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Everything posted by Chaz

  1. I have just recently started to prefere palm over punch, just seems easier to stay relaxed till point of contact. I also feel I can put more power behind them.
  2. I'm sorry, I don't believe that you sir, have trained hard enough to harness your own humility, otherwise you wouldn't be generalizing on one opinion. I train in San Soo, also known simply as Chinese Street Fighting. My art is based on the fact that someday, I may have to fight for my very life. Now just becuase I train in this art, doesn't mean that I cannot walk away from a potentially bloody situation, because I have and will any chance that I have in such a scenario. I HATE fighting, absolutely and utterly, but if I am forced to, I will do what ever I have to do to save my own life or even another. Now just becuase I beleive in my art and it's philosophies, doesn't mean that I think it's the only way. The same art/method is not right for everyone and that's something everyone should understand. If you or anyone else is training as a martial artist by tournament fighting or what have you, more power to you! But maybe you should humble yourself and refrain from critisism on this topic.
  3. Ya... I wear Work-out pants and a T-Shirt. Dress isn't important to me, unless it's a demo or something of the sort.
  4. Unfortunately, I don't. Thank You Anyways
  5. Blood is pressurized in your circulatory system, you can't create an air pocket by merely hitting your opponents artery, that's why if you were to inject yourself with air you would die, your heart would have nothing to pump on a single beat and that would be it. The actually effect would be a pulse to the heart, a flutter if you will. In this particular stike, It would either hold blood back for a split second, or force it foward depending on where the heart beat is at when/how your opponent is struck. But I agree if you know what your doing, it is a very shocking strike. (though I favor the hammer strike).
  6. Aikido is a really internal art. I've never taken it, but I researched alot and own a few books on it. It has an interesting philosophy because it's purpose in combat is to merely pacify assilants, because ethically "It is wrong to hurt people even in ones own defense" (As it says in the book I have). Like most Internal Arts, it takes quite a long time to make it street effective, but you should check it out It's a really unique and impressive art, you may like it.
  7. That guy in the last link has a book out, It's freakin' Hilarious.
  8. Thanks, that's some good information, much appreciated.
  9. Chivalry, Not dead indeed. Great Article!
  10. I'm not too crazy about JKD schools in general. I think if your going to teach JKD school, then you should pick a base art that you can become familiar with as to attain balance, self-confidence, and just plain application. Get to know yourself before you jump right into the fire. The way Bruce came upon this concept was because of the skill he gained through Wing Chun and recognizing his weaknesses. Through this process you will take your time, and naturally start to pick up other technique from other disciplines as we all do naturally anyways (well most of us). I guess my main point is, there's no way to rush Jeet Kune Do, you have to see it through your own ability. That's just my take, hope it helps someone.
  11. Sorry, I meant to answer directly to the first topic question.
  12. Yes, I can see alot of that being very effective in the streets, he is obviously a skilled individual. Nice Clip!
  13. In my school there is no testing, only promotion. This seems outrageous to me, your instructors show know your abiliyt and recognize it over time, not in a 2 hour session. Just my opinion.
  14. Actually, I've always kicked the same with my left and right. I don't really have a preference. I supose this is a good thing.
  15. Below:
  16. You might have exima, I have it and I get that sometimes.
  17. You can stop doing basics when you've mastered the art your in, even then you should probably still do them every now and then. Of course, if your a teacher or school owner, that wouldn't be a hard thing to accomplish. ...Bad idea
  18. Does he think that is helping? Crazy...
  19. One of my ultimate goals in Martial Arts is to be able to evade all attacks thrown at me, that way I won't have to get hit. I think that would be really useful.
  20. I think every martial artist should read this book! Even if you don't plan on studying the art, you'll most likely change your mind if your serious about martial arts.
  21. That's when i started actually... Good age, definatly not too young. I've always wished I would have started earlier...
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