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Everything posted by Kieran-Lilith

  1. Well, Son Goku, as I am a lowly sophomore, and have been to only one HC, I can say little on the matter, especially as I am a girl, therefore have a very different perspective. I will say, though, White Warlock is right. If you go to have fun, you will. If you go to see and be seen...well, I can't say you'll have a good time. I went with my bf of the time last year, and I am NEVER doing that one again anytime soon. So-best advice being: We're kids. Let's try and keep our feet on the ground and our heads out of the clouds and not play drama queen (or king). It makes things worse. And besides, we don't need to worry about guys or girls yet, you can't be more than a freshman or sophomore.
  2. I know I am a different person, certainly. I bet some of you remember when I first joined up here, and I was a whiny little yellow belt who complained about orders, pain, not knowing etiquette, and everything else under the sun, and never bothered to change things for herself because I didn't know how. That, and I never had a positive solution. My more recent posts indicate someone very different, I hope.
  3. It can, should it turn to arrogance. If you become arrogant...well, then you're screwed. But pride...there's no harm in being proud of your accomplishments, as long as you head does not swell to the size of a five gallon bucket, you'll be okay.
  4. I've been told I'm a psycho, listening to me isn't advisable either.
  5. *looks to be in shock* You mean it's not normal to get thrown around and want more? Hmm...it seems my friends and I should be getting some help, then...
  6. The only thing I'm really aware of with the British English is the pants=underpants thing, which is highly amusing to us poor souls stuck in rural little towns with nothing to do but think of strange things.
  7. We have the soda/pop thing, I was speaking (still am, despite four years here) with soda, and nobody knew what I meant. We had the whole accent thing, I apparently spoke with a southern accent, despite being from the west, sort of, and now I just don't have an accent. Dinner/Supper Things like that. For the most part, now, I talk like the rest of the Ohioans, except for most kids at my school. I don't speak as much slang as they do.
  8. You kidding? I love the rain! It's fun to dance in and play in...just not to march in. And snow is good too. It's especially fun when it's the good stuff you can use to have a snowball war with, and to go sledding. Heheh, I'm sorry, I've lived here in OH for 4 years now, and I am still getting over the weather. There's actually rain here. And snow. I used to live in AZ. I saw snow once there. For twenty blessed minutes.
  9. I love it! I'm so happy I'm back! No, this is not sarcasm. I am honestly happy to be back in school. I love my classes, especially Human Behavior, the psychological aspects are fascinating, and biology might actually be helpful if it means I can find out what parts of the body are more susceptible to attack...
  10. When you bow to the person your talking to on the phone. (I do this a lot, it seems, my mom thinks it's hilarious...)
  11. Ah...I can't even vote. I have usually less than an hour, and I'm a high school sophomore. I work hard on all the work, it's just there's not very much....my courses are too easy so far. In English the teacher is already praising Atalanta071 and I like we're gods or something, and my other classes...we just don't DO much. Or the class revolves around lectures so far.
  12. Trumpet and flute, flute being the main instrument, trumpet being only the piece of junk my school gives me to play in their all brass marching band.
  13. My native language is American English. Ugh. They butchered it. But that's besides the point. I'm in Spanish III at school, so I speak a fair amount of that, but it's much easier to listen than to speak. I am learning to speak Japanese at the dojo. Sort of. The terminology, at least, I'm learning. Not much else, though I would like to learn the full language.
  14. Ummm...favorite books? I suppose I shall try and keep this list small, but that's hard to do, as I've been reading for so long, and been reading entirely too much.... The 47 Ronin Secrets of the Samurai Lord of The Rings Series by JRR Tolkien The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien The Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling The Phantom of The Opera by Gaston Leroux Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens The Shamer's Series A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket Redwall by Brian Jacques The Flying Dutchman by Brian Jacques Animorphs Series by KA Applegate (Haven't actually read one in several yeras, but I love them nonetheless.) Ah, there's a lot more, but this is a huge list already, and I just woke up, my brain doesn't quite function at the moment...
  15. Hmmm...I have a lot of nicknames. And I mean a lot. Monkey: One of Dad's for me. I climb. Rat: I love cheese. So, again, Dad's name. Pockets: I have everything in my pockets. Pencil, paper, permission slips, candy, locker keys, cell phones, flip folders for band, glasses case, homework...it's all in there. Elf: I have pointed ears. It's really not that fair, so one day a friend of mine notices. He was the first to ever notice without me saying a word. During play practice, he randomly points and shouts "Elf! She looks like an elf!" and I haven't gotten rid of the name since. Darn him. "Get out of my way!": From the seniors. Apparently, I get underfoot too much. "Kaywa": Long story. Don't ask. "Karate Girl": My friends, because I am the one in our group who truly loves karate with a passion and would do it for life, live, eat and breathe karate, and be happy doing so. "Tae-Kwon-Do Person": the kids at school. They don't understand TKD and Karate are different. I think that's enough of my nicknames...
  16. We think it shall, but it doesn't start until this coming month. Stupid band...
  17. Well, as I've never dealt with this...I would probably, like most, it seems, wish to punch something, train harder, something like that. Or, do as I've done a lot of times when I feel emotional pain, and wall myself up, refuse to let anyone in, and then break down roughly five years later from emotional strain being added throughout the years. I definitely don't reccomend that last course. But I think that I'm probably going to be ending up using some of these ideas, if what I believe will probably happen comes to pass.
  18. Anyone read The 47 Ronin Story by John Allyn? It's one of my all time favorite books. And in a way, it's rather...haunting, for me, at least. I've never read anything like it before, or since. Quite frankly, I don't think I ever will.
  19. Let's see...$25 belt fees, $30 monthly fee. I love small towns...
  20. During kumite: I'm supposed to concentrated on myself, but usually end up concentrating on the other person. During training for kumite: ...I don't really train for kumite. I suppose whatever we do in class? Oh, I know! Kata!
  21. I can tell you, I LOATHE bussing tables. I did ask if I could be allowed to host, and they agreed to that. So I'll get to host for a while, I think. Once I'm 16, I'm out of here.
  22. Did anyone catch the typo near the beginning in the American version? It says "fug" instead of "fog".
  23. I can't believe it....Sensei gave me my own ring tonight for kata....*is in shock* I had my own ring....I was in charge....and he picked me against my friend, too...Wow...My friend is up for 4th kyu testing this month, I'm only up for 6th kyu...and he picked me over the 2nd kyu...what was he thinking?! Heheh, sorry for the rather...senseless, I suppose, babbling, but I'm still in a bit of shock.
  24. Let's see.... Testing for 8th kyu, I forgot to bow at the beginning of my kata, but other than that, knew far more than I needed to. I redeemed myself with how much terminology I knew, I think. Testing for 7th kyu, I was in a rush because I had a choir concert for school I had to get to, but I remember, again, knowing far more than I had to. Testing for 6th kyu....has not yet happened, but will be happening next week. I'm not worried about it. It's the test for 5th kyu I'm worried about. It's not only the terms and kata, but it's sparring. For an hour and a half. No breaks. No passing out. No keeling over and dying (which Sensei would kill you for). None of it. You have to spar everybody....it looks hard, I watched one of my best friends go through his test. It wasn't pretty. Neither was school the next day. And I think I'm going to stop babbling now.
  25. I can do it, once I seperate my foot from my hand in my mind. Interesting.
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