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Everything posted by Kieran-Lilith
Ummm.....does being an elementary school legend count? I got out of that place about 4 years back, and they're all still talking about me and my two best friends. We were the weirdos, so somehow, someway, we have a legacy. If that doesn't count, then...ummm...Nope, I'm no one special then. Wait, no, I'm special! Mommy says! Lol, sorry, my friends get it.
Oh, does anyone know what happens if your wrist is twisted and bent in? I'd like to find out, in case we work on it again.
I'll only tell if it gets worse. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he did some damage, but he taught me the move nonetheless, I can do it, and do it well, now. The sankyu I'm talking about is one of Sensei' favorites to pick on, because he is actually a bit of a bully. My first month in the dojo I was taught (by my friend) to avoid him at all costs, and to try and make myself go unnoticed. The Sankyu is fine, just not during the advanced class. In the beginners it's fine, he's nice, he'll give me points on how to do better, and how to fight in a sparring match, but once the adult class starts, if he's there again on Tuesday, then I already know I'm going to want to hide. The move we practiced was supposed to cause pain...to your wrist only. My entire arm and upper back hurt. And he knows what he's doing, so I would assume he pulled some nasty trick to make it hurt worse. And yes, both quotes are from him, the second given to me while he was twisting my wrist. The first when he was frustrated I wasn't getting angry and attempting to kill him.
We do tell them when it hurts. We tap the mat, we can't actually say anything, but I know I tapped the damnable mat often enough, and was holding my arm next to me, probably looking like a wounded child or something. I'm still just a lowly yellow belt, but really, I didn't think what he was doing was necessary. I have another friend in karate, who I told about the previous night before (he's taking a month off), and he's furious with the Sankyu. Note, he's only a Gokyu, therefore can't do a thing. What he says the sankyu did, is not only twist my wrist, but bend it in the way that can tear my muscle. Not appreciated. But since my friend isn't there all this month, he can't very well do much, and chances are I'll be partnered with the sankyu quite frequently. If I am, and he continues his little cause lots of pain thing, then I'd appreciate knowing how to block it, some. Oh, the signature I currently have was said by him that night. That was nearly a week ago, and I still hate using my wrist for anything. And no, I'm not telling Sensei, I'm the the advanced class, I can't whine to him, but I can find away around what can happen to me again.
Most hated/killer excersise?
Kieran-Lilith replied to Akaineko's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Oh, take that back, I thought of something worse. Marching lines. We do either a stance, or some sparring technique, or whatever it was Sensei says, all the way down the dojo, in lines, on the count. If you mess up, then you're in trouble. If somebody whines, it's push ups. If the lines don't stand in yoi while waiting for their turn, push ups. -
As to the matter of extreme pain: I felt like my hand was being ripped off and it was mental torture to get up and willing punch at the sankyu again and again. To the matter of being sore: Yeah, if I'm sore I worked hard, probably enough to please Sensei. If I"m not, then I lazed about in his eyes. To the matter of pain being enjoyable: I'm quite positive the sankyu is crazy. My sig is what he said to me early on that night.
All I can say, is I was sort of lucky. There was only one other kid testing for the same rank as I, but he stopped in the middle of the test, and did his the next class because he didn't know what he was doing. So I was all by myself, and got a funny look from Sensei, and a mild reprimand, but I still got my belt!
Well, it's not the muscle hurting part that gets me. It's when we practice techniques meant to cause extreme pain on each other. Like, I forget what it's called, but we were essentially pinning each other by the wrist. I had the "fortune" to be working with a Sankyu (no offense if you read this, I'm just not happy about the pain) and he was particuarly good at this. My question is how do you put up with that pain? Pain from the stuff that's meant to cause injury.
Okay, I know this topic is probably a bit weird, but oh well. How do you get used to pain, or block it? And how, how, how is it possible for the people in my dojo (highest ranking people) to be ENJOYING the pain? Does anyone else enjoy pain around here? Is me hating it just odd for a MA student? Okay, just curious...
Most hated/killer excersise?
Kieran-Lilith replied to Akaineko's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I hate the "nightmare days". We'll do some sort of strength training, and if we whine...well...I ensure the little brats don't whine. After that, the only thing I ever hate doing, as a punishment (as a warm-up it's okay), is hearing the shouted words of "ON YOUR KNUCKLES!!!". I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Usually, my kyu is in trouble for some fool thing or other, because they're misbehaving little brats. I don't do anything, I do what Sensei says, when he says to do it. Really. They whine, though...And okay, I'll stop, in the prayer that nobody from my dojo ever reads this post... -
I have one that nobody else does! Eugue-Ryu! My style!
