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Everything posted by senna_trem

  1. This is the second joke about rhythmic gymnastics I've heard someone make. I know it's a little hokey, but it does take talent. And apparently rhythm. Aww, even I can't resist! What is it about this "sport"?
  2. Well, I'm only a white belt in kyokushin, but we have testing this saturday so hopefully by this time next week I will be orange belt.
  3. Dumb question, what is CMA? Something martial arts?
  4. Unless that other guy's an MD, see a doctor!
  5. What is this? Mmm... plums...mmm...flowers....
  6. I don't know, did you?
  7. Wow, that sure is super duper Matt. A pat on the back from me to you friend, comrade, amigo, ami.
  8. These are the kind of people that are all talk when it comes to karate. But to they know a large selection of moves? No. Do they know the bunkai to whatever katas they are being taught? No. They suck, we rock. End of story.
  9. Sanchin dachi right foot forward, gyaku uchi uke, oi uchi uke. (Sorry if I get names wrong, so pigeon toed stance right foot forward, block with right hand, block with left hand)
  10. It's too bad Vancouver got the winter olympics and not somehow the summer ones. Then I'd go see all the judo and TKD competitions. It would be sweet.
  11. Effective as defined as what? Street effective? Them is fightin words Vinnie.
  12. Do you know what schools are in your area? Because I could say but what good would that be?
  13. Do you know what schools are in your area? Because I could say [/quote senna_trem Go and be a ninja my son/daughter... [\quote] but what good would that be?
  14. I would be afraid to post anything here about him, he is watching...always watching...
  15. Yes, that's what I meant.
  16. I'm in grade 12, woo yeah. Go school! This thread should have included a poll!
  17. When I started karate about a half year ago I was assembling a bag with my gi in it and wanted to include a stick of deoderent. I only could find an unused thing of deoderent for men, so now during karate I smell like a guy. Ocean Spray Speedstick Men I believe. It's a nice smell.
  18. I thought it was a little too planned out, but good. Mmmm... Matt Damon.
  19. My family is planning on taking a 2 week trip over to Saskatoon and back from where we live. That's the west coast of Canada to the middle-to west part of Canada for all you non-Canadians.
  20. I always thought of hai as more of a kiai, but in some styles is it used in place of osu? I have heard people say they were agreeing with someone in karate and using "hai" to respond. I've figured out that osu means "to endure," but does hai have a meaning also? If someone who knows kyokushin could help me out that would be great. And, if a kyokushin person does sound off about this topic, could you tell me what to do if I'm ever late for a class? My worst nightmare is to be late and have no clue what to do . What to say, do, etc. Thanks a bunch.
  21. Well, I figure if Sosai Oyama thought women were too fragile to break tiles with their hands then he did not train many women. Also, if he did not train many women and passed on to his students the whole "women are more fragile" thing then we're probably still trying to get out of it. Women, as you may have noticed, like to be in packs. And going into a dojo where women are a minority most of the time will put off a lot of women. Women aren't as physical as men, they don't enjoy being able to punch each other as much as men. Many moms probably don't want their little girl going into karate as much as they'd like them to go into dance.
  22. Which one has Oyama?
  23. It's Axe! It's the most vile thing ever created because men hose themselves down with it. It even shows so on the commercial, please, for all women (and men) concerned, use sparringly and do not increase the amount you spray on with time!
  24. It is because the martial arts we mostly practice comes from asia and women still have a very traditional roles in their cultures.
  25. Is it just me or does the guy in the middle of the banner ad look like his head is super-imposed on his body? His face is so light coloured and small, he looks weird! The guy advertising sparring gear with a green background if you don't know what I'm talking about.
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