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Everything posted by JimmyNewton

  1. count me in. I train in Charlotte, NC
  2. cool. just make an exception for this one song. let me know what you think. the bea twill definitly invoke the mood for training. check your email and reply to me when you get a chance
  3. dude you've got to get the song "masta killa" from the rapper of the same name, Masta killa. He's from wu-tang, but it doesnt have any swearing or bad lyrical content., just this REALLY sweet classical chinese music in the background. the notes you've probably heard ina movie or restaurant. its awesome.! i listen to it almost everytime i drive to the dojo. at least score and let me know what you think
  4. haha, i agree. it was probably just a cardio class. dont get your butt in a knot over it.
  5. so, which brand did you end up going with?
  6. not sure on boards. but have wnet through 3 concrete paver blocks. yes, they dont hit back, but if you can smash concret with your hands, feet, elbos etc..then now ones knees or ribcage should stand in your way. It is an effective way to learn technique, put your body behind the blow, not just arm strenght, and channel energy and focus.
  7. hey guys. I just got to get back online this morning. I want to give everyone who had input a sincere thank you. someone asked if i do know of Doug Perry. I do and will be training in hendersonville in october or november. I am currently working with Sensei Willie McIntosh, who will be retiring in the fall. hendersonville is 2 hours away. kind of a haul, but hile my wife and i have no children yet, now is the best opportunity. thanks again for all who contributed.
  8. I'm not forgetting it, I didnt know it. I appreciate your reply, but doesnt really answer anything.
  9. I have a questionthat I should know the answer to but sadly do not. I've tried looking online, but get somewhat overwhelmed and hopefully I can clear it up hear. under Shorin Ryu, there is Kobayashi, Matsubayashi, and Shobayashi. it is my understanding that these branches came about from different points of origin. However, i'm not sure where my style- Shorinkan fits in. could someone give me some help in these different branches and a bried history lesson. I find my internet searches to be overwhelming and end up getting more confused. thanks for the help.
  10. this has a pretty comprehensive list http://www.shitokai.com/movies/naifanchishodan.php
  11. it does. thanks! any on else feel free to drop their synopsis as well
  12. oh definietely. i always do something on my off days. i feel too many people these days only feel like they have to practice in a classroom. i do martial arts related something daily.
  13. Well the tae kwon do also has a background in Okinawan Karate. my shorin ryu snesei has me going used to fight with him years agao and he is very credible. i think i'ver kind of made my mind up to work out at mr. perry's in hendersonville a couple of times a month (2 hours away). then work at the tae kwon do once a week because I enjoy it and he is very good, and well rounded. I spoke to the karate club at UNCC and since I am alumni and told them my situation (and will make a good donation to their club), will be able to work out with them for suplemental training. I kind of think that will give me an all around training. I dont see any bad habits forming, just able to learn a brooader range of techniques offensively and defensively. i'll work something out, i still have a couple of months. thank you for your input.
  14. Shorin ryu is defintely my art of choice. I'm just at a disadvantage because no one around teaches it. heres what i'm leaning on doing. continuing to drive an hour away and work on tae kwon do. prices are cheaper ithere than incharlotte, plus the instructor there was referred to me by my shorin ryu instructor. contact the guy in 2 hours away and go and work with him maybe once a month. then if i can sign uo with that club i college, work out with those guys to gety some suplemental sparring in. one advantage about driving an hour away is my family lives there and it has been nice t see my mom and dad brothers and niece on such a regular basis.
  15. ok guys, this may be long, but I need to tell you whats going on and get some input. I am currently training in Okinawan Shorin Ryu, and my sensei has me going toa tae kwon do guy he knows for supllemental sparring, conditioning etc. I am testing for my balck belt in Shorin Ryu soo, then my sensei is retiring to pusue politics. now heres the deal..i am currently driving an hour away to go to these 2 instructors. I am split on what to do when my Shorin Ryu sensei retires. In order to continue Shorin Ryu, I'd have to drivce to another sensei, very world reknown, but its 2 hours away. thing is they only really do extensive kata analyisis. also, theres a karate club at a local university. no style per se but everyone works out together, spars, etc. only thing with this is, I have graduated from that school and will have to see if they let alumni workout. my other option, resume tae kwon do and work on my shorin ryu katas at home, with no advancement in shorin ryu for the time being. with this, I could research and find a new school where I live as opposed to driving so far. with work and a family, the distance takes its toll. not really sure what to do at this point. kind of confused and frustrated. any advice would be most appreciated. thank you.
  16. oh yeah, when i do all my katas white belt to black belt, i'm drained and drenched with sweat. more sweaty then after running a couple of miles. i try to go through all of them 3 times a week for practice, and the workout facotr as well.
  17. just work hard and practicve a lot on your own uotside the dojo
  18. just work hard and practicve a lot on your own uotside the dojo
  19. age shouldnt matter as long as you train hard
  20. i live in charlotte nc and am currently looking for a new dojo. 75 -85 a month seems to be the goign rate. i used to pay 50. i want to find a new one, but moneys so tight. seems like dojos would have more students if instructors could lower fees. good luck
  21. could someone some up the basic concepts of kenpo for me? i see the term"american" in front a lot. I'm currently looking for a new dojo and any info you guys could provide or a nice synopsis of the style would be appreciiated. thanks
  22. go with tigerclaw. you can hold one up to shureido and cant' really tella difference. trust me on this.
  23. know of any kyokushin schools around charlotte, nc?
  24. tigerclaw.com and shureido.com tigerclaw is about 45 bucks for a really nice heavyweigth gi. shureido is around 150.00 i think., but i've heard that your paying a lot for the brand as well. i think you'll like the tigerclaw. thats what we use in our dojo and the heavyweights are sweet.
  25. know of any Kyokushin schools near charlotte, nc?
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