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Everything posted by krzychicano

  1. LOL thnx for this post I haven't laughed so hard in a long time LOL
  2. Well Here it is on CDR and this is the original version. https://ssl118.alentus.com/comdo/CatalogueItem.aspx?IID=2&Desc=Legacy:%20The%2015-Volume%20Encyclopedia%20on%20CD%20Rom&Code=15CDR&Price=74.99&Ship=10.00
  3. whooops nevermind the one i posted here was an older version. I'll keep looking lol
  4. Welcome to KF ! What part of Texas you from? Hope you enjoy the forums.
  5. My favorite kick is the kick that shows you can do more than you think you can!!!!!!!
  6. two inches taller that is classic I have a giant tattoo on my back everyone calls it the mural It is of a giant mad puppet head and his two hands and he has two gang members on puppet strings and he is controlling them. I got it to remind me of growing up in Los Angeles and how I always felt like I was on those strings and someone was controlling me and not till I left did I see how stupid it is to do some of the things I did growing up.
  7. Congrats on passing your test!
  8. I would wear the headgear atleast until you have become very comfortable with sparring because it is pretty safe to say you might get your butt kicked when you first start sparring so the more protection the better.
  9. I'm a bruce lee fan till i DIE!!!! But that clip of Parker is awesome he is crazy fast...we all can only strive to be that fast.
  10. Check this link out it has various schools and things in Phoenix. Hope this helps. http://www.yellowpages.com/SearchResult.aspx?search=Martial+Arts+Instructors&searchfor=Martial+Arts&state=AZ&city=Phoenix&zipcode=&areacode=0&function=Search+Category+By+Id&method=and&page=tax&searchcategory=6043&buscnt=0%2b0%2b0%2b43
  11. Street grow up my friend please. I was trying to help hawkeye with the question he asked when he first made this topic and now you turned it into a personal war only because I did not say oh get more CO2 in your lungs than O2? Get real atleast I gave him examples of how to do it. By breathing in through the stomach instead of the chest isnt he doing the same thing you said only I went into more detail of how to maximize it. Get over yourself and stop ruining other peoples topics because this isn't the first one you have ruined. I will not post in this topic any longer because it is useless to argue with someone who is so close minded and can't come to admit that they made a mistake or isnt open to other opinions. Ty Angela for your support on this topic. Hawkeye hope some of my information helped you.
  12. My instructor grew up in a pretty nice area and is an awesome fighter so I tend to believe its all about the man or woman and not where they come from. I grew up in Los Angeles and I have met some people that couldn't fight their ways out of paper bags and I have also lived in small towns from my military days and have seen some nice fighters there so like I said I believe its the man and not his surroundings.
  13. I know several people who have had leg injuries and have used aquatic training for rehabilitation and it has worked wonders for them so there is a definite advantage to water training, but it's just like anything else you get what you put into it.
  14. In my MA we are taught to bring out our KI or internal breathe. We breathe in the nose and out the mouth but when we breath in we do it from the stomach because that is where our KI comes from, there are three pressure points in a vertical line directly below the navel that represent our pre-natal KI and three above the navel which represent our post natal KI. It is taught that if we learn to harness our pre natal KI then we can have the power of 7 men where as if we only harness our post natal then we will have the power of 1 man. I tested this by doing some long distance running about 10 miles and found that I had alot more energy after the run when I breathed in through the stomach than when I did when I breathed in through the chest.
  15. Wow it is great to see people offering such great advice on the forums. Great advice from you all.
  16. Welcome to KF and hope you enjoh the forums!
  17. Welcome to KF and make sure you check out the Korean forum to find other shotokan people and im sure they will have alot of useful info!
  18. My son is 4 years old (will be 5 in feb.) and I am amazed at how much he can retain at that age. He is taking Kuk Sool Won with me (Different class ofcourse) and he is just loving it and even practices at home. I do not regret one bit putting him in so young. When I looked for a school I searched for a school that was traditional and was based on discipline so that my son can train his mind and his body.
  19. WooooooooooooooooHoooooooooo im a hardcore USC fan and you should see the slack I catch living in Houston and supporting all my west coast teams!
  20. <----------my name says it all Growing up in L.A you have to be a little crazy.
  21. If you are seriously getting charged 50 dollars for a 2 minute test then your school sorry to say this has some serious problems. You said you enjoy the satisfaction of a good sweat. What kind of sweat and satisfaction for that matter can you possibly acheive from a 2 minute test? We pay 10 dollars and we endure at the very least a 3hr test. Now to me that is much more satisfying and I am paying one fifth of the cost.
  22. Well I don't know much about board breaking but I am glad to see that it is based on technique and not on flash because then it loses something in the process....just my 2 cents.
  23. I smile and say thanks, it always pumps me up when they tell me I'm doing good keeps you motivated!
  24. I don't see a problem to people playing music at their school if that is what the people are into...personally I prefer a more traditional setting and I just feel the music would make me feel like I am at the local gym getting taught by an aerobic instructor rather than martial arts...Again this is only my opinion and I am not knocking anyone else to each there own you know.
  25. Well my school charges for testing and it is only 10 dollars and you get the belt, and certificate. I dont see a problem with paying 10 dollars to test if they are giving you something in return. Some people just need to stop trying to get everything for free....
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