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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Good advice Kickchick! Also here are some websites to help you know what you are doing! http://www.bodybuilding.com http://www.exrx.net/ http://www.exrx.net/Lists/Beginning.html Read all under Weight Training there
  2. No, but I know some people at my dojang that could move away for far better jobs. They have no commitments apart from their love of their current dojang/dojo. They're staying just to train with us.
  3. LOL, you've got that right! Couldn't even perform things like blocks while moving forward in stance. One foot comes off floor, other slips behind, put floor on, that foot slips sideways. Quite amusing to spectators I'm sure!
  4. I can't run much due to knee problems so if the routine says 2 miles at an 8:30 pace, I will simply do intense cardio for 20 minutes in the form of skipping, bagwork, stationary cycle etc.
  5. I'd most prefer being taught by someone who is a mix of Drill Seargent and Coach.
  6. Hehe, cool Phantasmatic. I'm incorporating it but only doing the pushups etc. twice a week as to get a better time for recovery, but the same amount of cardio. Also replaced the swimming with Martial Arts practice, so this should be good.
  7. Success! It was going really well at first, until the floor really began to become wet and slippery from perspiration. This completely messed up my combinations since I was slipping all over the place - even going forwards in a standard stance was damned near impossible! Next time I'll be grading in the main hall so I wont have that problem then thank god. The day was great and I managed to pass. It was amazing watching some of the higher gradings - I really have a lot of respect for their skill and determination. After the grading we all went and celebrated with the instructors by having an Indian and a couple of drinks, was a good laugh and a great way of celebrating the day. Now, going to take a week off then back onto the war path with a vengeance. _________________ Jack Waspe 4th Kyu Taekwondo Karateforums.com Sensei 'What the mind can believe, the body can achieve.' [ This Message was edited by: Jack on 2002-05-19 12:27 ]
  8. McGee, chill. It was ment as a joke. The only reason he 'lost' is because he had gotten new gi trousers not rolled or sewn them up yet, so he tripped on them and we both shared a laugh. I'm in no way saying I'm better than him or could defeat him in fair circumstances!
  9. Need an early night for grading tomorrow, so I can't make it. Have fun!
  10. You can do all the crunches you want in the world but you'll never made your abdominals visible without shedding fat. Spot reduction is a myth! If you have a look at the NAVY SEALs post I posted and have a go at that routine, you'll be shedding fat like anything - just eat plenty of protein and calories to try to keep the muscle.
  11. w00t, really looking forward to the grading after tonight's class. Thanks for the advice YODA, I'm sure it'll pay off. Oh yes, I'm going for an Indian with some of the Taekwondo instructors and members after the grading, should be fun. Off to slurp down my protein shake, eat up my banana, have a bath watch father ted then go off to bed. Bye!
  12. Everything you will need to know is on the FAQ section at the top right of the webpage.
  13. I managed to defeat a Black Belt despite only training a year and a bit. It was his own damn fault for not rolling up his new Gi trousers and slipping on them
  14. Well, tomorrow I shall be off to my club's grading venue to make an attempt for Blue Belt (4th kyu) in Taekwondo. I'm psyching myself up for the hour long non-stop energetic drilling of blocks, strikes, kicks, patterns, and combinations. After that I'll get a break before going out and sparring and using self defence throws, armlocks etc. etc. I will not be on the UK Chat tonight because I need to get a long hot bath and some extra sleep in for the early start tomorrow. Wish me luck people!
  15. If you are doing a weight exercise properly, you want to continue so you simply cannot perform another rep after 6-10 reps. If it hurts in the muscle, thats good, that shows you're doing it correctly! If its hurting in the wrong places then you're doing something wrong - stop. You tear your muscles down with high weight, low repititions to FAILURE. The muscle will regrow and rebuild but you need to fuel your body properly for this - you want lots of protein and calories to gain weight! For newly shocking your muscles, Kickchick summed it up.
  16. Yes, I'm a 5th Kyu - not trying to impress people at all, simply stating a fact and not lying about my experience or credentials. Those tournaments you were banned from were likely designed for competition in a ruled environment to pit fighters against each other. If you go around breaking arms or legs, especially AFTER the fight, its no suprise you got banned. I'm amused you wrote over ten lines trying to insult me, thinking I was actually moved by what some random name off the internet says about me. and the "Jack off" comment. Oh my god. Thats what ten year old kids would use to insult me. Are you no better than some kid? Now, I am asking you here to please be more respectful and kind to other members on this site. This is a place to share ideas and talk to fellow Martial artists in a peaceful atmosphere, and insulting others and acting superior is not welcome. Thanks.
  17. Below is the link to a very tough, progressive routine. This is not an actual Navy SEALS workout, those are even tougher if imaginable, but this is a sort of preparatory routine. This program is about a nine week long program. During this program, you should notice that your endurance will sore to heights never imagined. However, like Navy SEAL training, this program will break you - only the mentally strong will survive and a new, strengthened man will emerge. http://www.teenbodybuilding.com/brent2.htm Comments? I'm considering taking this up when my knee gets good enough for running.
  18. Welcome to Karateforums, GEO! McGee, if you reread his post you may see that he ment that after he attained black belt, he took a year and a half off.
  19. I eagerly await having the time to read that article YODA! Until then, training and homeworking away. and respectively.
  20. Mind you, you sort of defeat the purpose of practicing the kata if you do it to music.
  21. It creates water retention in the muscles, so you may gain a little weight and look a bit fuller. Creatine is good for weightlifting since it helps you squeeze out a few more reps. I don't have it myself but from what I've heard... Creatine rocks
  22. I've seen one of our second dans perform a pattern to a specially made song, but that song was more slow and oriental. Its an interesting idea from the webpage, but I would much prefer the slower, more oriental songs.
  23. 5 sets of bench press, 4 sets of chins, 4 sets of pullups, 4 sets of dumbell rows. Quite painful.
  24. This may be it? It has been mentioned on these forums more than once in the past.. Even if its not, its still very informative. http://www.enteract.com/~bradapp/docs/rec/stretching/
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