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Everything posted by krzychicano

  1. I three ate like a pig and enjoyed every minute of it! My happiness comes from watching my family open their gifts.
  2. Well I have played both online and at live tables and I enjoy live tables alot more. One because you can see everyone, two because I just like feeling the cards and the chips and I have talked with several pros and they all feel that online is okay but there is nothing like getting experience from live tables. Congrats on the testing!
  3. If you have a girlfriend or a wife use her shampoo woman always know the best hair products!!! That is solid advice.
  4. All our prayers go out to the people who are suffering over this tragedy and we will be donating also. A truly sad experience but I love the way the world has come together over this.
  5. I look for discipline, that is very important to me and I look for traditional arts some of the new arts are just not my thing. That is why I love KUK SOOL WON!!!
  6. HI all If you are here near the galveston and Houston area look into Kuk Sool Won I have been taking it and I am very pleased with it.
  7. WTG Myst keep it up!
  8. Military style pushups work awesome for the triceps and biceps. I know i was in the army for 5 years
  9. That is an awesome link Rich im going to try them later on today!
  10. That is crazy complicated! Anyone out there stuck it out and what were the results?
  11. Congrats! It always feels good to be recognized for your hard work. Enjoy the promotion.
  12. Wheeeeeee another KSW added to the forum! Welcome and enjoy!
  13. Welcome to KF and good luck on your journey.
  14. I'm sure no matter what MA you choose if you dedicate yourself it will definitely help you control your emotions. Welcome to KF and enjoy.
  15. Welcome to KF I spent a few weeks in scotland last year and it was awesome! Hope you enjoy the forums.
  16. Wow you sure have touched on alot of arts im sure you will provide great information welcome to KF and enjoy!
  17. Welcome to KF and Happy LATE birthday!
  18. Well I dont get all technical in my explanations like most people, not to say that it's wrong but I just try to go straight to the point. I am a few months old into my martial art and it is my first and I am still having problems, but they are getting better and what has been working for me is proper technique and stretching. I execute the kick very slowly focusing on positioning the parts of my body at the proper spots and ofcourse I stretch alot at home or whenever I get a chance to. My sidekicks have gone from just below the waist to right below the chest. Don't know if this will work for you but just my 2 cents..
  19. Thnx for the tip! Sorry it took so long for me to reply back but I just got back from Peru. I can't wait to hit it hard again tomorrow. I hate having to go two weeks without attending a class I practice and study the textbooks as much as I can when im not in class or gone somewhere but there is nothing like the feeling of being in class.
  20. It would be just insane to keep a person down because they cannot perform the techniques or forms like you can or someone else can, if the person is giving it their best that is all one can ask for. I agree with the post that most people who slack off and are just in it for the looks drop off before they even reach the advanced ranks. You cannot realistically ask an instructor to turn away a student because they cannot perform to the ability of say his top students. If that was the case then Nilla is right you would be paying some outrageous amount of money to train and what would most likely happen is that the school would close and you would never benefit from that teachers experience and knowledge. This is no longer the times of the buddhist monks...people need to make a living.
  21. I find it hard to believe that some so called grade 8's beat him up and left him for dead, and all his parents did was enroll him in MA. Doesn't anyone else find this post kind of strange?
  22. He's just a jerk and they are everywhere! Ignore him most people that tend to put other people down are people that have low self esteem and need a reason to glorify themselves.
  23. I look at the chest and shoulders.....I once looked at their feet and that was the last thing i saw before i woke up!
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