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Everything posted by Kieran-Lilith

  1. ....Why would you spin a bo staff in the first place? I can't see a practical use for it, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. Ummm....I've only tried the bo staff, and I'm pretty terrible....I can't count the number of times I've whacked myself in the head with a bo staff, and had my friend lecture me on how I would be a serious disgrace to the ancient Japanese. I said that was nice, it's an awful good thing I'm an American.
  3. It occured to me about five minutes ago that I didn't say what the Wizard's rules are. That was stupid. So here they are now. 1. People are stupid. They will believe what they want to be true, or what they fear to be true. 2. The greatest harm can come from the best intentions. 3. Passion rules reason. 4. In forgiveness we grant, and more so forgiveness we receive. There is magic in forgiveness, magic to heal. 5. Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie. 6.The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason. 7. Life is the future, not the past. 8. Deserve Victory. 9. A contradiction cannot exist in reality. Heh, sorry for the brain lapse, I've just gotten used to saying Wizards' Rules and people knowing what I mean.
  4. I sparred Sensei. I learned something. Always keep your head guarded. I got hit in the head so many times I was dizzy and couldn't see straight and still had to try and fight.
  5. The Wizard's Rules, by Terry Goodkind.
  6. I dont know if I would. Would you? Yes, and then I would sign up for the Witness Protection Program and move to another state and change my name.
  7. Only thing we're allowed to scissor off is labels. Sensei hates the labels, makes us look messy, he says.
  8. Lesse.... taller than me, but not by much (I'm 5'9"), brown, impossible hair, dark brown eyes if anyone chooses to care about personality.... Patient, considerate, protective, gentle, polite, respectful, charming
  9. ::edit:: Sorry, double post. We really should be allowed to delete our own.
  10. If I could make the tiniest difference to benefit everybody in some way, I sure hope I'd take the chance. If it was a system of self sacrifice for the "greater good", heck with that, I fight for myself. I'll fight to the end for my beliefs, for there will always be someone else to pick up where I left off is something should go wrong. I can't just lie down when I can see something very wrong, it's not in my nature.
  11. I haven't got a clue what type it is. I think it's open, I really can't say I know the differences that well. Rockford, OH, USA.
  12. In our dojo, short kiais are what we learn. People who do the annoyingly long, shrill ones do push-ups. And then if you aren't loud enough you do push-ups. And if you do them at the wrong time, push-ups.....hmmm....lots of push-ups....
  13. Now that I have my orange belt, I like it pretty well. It goes down just the right amount for me, and it's not even really stiff, even though it's new. Go figure. Shouldn't take too long to break it in with all the sparring and such we've been doing lately.
  14. Put some sort of red clothing article and a white belt in the washer together. That'll turn it pink real fast. And if it doesn't.....food dye!
  15. Been pulled up for demos once or twice, can't say I enjoy the experience. I've fought Sensei sparring and grappling. Once there was the occasion where I tried to fight him when he was showing my friend a technique....ow....bad idea....but never had any lasting damage. I've broken my Sensei's wrist, though.
  16. Hi. On March 13th, I get to go to my first ever competion with a friend, who is also going to her first competition. Neither of us have a clue how to prepare for it, nor have a clue what it will be like, mentally, physically, etc. Could you please gives us tips on how to get ready for it and what it will be like?
  17. Haha! My original post is no longer valid! I'm finally an orange belt!!!!! Finally!!!! 5 months, 5 months of waiting....sheesh. Now, when can I test for blue, I wonder? I already know the kata I need for that, and almost all the terminology....heh.....many more months, I think.
  18. I've had a few weird things in my life.... Saw a UFO when I was 4, freaked me out because there was a pretty glowing ball of light in the sky (and no it was not the moon, the moon is different) and then it disappeared when I hadn't blinked. Saw my grandparents, both of whom are dead, when I was 7. Ran into chills in the warmest part of the house. Felt constantly watched in some places. And get a very disturbing feeling, like I'm doing something awfully terribly wrong, something I shouldn't be doing, telling sometheing I oughtn't, every single time I start to talk about any of this. Every single time, I get the most disturbing feeling in the world, that makes me want to delete whatever I typed, and hide, because it's scary. Does anyone else get that feeling, or am I just special?
  19. I would hope so. And sorry, I can't tell if people are guys or girls yet, unless it's about obvious. I haven't been around here very long. And I assure you, some of us younger people can understand it. A bit too well, if you ask me. We didn't date because it was "cool". We did because we care about each other so much. Still do. And this, this was a crazy long distance relationship. Most of this happened while he was in AZ, USA, and I am in OH, USA. So no, I really don't think there was much going on here just to be "cool". Anyway, in my opinion, some people our age can understand it. It just means you're more mature, or have gone through more in life. He was my best friend....heck, he still is my best friend, has been since 2nd grade. Some of us understand the absolute devotion it takes, and the sacrifice. Just....a lot of people our age don't.
  20. How is it crazy? It makes perfect sense! At least it does in my head....maybe there's a good reason my school thinks I need to be locked up? Hey, any other girls, tell me if my advice makes any sense. It makes sense to me, apparently, but maybe not guys?
  21. Several bits of advice, from the girl's (albeit I'm a bit of an odd one, but this sort of thing can't be all that uncommon) point of view. 1. We are NOT trophies. We do not appreciate being treated like property. 2. Listen to us. We do have good ideas. 3. I would not try the kissing thing. It would just tick me and my friends off, and we all know karate. 4. Be our best friend in the world. 5. Be there when we need you. 6. Don't rule our lives. You try, you die. 7. Don't let your life become out life. You have your life, we have ours. 8. Let us keep our secrets to ourselves. 9. Have some confidence, you are not a lost puppy, are you? 10. Care enough to know when the relationship should be ended. 11. Don't push us farther than we want to go, in any terms. 12. Have patience. Now, I'm 14 years old, nearly 15. I learned all that from one relationship. Just one. It went on since I was 13 years old, and only recently ended. But it's still not over, because we love each other too much to let it be. But we broke rules in that relationship, one's that I've said. That's what tore it apart.
  22. Absolute fascination with it. That, and my dad is was a brown belt in TKD. So, I always wanted to become something in MA too, simply to make him proud. And as one of my best friends went to a nearby dojo.... I love MA. Makes me happier than anything. I just got my orange belt yesterday. Besides, it's good for staying in shape, and the discipline I learn there sure helps out, because I really, really had no discipline at school before.
  23. Always, always, always stretch. It's a very bad idea to not stretch. And I know I'm just repeating what everyone else is saying, here, but the're right!
  24. I'm one of two teenage girls in my dojo. There's about 3 teenage boys. One of them is like my brother, the other one is an arrogant jerk, and the other one is a very scary high ranking person. No chance of me ever having a problem.
  25. Only thing I remember about them is my old teacher at the McDojo throwing them at us and getting hit in the head if I wasn't paying attention....
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