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Everything posted by Goju_boi

  1. RAP?! HELL NO! no, i just dont see it.... sorry.... lol, u have your own taste, I have mine. It's the music I grew up and enjoy.
  2. lol, yeah I saw that too. I think he does Shorin Ryu Karate.
  3. i think I'm like the only person here that will say this, but for me it's rap and spanish reggea
  4. u don't really need one, just use your body and the floor
  5. I've seen some that are like the arms of it like a shell perse that u could just strap on a punching bag.
  6. when u say kung-fu u are being very general as theres too many systems of kung-fu to name. As for it being the ultimate art, that's the media doing that. The effectiveness of the art lies within the fighter. Also a fighter can be really good at Kung-fu , but the thing with kung-fu is that it's grappling is very limited. So if a Judo or wrestler that also did Kung-fu or some other punch/kick art, they would have the upper hand since they could just out grapple them.
  7. I didn't think you guys had it. I thought your kata stopped at Suprainpei (Perchurin). John it stops at tensho I think. I asked my sensei if we had it, and he said yes , but it's for advanced people.(just not sure at what level it is learned)
  8. wut's wrong with 18 yr. olds huh?
  9. Of course, you have to follow with what suites you the best. Though, unfortunately I don't have any Hapkido schools in my area or know enough about hapkido to compare it to Aikido. I just recently found out about hapkido. If a good school every opens up close to me, I might look into that. I really like the grappling too, I think its extremely useful. I have hapkido dojangs here, but I don't think none are close to me and I also have a job that takes up time.
  10. all those weapons are from other systems. ATA just probably mixed it in the curriculum. I think the only Korean weapons there are the gum do and the je pangh ee.
  11. I feel it considerably less, but it's still there. Anyways , what kind of doc should I see? Just a regular doc or a specific one?
  12. I guess, but I'd rather go with Hapkido. Both of them have the same grappling style as it's foundation, but Hapkido is more complete.
  13. Goju-Ryu has it, but it's a really advanced kata
  14. Karate is not supposed to use weapons. They were probably blending kobudo into the curriculum.
  15. I don't know if this helps , but I have a weak immune system due to medications. So this makes me heal slower. I'm thinking maybe it has to do with it lasting so long or maybe not.
  16. hellow my ppl'z. About 2 weeks ago I was at my dojo and I was stretching before class. I was finishing it up with the splits and I was going for my 4th set to be done with everything. When I lowered myself down I went all the way down. All of a sudden I heard and felt my bones in my pelvis area on my right leg go "crack." I got up and felt extreme pain and couldn't practice comfortably for the rest of the night and to this day too. What I want to know is what went wrong if I'm flexible enough to do this? And how can I fix this myself? or if i should see a doctor? This really annoys me since I can't go all out and stretch like before.
  17. when is this coming out to the general public in america?
  18. I was thinking of starting aikido, but didn't b/c they don't have gound work like judo or ju jutsu
  19. theres kobudo, that's nothing but weapons. In my dojo, we have a lady from tk come in and do kobudo since like u said tkd doesn't have weapons
  20. y did your sensei ask u to stop going to open tournaments?
  21. lol, hasn't happepened to me, but I did get a front kick there. I didn't take vengence on the count of that was just a accident and I was wearing a cup
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