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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I didn't mess up the name, but I messed up a form during a tourny. I said I was going to do pyung ahn e dan (Hien nidan). I did the first three quarters of it right. Then I ended it with pyung ahn cho dan .... gggrrrrrrr.
  2. Thanks Shoto My boyfriend does the Taegeuks in his school, so maybe we can both figure it out together. But for the TSD forms, I'm alone on those, unless he is willing to be my "dummy" LOL.
  3. To go to Korea. Not to live, but to train their way for a few weeks.
  4. Maybe I'm just lucky to have found traditional style TKD that teaches everything from joint locks, to throws, to grappling (ground fighting) on top of the normal TKD stuff. We even learn "come-along" techniques and counter grappling (stand up grappling). I think what my school teaches is very effective for self defense. I couldn't speak for other schools, but mine is second to none as far as TKD schools around here. And I agree with Doug. Most people that do the bashing are the ones who never took TKD or know nothing about it.
  5. My instructor DOES explain Bunkai, but I don't want to just take his word for it. I know there can be different applications for each move. The one you spoke of can be a stike to the attackers inner thigh of there kicking leg (if they are throwing a low kick). As for the Taegeuks, I never learned any Bunkai for those. That's what I'm trying to look up (besides the TSD forms we do). Thanks for your help, guys
  6. I agree. My school is one of the few that teach TKD the way it was ment to be (Thank goodness), but they are few and far between in the US.
  7. I agree with Monkeygirl. For the Wavemasters, sand it better. I have B.O.B. that has a similar base to the wavemasters and we filled it with sand. I don't want leakage from water.
  8. Why marry a black belt. BE a black belt Hehehehehe I think most of us here share your passion for martial arts. And I'm glad (Patrick should be too) that you like KF. Welcome
  9. Welcome. Tell us about yourself and what martial art you take
  10. Cool. More TKD peoples Welcome.
  11. Don't get me wrong about the title, but I'm looking for applications for forms/hyung/kata. This is for "general MA," because the forms my school does it in many arts (Tang Soo Do/Shotokan/Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan, Goju Ryu, ect). I'm looking for MPEG's or videos. Maybe on the internet. If you can be of help, thanks in advance P.S. It's mainly for Bassai, Nahanchi, Pyung ahn (hien), ect.
  12. Did you scroll down to the end of the page (for Martial info) for other countries? I donno about the other site. I recently just started using it, but Martial info is supposed to have something like that.
  13. Yep. Martial Info https://www.martialinfo.com . There's a link on the left of that page to find schools. and MA Schools http://www.bushido.us/schools.cfm . This one you just type in you city and/or zip code (or near by area).
  14. You took the words outta my mouth, wcnavstar. I agree.
  15. We have college kids at my dojang. Some are there year round. But some go away and come back during the summer. One kid goes away to college (which he trains there also in TKD), then he comes back and trains with us for the summer.
  16. Blue wrote: "Thank KK1975 .. although i think hate is a strong word .. at least you were able to explain a bit better what i was thinking about." Yea, you're right. I should have used something else LOL.
  17. I'm female. So I give this advice .... Don't be a macho jurk. Just be yourself, like Blue said. I don't like guys with fake "fronts." It's a major turn-off. No offense. I'm just warning you a head of time. If she likes you for you, it was ment to be. If you put on a "fake personallity" of course she'll hate you when she finds out the real you, just cause the "fake stuff." Just go and have a good time, and don't "fake it." If you do, she'll hate you in the long run.
  18. I pay $80 a month (testing and everything else included).
  19. Can you give the gup/Kyu ranks? That would make more sense. Most arts, the colors are in different orders. Not trying to be mean, but most arts are different (as in color, that is)
  20. That was good. I wish I could turn back time. Ok, I started at 24, but now I'm 16 again. That count? hehehehehe ..... I love that
  21. Yea, you're right I have a weakness for junk food.
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