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Everything posted by Goju_boi

  1. well I heard that all his releses after enter the dragon where just cheesy movies that flopped
  2. I'm going Friday!! can't wait
  3. hmmm, so would any of u guys say that if u have training in both Goju and Shotokan then youre well balanced in stand up?
  4. lol, u don't have to be asian to be good at martial arts
  5. it's not out here in the us yet
  6. lol, enough for the Dojo is right on target for me and my japanese. Also now that I started Capoeira I'm better understanding portugese b/c the mestre tends to speak it for the most part and it sounds a lot like Spanish so I have very little difficulties understanding it.
  7. u could try https://www.wikipedia.com they have a pretty good source on the topic
  8. what is YMMV?Also you should really start up that thread about conditioning in Uechi ryu as mentioned on the finger tip strikes thread,I think it would help everybody with their striking training.YMMV - Your Milage May Vary - (sorry geek speak). Sorry, I didn't see your reply. I've been so busy it hasn't been funny. I'll have to look at the other thread when I get a few minutes. lol, it's cool dude. I don;t get that much time to get on here either with work, school and training
  9. why is shorin ryu linear? I thought it was supposed to be an interpretation of Shaolin ? Shaolin is very circular compared to Karate.
  10. than u mean he just favors other more?
  11. go for it, since youv'e trained already. It shouldn't be so hard for you.
  12. ^^^ that guys school is one of the best in town. I'd recomend it if u want great and serious training in shaolin.
  13. I think they do charge for it, cuz I saw it as a regular class
  14. well I wouldn't say it was completely off that it came from tai Chi. Beacuse it was taken from Okinawa right? Okinawa got a lot of it's arts from China. So one way or another, it was Chinese influenced.
  15. it has. It's made me a lot more lighter on my feet with greater stamina and very fluid in sparring. It's also giving me great dancing skills for merengue and salsa
  16. well a lot of the basic kicks are also in karate, just done with a "ginga"
  17. couldn't of said it better myself. I'm really happy with Goju, but I wanted something very different of goju, so I'm giving Capoeira a chance and I'm happy I did.
  18. ok, I do Goju ryu karate as my base style. However I recently started Capoeira, So I want to know your opinions on this. Personally I think they both help each other out.
  19. I've studied and study different arts, but Goju-ryu is my base style and my love.
  20. This is only a superficial similarity. How do I know? Training in Goju since 1986. Studied Shotokan 3 years before that. Work out with friends in shotokan (usually sandans or higher) You will not see the huge differences in a tournament, especially in sparring because of the rules. Certain Goju kata are rarely done in a tournament because they don't score well as ther are too many soft techniques. yeah, our katas arent that visually appealing for tournaments unfortunately, but we sure know how to hold our own in the ring and streets.
  21. Hapkido along with Goju Kai is a great mix. Both arts will complement each other greatly.
  22. wow, these are all pretty good words of advice
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