it was a learning experience for him.
  17. My school mixes both arts. I don't think it's weird (I finally get to learn Bassai ...... wooohooooo!!!!). We do the WTF TKD forms, and sparring. Then we do TSD forms on top of the TKD ones later. My school is big on self defense, so we also do a lot of joint locks, ect. I think the school you mentioned is like mine (we don't have contracts either). I am happy with it, so I think you should, at least, give them a try.
  18. LOL Monkeygirl. That was good. I needed the laugh after getting my arse kicked in self defense tonight But, yea, the sucker that I am, I will try it LOL.
  19. I think that is a "good" contract, Hobbitbob. But when I wanted to break my contract with my last school, there was no "lose of insterest" thing. I had to buy it out. That stunk Good thing this school has no contracts. People stay because the instruction is great, not because they have to.
  20. Dang! I at least, take my belt off ..... sheesh. I have a plain uniform, so like I said above, it's mistaken for a nurse thing LOL.
  21. I always bought light weight ones. Proforce is pretty good. My proforce uniform is still holding up after 3 years. The Centry one stink. They shrink up to nothing, and I have a hole in the top (near the back of the neck) after a year. I bought another one for my new school, but I found out that I can buy what ever brand I want, so I'm going back to proforce
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