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Everything posted by JimmyNewton
the test has been postponed until august, possibly september. we just went over every kata and weapons form witha fine tooth comb. a few issues in katas need to be resolved, but sparring skills are ready. i'll let you knwo what happens. as for te question ivette asked. yes i will be doing lots of fighting, but its up to the sensei as to how much, how long, etc. for brown belt I fought 3, 5 minute rounds. every round against a different opponent. then had to fight against 2 opponents for a fourth round at 2 minute duration, then when all that was over, sparred with sensei, so i'm sure this test will have some equivalant. he's also wanting to test someone else at the same time and wnats us both to be ready together. i think thats another rerason mine got delayed. no rush though. i've waited this long, i can wait another month or so. just gives me more time to refine things. thanks again to everyone for their encouragement.
Willie McIntosh i'll be working out with Sensei Doug Perry in the fall, although its going to be a 2 hour drive, bc Mr. McIntosh is retring in the fall to run for Sheriff.
sorry, June1, bad typo, i meant my sensei is testing me for shodan. thanks for the support guys. i feel pretty good about it. nervous, but excted. that same type of butterfly mixed with confidant feeling we always get before tests, tournaments, etc. but thanks again for your encouragement. it is appreciated.
hey guys. my sensei I am testing for shodan either this friday or next friday, but wouldnt say when. i feel pretty good about everything. i've been doing some hardcore conditioning and extensive drill work and kata practice. i'll keep you posted on how things go. just wanted to share the news.
do you guy implement these trainign devices regularly?
they guy who said pimp smack. man, that had me rolling
you have another forum quesation on losing to a girl. what is your hang-up on gender?
i got into it to destroy people. i'm totally kidding. my older brother did it and i thought it was cool. then i realized i was good at at it. i liked the way it made me feel physicall and mentally, and learning about the history became fascintating. as i got more experience, and gained more kata knowledge, that fascinated me too. i guess the longer i trained, the more reasons i found to stay. plus the physical fighting and self defense was cool to me because always liked sports. now looking baack at the time i;ve trained. i find that it has shaped and mold me into the man that I am now. I like the competetive aspects, but am more in tune to the deeper meanings philosopchically as well as bunkai related issues. I believe that martial arts will be a part of me throughout life. I will never stop.
i used to listen to the shaolin wu tang style before they fell off
Help! What are we bowing to before class in Kyokushin?
JimmyNewton replied to Karate_Girl_07's topic in Karate
good luck -
i dont really thinnk it bouls down to "good" styles or "bad" styles" but from good instructors/bad instructors. my sensei is 4th Dan in okinawan Shorin Ryu, but also had 3rd dan in tae kwon do in the 80's. just because he doesnt teach tae kwon do any more doesnt mean it is no good, because he has showed us things from both arts. i dont know if you watch ulitmate fighting, but the new champion, Chuck liddel is a kenpo guy and he is amazing.
congrats on it regardless though
thasts a myth about not being flexible because you use weights. i lift three days a week and and can do full splits. currently weigh 190, benching 235. however starting out, i wouldnt go crzy with weights. jumping rope, swimming, and running are all good forms of cardio exercise. practice 25 kicks, each type every morning per leg. 75 push ups, 150 sit ups every day. practice at least 2 kata daily. if you have time, do more. jumping rope is very good for stamina, coordination and weight loss. i advise you to do 3 sets, of 3 minmutes in duration, witha 1 minute rest in between sets. that may be difficult to sart out with and you can only go 2 minuts, or nmaybe only 1na d half. whatver the case, only rest 60 seconds in between sets. i know you can do it. my weights always been somewhat of an issue. i was thin and "cut" in high school college, around 175. then went up to 225 because i was drinking beer, being slack, only working in the dojo, not on my own...then for whatver reason, i lit a fire under my tail about 6 months agao and have been trainnig 6 days a week. i've lost 35 lbs in the past 5 months by exercise and elimataing alcohol and sweets form my diet. good luck, and let me know how it goes.
i personally dont think anyone of 15 yrs of age, with only 5 years of training has had enough experience to be nidan. i don;t know her though. maybe she's awesome. or maybe the sensei needs that $$
blocking a bo witha forearm would be quite impressive. i seems to me the rope based ones ona post are the most effective as opposed to the ones ona wall because you can practice from differetn angles. straight on for punchehes, and be able to come around the side for roundhouse, various knifehands etc. as for the person that asked the cst. i built mine from scratch witha treated post i cut down, a rubber sole, and clothesline rope. whole project probably cost 20 bucks. i have it in ajapanese style flower bed and garden in my backyard. very nice aesthetically, as well as functionally.
i think from a mental standpoint, he was beatend because of his frustrations. he beat himself by allowing his poor attituded get the best of him because of the females upperhand in this instance.
cool. I was what i was rambling out would make sense
a different way of looking at it .. considering we spend a lot of times n these forums. acting with good conduct and living the lifestyle of martial artist. one could say we are constantly training whether its our mind, attitude or body. although i know you mean physical training, but just food for thought. howver the elite warrior trains EVERY day. not just at the dojo.
the think i really need to devote more time iis kobudo
class on monday and friday 630-9 cardio every 30 min 6 days a week lift weights on my own 4 daysa week usually an hour practice kata, kicking drills bag work 5 times a week outside of class for an hour a time overall, id say close to 20 hours a week on with ev3erything. however, i hope to be testing for Shodan in a few months. so have been training harder than usual. between that and working full time, i'm pooped by the end of the day. my wiife is in nursing school so she's studyung for some sort of test while i work out. i dont think i'd have this kind of time once we start having kids.
yeah it s a learning situation, not a notch on your win/loss belt. I have had females score on me before simply becausde I was working on defensive moves as opposed to be aggressive and the other way around. the thing to do is figure out how she one-upped you. especially if you think shes lalzy and is a lower rank. maybe you are the one with problem. people have mentioned that you should try side stepping her kick. what about jamming it. as soon as you see her leg move, you step inside and crowd her. block with llead head to jam kick nad let a solid reverse punch fly.
i use one i built myself and practice all hand techniques the post is tapered at end, with a rubber shoe sole glued to top, then outside wrapped with clothesline rope. looks very traditional
do you feel comfortable enough with those moves in the kata that they would become reflexes ina live situation?
i've heard that rule of thought. once you take out someone, no else watching should want any.