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Everything posted by JimmyNewton

  1. are you talking about sweeping? i like attempting to sweep with the rear leg in awalking mothion, the sweep again with differnt leg. so its basically..when standing with left foot 1st, step through, sweep wirh right leg, step through sweep with left leg..follow with reverse punch. its a good set up.
  2. you can't let it get the best of you. everyone here has experienced that frustration. its as much a physical test as well as a test of will. the great mas Oyama..which if your infamiliar with him, look him up..he has a lot of good quotes that bring me up when i'm down...but anyway..one of his famous quote was "laughter is nlightenment, to cry is to train". so dont beat yourself up, just keep working.
  3. unfamiliar with cowboy bebop.. assuming it a movie. suonds worth checking out
  4. i dindt know that either..thanks
  5. kusanku sho chinto gojishihio
  6. although..thats just one drill of several. just a good one i like for leg strenght and kicking practice
  7. i like placing a chair in front of me. stand with feet slightly wider tyhan shoulder width. squat down, rise up..front kick right leg, squat down, left front kick..squat down..turn and side kick right leg, squat, side kick left leg..then alternate roundhouses and then back to front kicks. its a good strenght excerise for the legs as well as conditioning. kicking over the chair makes this drill more challenging as well as works on height of kicks and flexibility.
  8. was ondering if anyone like to share their preferred bunkai from higher end katas. specifically gojishiho. i like the crane beak move to the eyes . just thoughti'd get something started.thanks jn
  9. its real. have you ever seen roy jones jr shadowboxing. you cant keep up with his hands either
  10. thank you! yeah i wouldnt want to part with it, but he says..well i can always make another one...
  11. when and where is it. I lvie in Charlotte also. I train in shelby in Shorin Ryu and do suplemental training with a friend of my senseis in Tae Kwon Do. i'd like to go check this tournement out possibly though. shoot em some info please
  12. i was under the impression..and based on what i've searched. the 5 are tiger panther snake dragon and crane however..i've heard mention of monkey? are panther and tiger closely related?
  13. and can i get a brief description of each?
  14. this is like saying which came first..chicken or egg. liddel and arlovski are the 2 main winners in ufc and they stand up. plus ufc or pride do not allow some of the "advanced" real life techniques that would occur ina live situation
  15. I know it easy to get overwhelmed with that list. just take it one day at a time. like the cliche..dont worry about the destination, enjoy the journey. just work hard and you'll reap the benfits and learn all the katas eventually. and 4-5 years sounds good for the black belt. good luck
  16. go for all 3. just take your time. you have alifetime to continue learning. as far as which one first. start with bo as that will be like a foundation to build upon with other weapons.
  17. only people i see wearing under armor are the big freaks in the weight room showing off their bodies.. i'd stick to sweat suits unless your ripped.
  18. i usaully wash mine in the machine, then lay flat to dry. once it air dries. i'll throw it in the dryer for about 10 minutes to soften it up. take to the cleaners every month and half or so to get it strached. I also do this before any test or tournement. I also wash after every workout.
  19. yeah i like the water/sandbased bottom bags best for home use. even if you hang the other types from the ceiling, long term wailing can cause structural damage
  20. tigerclaw.com they have excellent prices and quality is top-notch. a heavyweight Gi for 45 bucks that lasted me over 5 years.
  21. hey, check out this samurai suit. my brother made it and i'm in the pics. just wanted to show it off. elvenforge.com/samurai.html
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