Lesse... 1) One of my first ever classes, we were working on mawashi-geri. I have problems with leaning over, so, I tried to do one, and I landed hard on my back, making a great big thud. I jumped to my feet before Sensei even had time to look and see what happened, and was already back to trying to kill the bag. The brown belt near me thought this was hilarious. Sensei asked if I was okay, all I did was nod and smile rather daftly. My head hurt. 2) A month or two back, we were working on flying jump kicks. My first kick, I ran, I jumped...I missed, and landed, again, hard on my back. I popped right up again, though, and looked really embarassed. For the rest of the class though, I kicked harder than anyone else. They voted me strongest kicker. 3) During my yellow belt test....I did everything just right. Then it was time for katas. I forgot to bow for the first kata.
Let's see....I go to school with one of my superiors, which always makes for a fun situation. I'm not good at the whole "hear and obey" thing, though. So usualy he gets a very mocking "Yes sir!". But once, when I knew he was very serious, he got a bow from seisa. I think I've bowed to teachers. And no matter what, even if Sensei says we don't have to, if I"m in the dojo for any reason, then I bow where we always do. I don't know why, but it feels like I'm breaking a serious code if I don't bow.
Okay...I've never actually broken the brick, but I only tried once. Master said I came incredibly close for a first try. I punched it. Hard. Put all your force behind it. Maybe you can break it then. I don't see the point, personally. Sensei says it's not good for you, and I can see why. Breaking a brick does not teach me how to defend myself. It teachs me how to damange my fists.
You never wash your belt, unless you can't tie it because it's so stiff. Sensei said not to. And his belt is turning grey, he says soon enough he'll be a white belt again, and he'll have even more too learn, he says he's never stopped. Sorry if I sound kind of idolistic, it's not normal for me. But Sensei is Sensei, and you never question Sensei's underlings. You can question him sometimes, he's nice.
Okay, well, I don't know where else to put this. I have a friend who is always getting me in trouble over etiquette (yes, he is a friend, he's obsessed with me doing perfectly). The problem being, is we aren't told the proper etiquette. Does anyone know etiquette for Japanese MA? I sure don't. What's more, if it's specific to the Eugue-Ryu style, I'd be very happy. I really don't know what else to do, and I really despise getting in trouble. Please and thank you.
Why did you start your martial art?
Kieran-Lilith replied to The Saint's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I started Modern Martial Arts in the 4th grade. I was there for a bout a year, and I think I originally joined there because my little brother was there and I absolutely refused to to allow him to be better than me at anything. Now, roughly 4 years later, I've joined the Eugue-Ryu style, which I love. If I have to miss a class, I practically go into mourning. My friend got me interested again, he was always going on about his dojo and his Sensei, and how interesting it was, and he used pressure points on us from time to time, to show us what he went through sometimes. During the summer we spent a bit of time together, and I started going to his school in July. I refuse to leave. I love the place, and we get a new dojo! Our Sensei knows what he's talking about, I like him a lot more than Master. -
Ummmm...ususally "Oh, that's interesting" "Not again" "wonder what my bf's up to..." "this is boring." Total lala land. "how much longer" "Can I sit down" "ouch, ouch, ouch, pain!(only after what we refer to as the "nightmare lessons")
Okay...well...I feel stupid...Maybe there's a good reason after all I suddenly have to obey. Man, this is killing my ego. The one think I've never had to get rid of, is what my friend (who is my superior) and the rest of the higher belts are trying to teach me...that makes sense...that explains why they're mean sometimes...also why they feel it necessary to cause so much pain. Pain's the only thing that works on me...
I joined a modern MA class (don't even know they style, so don't ask, just know I'm not fond of that style as I see little to no value in it) when I was around 10, was there for a bout a year, got up to blue belt (I skipped everything from white to blue, apparently, Master didn't see why I needed to be in the other ranks), and quit shortly after. I started up again in a new style in July '04, on my friend's advice. Since then, I'm up to 9th kyu, and testing next month for 8th kyu. My friend think's I'll probably test for seventh kyu by the end of the year.
I'm the second Eugue Ryu stylist here! Wow, are we unknown or what? Sensei says that a lot of what we do is based off what the Samurai's were taught, and in the advanced class, you can see that much easier than in the beginner's class. He has a bunch of old weapons too, we're almost never allowed to touch them, but he's let us use the naginata a few times. Eugue, if anyone wants to know more about it, post somewhere, and I will try to the very best of my hachikyu (yellow belt, we don't have stripes) ability to find out more. Just curious. Is it common to have stripes on your belts? I know Master Mark did in my old school, but Sensei Topp doesn't have them. I'm just trying to figure out what's modern MA and what's not. My new dojo is currently, in the cases of the higher belts, beating my old habits out of me. Not fun.
Hey, I'm new here too. Glad to see there's at least one other Eugue-Ryu style person around here, I just ran a search, looks like we might be two of five, tops. Unless anyone comes forward, that is.
Hi. I'm Kieran-Lilith. I'm currently a yellow belt in the Eugue Ryu style. I was a blue belt in modern, but my current Sensei, and the higher ranked belts are working those habits out of me. In the case of the higher belts, it's beating it out of me. Ouch. Oh, wait, I'm not allowed to say that...oops...Anyway, my orange belt test is coming up next month, please wish me luck, since I don't know all my katas, which is a problem.