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Everything posted by Goju_boi

  1. lol, weird fashion trend
  2. I'd say add a style that includes grabs, and strikes like Uechi or one of the other Okaniwan arts that include grabs, and you'd have a great combination. Your TKD is good for long distance when you can use those extended kicks, you're wrestling is great for the ground, and a grabing/striking art would give you the close standing you're currently lacking. Frankly, the combo would be quite scary if you master all of them. yup okinawan arts or southern chinese arts would do you a great deal of help.
  3. sounds like my dojo. In my dojo most students, two teachers are Spanish/Indian decent including me. it's like any regular dojo to everybody.
  4. a high kick? yea sure, however a punch is much more closer,faster,less risky.
  5. hmmm I guess. all I know is that wushu look's like a great work out
  6. or you could do the push up's with the knees on the floor to help build up upperbody strength if it's that bad. I prefer weights to build up strength and power and push up's for endurance
  7. sounds like you have much to learn my friend, check out other styles with an open mind then come back here with your opinion. you will see that theres oh so much more to offer out there. I'm not saying you have a bad art or anything, but there isn't one ultimate style.
  8. I have assailants against walls and in tight spaces all the time at work - still never use trapping. all I use in my clinchwork from muay thai and judo. as for the pie, we do agree - it's jumbled. But you stand more of a chance of confusing yourself learining so many of the same technique as you do in jkd. I really don't need to know the way three different styles throw a front kick - especially if I was a newbie - it can confuse you. the MMA approach is much more straightforward. striking and grappling. period. my dispute isn't with jkd as a concept - it's with the skillset taught at many jkd camps. I personally would use muay thai, judo and kali. that's it. forget savate, wing chun, silat and anything else. you don't want to be TOO fragmented. well if you know how to use those arts u just mentioned and they work for u, y not use them?
  9. wouldn't throwing kicks at the heavybag be just for conditioning your legs and the whole body?
  10. in my dojo, they want us to do 100 by the time we reach blackbelt. I can do a lot, but I need to train more to get to up there without doing them in sets.
  11. I though this movie was gonna be released in february, but I'm still waiting. wut gives?
  12. so would u say that anybody can pretty much make their own jkd? for example a karate fighter just uses the karate that they find usefull and discard the rest, would that be considered jkd in your opinion?
  13. too true that is exactly what my sensei says, he also says head kicks are generally less affective anyways your sensei sounds smart high kicks are fine in competition, however in a real life situation , they wouldn't be your best choice.
  14. well just about any art today can be geared towards competition if u train like it.
  15. well not too many peole actually venture into that area in a serious manner
  16. i second that.... just jump around alot! lol, it's like a rock concert now!
  17. in other words wushu has been drastically watered down?
  18. I'm tired of all these close minded racist people. can't we all just put our differences aside?
  19. yes jet li did wushu, however he's also done other arts in his time.
  20. so college martial arts aren't the way to go?
  21. whoa! I doubt that we have all 180 forms in america though
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