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Everything posted by Jack

  1. The weather is not all that nice today there are clouds and so i cant go out for my run cos ill get soaked by rain which is very bad so instead i might just go on the punchbag which is fun because i have a competition on sunday against some karateka and kickboxers which will be fun but yes the weather is really quite bad there are white clouds grey clouds black clouds oh dear im so excited by this. I don't think I can put off the girly talk anymore
  2. 19 human years, or 19 kitty years? Yeah my cat always used to have the habit of ignoring our cat food, and then sneaking into our neighbour's house and eating their catfood. Their cat did the same to us. Stupid cats.
  3. Hey Muaythaidm, people that have been weightlifting that go to the army tend to lose a lot of muscle to gain that endurance. It would probably be more wise following this routine for 2 months or something and then doing the weightlifting, that way you will lose less muscle.
  4. LOL steroids hell no! I do take a multivitamin and vitamin c in the mornings, though.
  5. pushups, situps, pullups, pushups, situps, pullups, pushups, situps, pullups, pushups, situps, cry.
  6. ad, if you go over to http://www.bodybuilding.com/forum and ask there what they think about weight training at your age, you will see the majority consensus is that it is ok. I can't remember all of the arguments for why a lot of the rumoured risks are myths and how weight lifting can actually be beneficial for young people, but if you ask on the forums there I'm sure you'll get an informed response. If you want, try getting some pushup bars. They allow a greater range of movement and so manage to hit the chest more. Also if you don't want to lift weights per ce, try weighting your back and doing pushups etc. like that. Also - have you tried pullups? They are great for building size and functional strength in the biceps, lats, and back. You can pick up a chin up bar which will fit in your doorway for about 5 or 6 pounds. Good luck!
  7. Just beginning the second week. I find the cardio very tough but the strength training not tough enough (apart from the pullups). I recently got some pushup bars which allow a far greater stretch on the chest and really brings the chest muscles into play - more difficult than floor pushups as well, so I'm happy now.
  8. Thats good Phanta, you're damn lucky to have your own swimming pool! But no chinup bar? Why no pullups? They're the best muscle building exercise in this routine. And yeah, I have to organize this routine around lessons, sorting a routine out so I wouldn't be overly sore for a lesson was a bit of a challenge.
  9. Hehe yep, I didn't have the time to go to the running track today so I stationary cycled for half an hour, broke my stationary cycle, did horseriding punches for 5-10 minutes, dragged myself outside to hang up the punchbag and hit that until I was suitably knackered... was about as tough as those runs. Don't forget to eat plenty Phanta unless you want to lose muscle, get plenty of good complex carbs and protein. Good work Phanta, keep it up and you'll see results, I know I already am and I'm only in the second week!
  10. Brazillian Jiu Jutsu... and with that mindset I'd give you ten seconds to run or get yourself a limb broken against one of their decent practicioners.
  11. First of all, NST, welcome to Karateforums - feel free to make a post in the Introductions section to tell us something about yourself. Now, if you are after speed, agility, and flexibility then you will want to mainly train with pylometric exercises and do plenty of stretching. I'm sure you can find info to both by performing a search (use the bottom at the top right) and entering in pylometrics, or flexibility. If you have any other questions afterwards, feel free to ask here.
  12. You are not fat at all. I suggest you give up the binge/purge cycle and do some proper research into healthy eating and exercise. Starving is a definite no-no!
  13. Hey Mike, great job on the red belt! Didn't we warn you about stretching hardcore? You wanna warm up first and stretch gentle! Congratulations again.
  14. Heavy bags tend not to cry and get your mum to send you to bed without dinner.
  15. Hey monkeygirl, if you look at the Navy SEALs thread you should see a similar programme to that you may find useful. However that sort of training will be improving your strength endurance and not necessarily your power. Strength and speed would be the most useful for power in strikes I would imagine, which would involve weight training and pylometric exercises. Do you have a bag at home you can practice on?
  16. 203 times! Sounds like a challenge. In seriousness, Kickchick has just about summed it up. Six months is enough time to increase a deal of power, not amazingly but still respectably. Also, a good way to increase power is to practice on a heavy bag. You get used to striking something effectively and using your body to the maximun effect possible to generate the most power in your strikes.
  17. One stone is 14 pounds, so seven stone one pound is 99 pounds. That is not heavy at all! If you want to know if you are fat or not, I suggest you buy a pair of calipers to work out your bodyfat percentage.
  18. Welcome to KF, junkie23 In response to your question, we have had a few cases of this reported here. Here are some links regarding it, if you read them I think you should find them helpful in understanding your problem. http://www.karateforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?topic=2849&forum=19&4 http://www.karateforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?topic=2539&forum=14
  19. Glad you like the sight. I always keep things like that in mind, I end up repeating phrases in my head to keep me going when the going gets tough. By the way, just out of curiosity - which BUD/S Workout did you do? The SEALs, Marines, SAS, or other?
  20. Good luck Phanta! I started this BUD/S programme this monday, so we're sort of in the same stage.
  21. Hey now McGee, be nice please. Its your own choice whether or not you believe something but please don't be disrespectful towards others. Thanks.
  22. How about we ask how much everybody here can squat?
  23. Koreantiger, I agree with you in that some instructors/senseis/masters become so narrowminded of their own art or style of art! Not long ago, a friend of mine from my TKD Dojang went to observe a kung fu lesson. It was a really good class, and afterwards the friend went to talk to the kung fu instructor. Upon the Instructor asking my friend which art he studies and my friend replying Taekwondo, he grunted and said "Oh well, I suppose someone has to." Narrowmindedness at its best. My instructor does not mind crosstraining. I even show him some of the movements from Ju jitsu that another friend practices with me. In fact, he seems to quite enjoy seeing what we learn from other styles. How things should be!
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