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Everything posted by senna_trem

  1. Check out all the dojos in your area before settling down with TKD for the long haul, maybe one of the reasons you stopped when you were 8 was related to something in TKD.
  2. How long have you been training for? I've been training for six months and the blisters have petered out. Getting a parrafin treatment on my feet really helped to even out the skin as well. The soles weren't all pitted from various blisters so I think there is now less friction and less blisters.
  3. I'm always trying to sort out all the different MAs, could you give a description of Chito Ryu?
  4. Teehee. Good one. That must be an older ad though, they probably didn't run it inside NA.
  5. I trusted you, how could you!
  6. Those pants do nothing for her! Nothing! Or anything for anyone else!
  7. A sniper's rifle. I can kill someone I don't like the looks of from a kilometre away.
  8. My friend was telling me about this movie called Ong Bak from Thailand. He saw in online and said it looked good and I saw the trailer and it looked top notch. Anyone seen this movie ?
  9. No offense to anyone, but I don't think a more grappling stlye of martial arts would be as cool.
  10. We had testing yesterday and our Sensei was showing a little kid how to break a board properly. So he's down on one knee with the little kid standing beside him showing him how to do it. The board is laid across two cinder blocks in front of him. So he's calmly talking to the kid explaining how to do it and then *bam* before you know it he has broken the board with a shuto strike. Damn him and his effortless karate moves! It's too bad he didn't bust out the moves more, I would have like to have seen how many boards he could break doing various moves. I guess he's not there for my amusement and astonishment though.
  11. When I asked around nobody would go into the layout of testing. It was like a wall of silence... it was a little creepy, a little like asking mafia members a question. The "Code of Silence."
  12. I see...
  13. Well, the one that most people have heard of would probably be TKD or Tai Chi.
  14. Asking why you have to fight for your blackbelt is an odd question. Why do we ever have to fight during tests should be the real question. And the answer is... becuase your sensei tells you so! You have to prove that your fighting abilities are good enough for you to become a blackbelt.
  15. What is HL? And why didn't that guy just make one post?
  16. A drug is right! I felt so happy going back to karate after the winter break!
  17. I agree. My friend doing MAs at a McDojo was horrified to find out how many years it took people in kyokushin to get their blackbelts. And he really thought he would have the same amount of knowledge in one year as we would get in 5-7. Those kind of people want rewards for doing not a whole lot of work. I think it's more okay for little kids, because they are not as focused on long-term goals and things better happen fast or they'll lose interest, but later in life they should re-examine their learning.
  18. I thought you had to take a mandatory english class when you did your first year of higher education.
  19. Why do I want to roll my eyes when I read this? Can anyone guess?
  20. Too bad there was no "other" option. What sub-category of karate did they study anyways?
  21. Sure, pick on the white belt! It's fun to know more moves, they you can pull crazy stuff on people that they have never seen before!
  22. So if "osu" is derived from ohayo gozaimaus, doesn't it have a very different meaning? Or is "to endure" stuck somewhere in that japanese phrase?
  23. So that is a Tang Soo Do kata? It seems a little some kung-fu-ish than I would have imagined.
  24. I say it's because if you can do kicks without any protective equipment and strengthen your feet up then it will be easier (in a way) to do the kicks with shoes on. You won't be used to kicking with shoes on, but your feet will be more protected.
  25. I train in karate for 2 hours 3 times a week.
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