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Everything posted by Kieran-Lilith

  1. I can read it pfrecetly. And are there 6 Fs, cathal?
  2. Heh, excuse, I WAS the only person who knew his past. Stupid me, that's what I get for trying to talk late at night. Now, I have my three friends who know and my parents. And I'll betcha that list will still grow, but I can't see a point to me having anything to do with him anymore. I tried to help him, he didn't want help from me or from anyone.
  3. Yeah, I agree with the having trouble NOT thinking too. It's either one or the other. As my friend puts it, "You think when you shouldn't and you don't think when you should." Sadly, it's very true. But sometimes I get it right!
  4. Telling his parents would involve making him tell what his life's been like, I'm the only one who knows the whole story, I swore I wouldn't tell. Besides, he's had help before, he won't let them help. Hell, I've told him to get help, he says cigarettes are better than me, at least those don't tell you you need psychiatric help. He tried suicide a few years back, the best I can do right now, is advise his current girlfriend so she doesn't get hurt. I can't do anything else, he won't let me, and it's not my job to play all of God's angels, I've tried doing that for long enough.
  5. Thank you all for the advice. Just to let you all know now, I am beginning to hate the boy. It's not nice, but REALLY! He had no right....ummm, to make a long story short, when we were dating I cut my hair against his wishes. He didn't like that. He finally saw a pic of what I look like now, with short hair (It's shorter than some boys' hair at school). He obviously hated it, and blew his top, said I looked like a boy, I said I liked it and was happy, and if he was even my friend that's all that should matter to him. He proceeds to tell me how he realizes why he always felt so hurt by me, and why Fate always stood in the way of his being with me (I realize that too, it's so he would stay FAR FAR AWAY) and how he's trying so hard to get over me, and how sometimes, when he feels hurt, he imagines beating my friends up, and when he feels really really hurt, he imagines beating me up (Umm....someone remind me what I was doing with this guy in the first place...and he's only a month and a half older than me!) and how he realized I had changed so much since second grade (I should hope so, I'm a freshman in highschool, not a toddler) and how he is trying to get off me, and it's like quitting cigarettes, only those don't tell you that you need psychiatric help (Telling him he needs help was one of my better ideas, if you ask me). Yada yada yada, and then he tells me never to speak to him again unless I get over this "emotional abuse crap". Well, gee, it's nice to know that how I feel matters so much. And then he dares to say that maybe it's time he starts ditching his old virtues (what virtues?) and starts trying to be like everyone else, because it works well enough for me. The ONLY TIME I EVER SACRIFICED MY VIRTUES WAS BECAUSE OF HIM!!!!! Go to hell, Andrew. (Sorry, that would be his name.) Sorry people, I really needed to rant. Really really needed to rant. Thank you for listening, which might not have been the best idea.
  6. There've been a few fails in our dojo...and I think there's a few kids who really don't deserve the color around their waist, but they have it none the less, and it's Sensei's judgement that counts, not mine. But I really do think they shouldn't have that belt if they can't even tell Sensei what yoi-dachi is....Oh well....Sensei goes easier on the little ones, but for us teens, it's no simple matter. We actually have to know what we're doing.
  7. I don't know why, I just got the sudden curiousity of what everybody's favorite easter candy is. Some things they only sell around easter, it seems, like my favorite. Nestle Peanutbutter Eggs....Love those things....so what's everyone else's faves?
  8. Yeah, I agree, it really is a matter of trying to tell yourself to stop thinking about whatever it is your thinking about and get back to thinking about training. But when Sensei goes off on a tangent....it's fascinating, what I learn during the tangents, just the problem is, I found it so fascinating I forgot what technique we were supposed to be doing.
  9. Annoying songs? I know LOTS of annoying songs. Necessary for any kid who went to my elementary school to know. Anyway, we already seem to have the good old "Song that Never Ends", now we need "I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, BUMP, everybody's nerves, BUMP, everybody's nerves, BUMP, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes BUM BUM BUM, I know a song...." And so on. Then "Rats? I hate rats. They drive me crazy. I was crazy once. The put me in the loony bin. It's cold there, it's dark there, there's rats there. Rats? I hate rats..." And so on. Then "Worms? I hate worms. They drive me crazy. I was crazy once. They locked me in the loony bin. I died there. They buried me. It's cold there, it's dark there, there's worms there. Worms? I hate worms..." And so on. If you can't tell, I'm a master at annoying the hell out of people. I hope none of my little songs got caught in anyone's head! ::edit:: Oh, darn, I almost forgot one! We heard this one from my friend's dad. Hee hee, hee hee, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming to take me away! HA HA! Hee hee, hee hee, to the happy home, With tree and flowers and chirping birds, And baskey weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're coming to take me away, HA HAAAAA!!!!!!
  10. Yeah, you could say we have a lot of techniques. Then, you might not, as they're really hard to make an idea of where one technique stops and the other begins, it all flows together, which is precisely what makes it so hard to learn. The names aren't hard for me to remember. Then, I sit down and study the packet of Japanese to English terms closely enough I know stuff I won't need to know for several tests yet. Code words? Well, not really, but on zenkutsu-dachi, most that have been there a while will just call it zen, kokutsu-dachi, kokuts, stuff like that. Is it really code names though? I could care less what the name of the technique is. I know some techniques that I can't remember the name of for the life of me, but I know the technique hurts, badly. I couldn't use my arm for the next day after one of these in particular, but I think that's my partner's fault....everyone else seemed relatively okay....
