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Everything posted by Kieran-Lilith

  1. Have it, read it in 6 hours, love it. Best yet. Can't wait for the next one. I can't believe she killed him off, though! How could she!!! And the Half Blood Prince, THAT was unexpected.
  2. Many many reasons. One being I had joined when I was younger, but had then quit. Rather, my parents made me quit. They didn't like the instructor, and actually, I wasn't a big fan of him either. He messed with my brother too much.... Another being, my dad made it to brown belt in TKD. I wanted to make it that far in something like that, too. Then, one of my best friends is in the MA. He got me to the school we're at now. I always did have a faint interest in the Eastern culture, but I didn't know it would apply to karate as well. Actually, anything spiritual or mental I didn't know about....I thought it was just a bunch of fighting and memorizing kata. Oh, how wrong I was....I'm so happy I was wrong....And, as someone else said earlier, the longer I stay, the more reasons I find to keep going...even when Sensei won't open the windows or turn on the AC in this dreadful OH humid heat....
  3. Okay, so now I have ichikyu, nikyu, pinan shodan, sankyu, naihanchi shodan. I think that means I'm up for pinan nidan. Grand...That's a purple or green belt kata, I'm at least two, if not three belts away from that...
  4. Hmm...Sensei calls us all up, lines us up in order of rank, has us all turn around and take our belts off, turn back around with our old belts over our shoulders, then goes down the line, starting at the lowest ranking, puts our belts on, shakes our hand, we bow, then he continues down the line. Then everybody goes in line (by rank, of course) and shakes their hand, says some sort of congradgulations, occasionally theres a few bows in there too, then we all go take our new place in line.
  5. You mean that's actually possible? Wow. I'd forgotten that.
  6. Atalanta and I have a new funny story! Hold on, I must slap her for a new dirty comment. Anyway, the story goes as such. We are working on different applications for things from the kata Naihanchi Shodan, or Tekki Shodan. One of Sensei's students was helping him, and Sensei had just put him into a weird sort of hold. It was his turn to move. He sneezed on Sensei's arm. There was utter silence...and I lost it and started laughing, then the rest of the dojo joined in. Afterall, it's funny to see a nikyu sneeze on Sensei's arm. Then Sensei called him Snot Boy.
  7. Yes, it's hard to remember the English for it. The Japanese is more descriptive. Of course, now I'm in obsessive studying mode since I have my test coming up.
  8. Rather than joke around on the serious version of this, I thought it might be productive to make a more amusing thread of this. Henceforth, the Funny Version. Hamster Fu - The art of being a small fuzzy rodent and karate choping carrots while singing and dancing.
  9. They do bite really hard. I have a few scars from mine. They also like to randomly go to the restroom while sitting on you.
  10. As there seems to be an utter fascination with bunnies on a thread in the Humor section, I think I'm listening to June1 and making a thread about bunnies. Speaking of the furry little devils, I had one until last week. Quite interesting.
  11. Thanks everybody. I was in a really bad mood with my workplace when I started this thread. I still hate my job, but I'm going to see if they'll let me host sometimes. I think I'm old enough to do that, at least. And they make better money than the bussers, and they get tips. So I'm going to check that out. And I think Mom and I agree that the best thing for me to do is to just stay where I work now until I turn 16. It'll look good on a job application. The sad thing is, I keep going back there because I need money so I can go to the dojo. I love that more than I hate this. Or I'm thick-headed. It's got to be one of the two.
  12. I bowed while I was welcoming the guests into the restraunt tonight...definitely a few odd looks, even from my co-workers...then, they know I'm the "karate girl"...of course, they were getting kinda buzzed....
  13. Anyone else thinks this needs moved to the humor threads?
  14. Flying lessons, huh? I get thoses too. We were doing back to back the other day, and we aren't allowed to stand up. I was sparring one of my senseis, I would stand on my knees, I would get kicked in the chest while he was on his back. Several times I flew half way across the mats, and that can't be easy to do, because I'm bigger than most the dojo kids my age....actually, no, I AM the biggest dojo kid my age.
  15. Addicted...yes, I'm definitely hooked on karate....That just might explain why my favorite topic is karate, why I think about MA all the time, why I keep randomly bowing, why I obsessively practice my kata...yes, you could say I'm addicted. But my grades went up, I'm more fit, reflexes are faster, and, of course, I'm slightly more socialble. This is my 13th month...and I'm up for blue belt! Haha!
  16. Ninga Turtle Do- The art of slow moving, slow punching and slow kicking, all while wearing a very large turtle shell.
  17. Well, as a girl, I'd rather train with they guys, no offense to the ladies I train with. Though I do like to train with Atalanta. Mostly I like to train with the guys because they're bigger than the rest of the girls in the dojo, all of whom are shorter than myself. Therefore, the guys tend to make training a bit easier. Though there are some guys who seem to think they shouldn't hit us....it's always fun to spar them....
  18. Hmm...I keep randomly starting to practice kata, and that gets a LOT of weird looks, especially the bowing, then the rest of it...heheh...it's a good kata, I like practicing it. Ummm...where else have I bowed....I bowed to my boss, I bowed to my parents, I bowed to my friend (he's higher ranking than me, but this was outside the dojo.). Oh! How could I forget? The other day when my friends and I were together, we had duels with plastic glowing lightsabers. We conducted them as sparring matches, so there was bow to the judge, bow to each other, fighting stances, hajime! Heheh...we had fun doing that. Oddly enough, I'm the only one who came out unharmed...
  19. Hmm....lately, I think more "Huh?" "Sensei's confusing me." "Sensei's off his rocker" "I don't wanna" "Ouch!!!! Oss! Owwww!" "I hope she doesn't hit me in the head again." "Why am I the guinea pig? Why not green belt boy?" "I wonder when I'm gonna test..." "I'm tired" "Interesting..." And sometimes, once in a great while, there is nothing irrevelant floating around up there. And as others have mentioned, it's the zoning out in other places that causes problems, not zoning in the dojo.
  20. I've done Ichikyu, Nikyu, Pinan Shodan, Sankyu, and will (hopefully) get to work on Nihanchi (sp?) Shodan. Lucky me, I've already been walked through that kata, so it shouldn't be too hard.
  21. Hmm....no peacocks for us. We have the Japanese gate thing, a bit of kanji, and our school symbol, but no peacocks.
  22. Welcome, and have fun.
  23. Welcome, and glad to hear at least somebody's going to use that search button.
  24. It sounds like a good thing. From what little I know, it sounds like mushin. I would practice again, but if you try and get there again you probably won't.
  25. MA builds up the weirdest muscles, ones you didn't even know you had. Apparently, they do exist, and they can whine just as loudly as the muscles you already knew you had. I would guess because your muscles get built better, maybe not big, but stronger from kata and weird positions, then they would recover faster.
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