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Everything posted by senna_trem

  1. I like how they don't just quote someone and put their name down, they have to explain who the person is.
  2. I don't know about other styles, but we learn some pretty neat stuff in kyokushin.
  3. They're always such morons that are saying these things. They're such dead end people that aren't going to do much with their lives. For me, it's never the kids who do well in school and come from good backgrounds and families, it's the people who fail half the classes they take and don't plan for the future. I know that in ten years I'll be doing so many more interesting things then they are, so it rolls off of me.
  4. I like our dojo because we only share the little building with two other groups. I may be wrong on that number. We have windows upstairs and mirrors which are handy. It has hardwood floors as well. It gets a little hot sometimes because it's the upper level of the building.
  5. Old Spice unscented Red Zone I swear is the strongest thing in the world for killing perspiration.
  6. Karate is the way of the open hand, meaning most karate-ka do not fight with weapons. Then is it not an oxymoron that some of the demonstrations are done with weapons?
  7. I have to say I like to draw maps of saskatchewan. It's just a tall trapezoid. Bless that province!
  8. I busk around winter time, I make pretty good money at it too.
  9. I always go to tea and drink like five cups and enjoy them, but when I'm at home I never drink tea unless it's the dead of winter. Then I enjoy a nice glass of camomile.
  10. Sorry, I don't know this terminology! What is: waza, tanren-geiko, and could you remind me which kata is tachi-kata? Thank you!
  11. I've heard so many things like this it's starting to get boring. It's like a formula. Pick something from the internal arts section and ask if you can still be a christian doing it or if it conflicts with christianity. Can you study zen and be christian? Can you meditate before a fight and be christian? Does ki/chi conflict with christianity? Give it a rest christian fanatics, if you're so worried there might be conflict ask your priest and go with what they say!
  12. What style of martial arts are you doing? TKD?
  13. I'm not an american so I believed you when you said Louisville.
  14. Oh well, for guys or girls it is a good "tender" spot to go for.
  15. That Tony is such a cutie! Seems a tiny bit full of himself though.
  16. I know Constantine will be a parallel role for Keanu Reeves, but I would like to see it.
  17. Davison---- Thank you for saying that!
  18. No, but I am from BC. We are taking a trip to saskatchewan in the summer. Do you know if there is a kyokushin dojo in saskatoon?
  19. You'd five up Macgyver for those chumps? Pah!
  20. Well, if I had to listen to one band for the rest of my life I'd probably listen to the Beatles. They've made so many songs, it's crazy!
  21. I dreamt of trying to tie my belt once.
  22. Where we live we have the ogopogo, he'll take nessie on any day!
  23. Cool, I as well liked the capoeira once I got the hang of it!
  24. Ha! The Scots are crazy! They invented haggis for god's sake!
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