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Everything posted by Jack

  1. http://www.angelfire.com/nj/muscles/ fear teh muscles heh
  2. moobrack, the link she gave me could help you too... one second lemme find link...
  3. Thanks Kickchick I'll have a look... and stop making me blush!
  4. TB1, Ken, stop trying to pimp your workouts on me please, it's like two salesmen trying to get you to buy THEIR double glazing I am going with Ken's idea, and if after a month or so I find it isn't doing anything for me, then I'll try TB1's. Ken's however does not need much time, which is important to me since School and homework take the majority of the day... I can manage 20-30 minutes a day pretty easily. Thanks everyone for their input though, especially TB1 and Ken.
  5. Great, thanks again Ken MuayTB1, ouch my eyes... nice blue belt there
  6. Is there like some one big helpful sight which explains all of these methods, with step by step instructions, recommended resistance, and a video/set of pictures ?
  7. Ken, as expected, you just helped me immensely Thanks lots!
  8. Hey Ken, check your private messages! :/
  9. Ooh yes, i've heard those Korean ladies are quite nice Kamsahumnida is the proper spelling for for thank you... the only other terminoligy I can find on the net however is for sijack, joonbi, etc. :/
  10. Jack


    If they're willing and relaxed, I think it could work indeed... don't do anything major though, just a little thing like get them to touch their nose or somin? heh
  11. Steroids are totally stupid, not only is it cheating, but they are unnatural, illegal, and unsafe. The side effects are awful, especially with Anabolic steroids... people that use them should definitely be educated
  12. Unfortunately, this is not a game of Shenmue (If any of you have played that, great game!) I will do a look around for stuff like that though
  13. I'm sure you have one Debs Argh all this disagreement, I'll go with the Horse riding stance hooks, the punches with weights and military presses for my shoulders... I don't wanna give myself too many exercises to do though, they could prove to be a waste of time and energy
  14. Oh yes, and well done on becoming a moderator!
  15. Well Deby, at our school we tend to have the following as a warmup Move next to left, right, forwards, down a few times, then side to side in our own time. Circle wrists and scrunch hands. Circle shoulders both backwards and forwards, then circle arms overhead, forwards and backwards. Lower arm circles forwards and backwards Stretch around so you're facing behind you, to stretch the sides, then other way, then go side to side. Then let arms loose and swing them as you go. Lean over to one side to stretch innner thighs, then over to other side, then roll down to stretch both backs of thighs. Widen legs a little more and grab for left leg, then middle, back, and right leg. Point feet outwards and go down, keeping back straight and back up again several times. then rotate hips/groin Lift leg up, circle ankles then knees, same with right, then hamstring stretch. Leg swings Forward, rightangles, sideways, and back. Then we either go over kata, or run, to complete the warm up. If I am at home however, after the cardio (running) I do some more stretching to reall limber up, if I am doing Martial arts skills. If I am going to do weights on arms, I get some lighter weights and just do a few reps to get my arm muscles thoroughly prepared. Hope this helps
  16. People, help me out here!
  17. "chest presses, military presses and rows" Like, military presses are holding weights just above head and straightening arms, lowering back to just above head, yes? What are these others? PS. When we come to an end on this thread, apply the knowledge the one I made about the new routine I need to design with help from you lot.
  18. I didn't, I put my hand off in a sort of hold on way to say I wasn't going to fight, they got scared of my hand and left :/
  19. Great, thanks Ice Dragon I shall have to try that one! I took KickChick's advice, instead of only doing thing when planned, I was bored to just did starjumps and shadow boxing for like 20-30 minutes... I'm sweating like a pig right now but I feel great!
  20. Yes, definitely. We need stricter standards... it annoys me when I see these people who have done martial arts for 2 years, and are a black belt and instructor... it is just ridiculous. 2 years is not enough experience... Black belt is supposed to signify mastery and advanced skill, not simply the result of a 2 year course, and instructors should not only have lots of experience, but be good at getting on with people and showing how to do things properly, and on the gradings, they should be prepared to fail a few people. For example, some guy who goes to my Taekwondo got his yellow belt the other day on a full pass... his chest blocks were poor, the blocking arm came from the behind hip thing, he didnt keep his hips forwards, his punches finished with his arms not straight... he's terrible... He should have failed his grading, but did he? nope :/ This guy only just got a full pass, so did I but I know I actually deserved mine, I got a mark a lot higher than his, and I think I should only have just passed... be stricter!!!1
  21. I always have some loud Punk rock or metal playing when I work out, don't have it too loud if parent's around though, due to how they like to swear sometimes Erm, aren't crunches ones you hold for 2 seconds before going down again? How can you do them to a pumping beat? Am I doing crunches wrong too fs? I definitely feel the burn when doing mine, so I'll carry on with them. So, people, help me. I still need daily and weekly routines, and some explained methods of exercise... Help me out here ppl!
  22. Thanks for the advice Deby, thats the great sorta input I need from everybody, and then after that mabye we can draw up a routine together to help meh thanks again
  23. Staring at the top of their nose too, you're looking them DEAD between the eyes... it works with staring contests pretty well too! Well, I learnt Palgwe Sam Jang Hyung at my last lesson, and we did some sparring. Another useful thing... never show you're tired.
  24. Yeah, pretty poor way at putting it. If you have Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, both alive, both in their prime, I'd say Bruce Lee would be better than Jackie Chan.
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