  11. Name: Kayla Rank: 7th kyu Style: Eugue Ryu Karate Jutsu
  12. Sensei doesn't like colored gis. Especially red gis. He says if we ever see anyone at tournament wearing a red gi, and they're in our division, beat them as badly as you can, because red means your a master. He enjoys watching us prove them wrong.
  13. Mine are usually rolled up to a bit below my elbows, though that's normally just because we're practicing something that if my sleeves are rolled down they'll get caught. During tournaments and such they're rolled down. But mostly, they're rolled up because a higher rank ordered it so and I don't know if I'm allowed to have them down.
  14. Yes, they get hit more. I can't prove it, but they do. Listen: I never wore headgear and such. I never got hit in the head but a few light touches. I wore headgear and stuff at the tournament. I got a concussion from some kid a bit bigger than me punching my head full force. Twice. Both times I did all I could to get away from where the most power would have been in the punch, and succeeded. I still got a concussion. So, there's your answer.
  15. I study Eugue-Ryu Karate Jutsu, as it's called in full. Normally just called Eugue Ryu.(yes it is real, I really don't feel like debating that) Reason for picking it....there's an extreme apparent lack of MA around here, until you see all the people that show up a tournament. But my friend goes to this one, told me about it. Sensei likes him because he's bringing more of us highschool aged kids in. Me, my friend who just got her yellow belt, and soon enough another friend of ours.
  16. No, not a western style. It's Japanese, according to Sensei. I don't know if you found the site for the one in Lima, because our school website has a page of pictures, most of which have techniques and such. No it's not made up. Yes it's a certified system, I know we have a Grandmaster in charge of us. Then again, he's in charge of our system. I'm not good at dojo politics. We have Grandmaster Jake D. Allen. He's in charge of American Jukido Ryu, apparently. Sorry I don't know much, I never seem to. Okay, since I can't do much, I can give links to sites. Oh, and cathal, that's okay, that's the name of our school. http://hometown.aol.com/shockwav24/Jukidokai1.html School Website, never updated from what I've seen. Get's quite annoying, but oh well. http://www.americanjukidoryu.netfirms.com/history.htm Website for the system Grandmaster Jake D. Allen is in charge of. On the history page because I can't figure out why the homepage is talking about downloads. http://www.mararts.org/active/BB1.shtml United States MA Association. Grandmaster Jake D. Allen is under American Jukido Ryu. I haven't got a clue if this proves anything to anyone. But, since some people suggested a McDojo, please give a definition of a McDojo.
  17. I feel alone in the world....C'mon, surely some people must be in this style.....or it could just be me, which means I'll end up having to learn every little detail about it.....
  18. Well, as the topic says, does anyone on this site besides myself study Eugue-Ryu? It seems like I'm all alone or something.... Okay, if no one studies Eugue-Ryu, does anyone know my Sensei, Shane Topp?
  19. I pay $30 per month. Well, I did, until Mom took over since I wasn't working often anymore.
  20. Coffee is gross!!!! I'm 15 too, but I can't stand to be in the same room with the stuff, it smells. Maybe I'm different than 3Hit because I'm a girl?
  21. This has a really odd tenedancy to happen around me and my green belt friend. We're both unnaturally flexible, me in particular, and so techniques that mess everyone else up don't hurt us in the least. We don't even have to act. Like, Sensei Fee was grappling me, got me into a weird sort of lock so I'm on my stomach incapable of using my legs because he's sitting on them. It's supposed to hurt. It didn't hurt me at all, just made my legs numb out a little. So he tried to do something to correct it. Unfortunately for him, I'm really ticklish too, and started laughing. Lots of other people were grappling at the time, and so stopped to see why on earth a yellow belt was laughing at the black belt. It confused the class, but I made both the senseis laugh. And nobody can do wrist locks on me or my friend either, they don't usually work real well, unless you can get ahold of us. That being a big problem.
  22. Going absolutely nowhere. Not like I can, anyway. I've had a fever nonstop for about 6 days, and I'm BORED!!!! They won't let me in the dojo, and even if they would, I barely feel strong enough to stand....
  23. You know, June1, that if people hear you say that they'll declare you a nutter? I said a few hundred times at school.....they now believe I'm some nut hooked on fighting and violence and that I have to be dating the green belt boy who goes to my karate school and high school. The answer the that is: NOOOO!!!! That would be disturbing, and not at all productive during class. Though, because I'm his friend, he cracks down harder on me than anyone....
  24. Hehe....My friends insist I'm addicted to Mountain Dew. I usually say no comment, but truthfully, I'd have to agree. I love the stuff, so, naturally, they steal it from me whenever I get it to try and keep my from being hyper. (I believe the MD makes me hyper....and so it does. Oh, does it....hehe.) Of course, I know it's not good for me. I know the stuff, before it's in drinkable form, has to be transported with toxic warning signs on the trucks.....It's toxic, alright, but it's good!
  25. I'm not actually overly sure on most what kind of katas we do....ummm....I'm only an orange belt, but I do know some things. I know we use the Pinan series, and the Nihachi (sp?) series, then we have ichikyu, nikyu and sankyu....I have to go check the list at my dojo, because I'm afraid I don't know much else. I know there's more kata than that though. You know, it's really hard to look at a list that's been taken down. We're changing dojos. Hallelujah! (Maybe us normal sized teenagers won't keep tripping over the midgets, now.)
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