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Everything posted by krzychicano

  1. Welcome to KF and enjoy the forums.
  2. In my opinion joint locks are very useful in a fight. No one wants to feel pain and the use of joint locks and pressure points is very useful when you might be in an other than advantageous position.
  3. LOL Doug hit em below the belt!
  4. Cynthia rocks she is a hottie! Oh yea and she kicks butt!
  5. Bruce lee outside.......Jackie chan inside a room full of stuff to launch at Bruce hahaha.
  6. When i get bored I walk around breaking cops hands does that make me bourne? Behind you!
  7. Enter the dragon is by far a better movie but I do enjoy the fight scenes from Game of Death.
  8. WKSA - World Kuk Sool Association.
  9. You should have just left it alone. Who cares if they call you names, especially if it was only once and has not happened since. Best to just let it go because the last thing you want is for this guy to try and get back at you with something other than words.
  10. Nice comments Angela I got no clue what this typhoon character is about with his little remarks but I think you explained it very well.
  11. I believe a person that is finished learning is a finished person.
  12. Hahaha that is sweet.
  13. Talk to her and make sure you listen as she talks and dont try to offer all kinds of advice to start out with because she might take offense to that and possibly make her think that you feel sorry for her and may that may not bold over well depending on her. I would let her talk and get it all out and then casually possibly offer some help on the situation.
  14. I could never fight a chick.....
  15. Maybe one day you'll make him proud and fight in the kumite!
  16. The way I see it is, if you are paying for something then you are completely in the right to ask about it. I would not go into when you will test but I would sure ask what is the process and how will you be made aware of it and what the financial cost if any there are.
  17. Welcome!
  18. Welcome back to KF and keep posting to get rid of that white belt!
  19. here is a belated welcome right back at ya!
  20. Fans all the way. I can't wait for the day I start to learn the fans they are so cool.
  21. I voted for..............................................................................................................................................................................Kusari what?
  22. KUK SOOL!!!! I have only been taking it for about 6 months and I am testing for my blue belt soon. I really enjoy Kuk Sool Won. I researched a bunch of schools around my area and I felt that my son and I would benefit the most from this. I travel quite a bit because of my job but when I make it back home I am constantly going to the dojang making up the classes and getting the new techniques and forms so I can stay current and practice when I'm away. Anyways welcome back and good luck on the training and good luck Doug on the testing.
  23. If you are 16 and in college, then I would expect you to be smart enough to put coherent sentences together.
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