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Everything posted by Jack

  1. ROFL Sorry Mike you just reminded me of some kids I once saw asking their mummies if they would grow up to be ninjas after watching the Power rangers movie. As for your question, I do not know.
  2. It's an important stage for bodybuilders. For other athletes with different goals it isn't so important.
  3. You are not alone there. I can see why you ask this and in part I would agree.
  4. I have not read all of the responses, but I would say this.. The artist needs to choose an art that matches his physical and mental requirements, and focuses on his/her strengths whilst working on his/her weaknesses. A tall person with a long reach with their legs may choose Taekwondo, while a short stocky and strong person may choose Judo. What I believe, if you have for example a tall TKDist with a long reach, and a stocky strong Judoka, then it is down to personal skill. If however the tall person chose something else, he would not fight making full use of his strength (long legs) and then perhaps the Judoka has a better chance of winning. It's not individually about the person in my opinion, nor is it individually about the art. It's the correct compatibility between the two. Peace.
  5. Even with good bulking, anything more than about 2 lbs a week is likely to be a lot of fat.
  6. Hi coltmakai and thank you for the question. If you use the Search feature above and to the right and look for flexibility or stretching, I'm positive you will find loads of stretching tips! I am closing this thread since we already have many threads of discussion on this, feel free to add to them despite their age. Thank you.
  7. If you want to ask a question, one post will suffice, three is unnecessary and against the guidelines of this site. As a result I will be closing this thread also. If you would like to continue discussing this, please go here: http://www.karateforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?topic=3358&forum=14&2 Thank you.
  8. We do not allow double posts here at Karateforums.com. Please use the post you made in the Kickboxing section instead. Thank you.
  9. We've done blindfolded training before. You would wear a blind fold and allow other class mates to attack you with various holds, and you must use the techniques you've been taugh to get out of them. While blind it's more challenging.
  10. Hello Deirou, what's with the name change from Hiya? And yes that routine looks good, just remember that exercise is only half of it - what you eat is also very important!
  11. Well you can always pre-order it so you get it at a cheaper price, I'm not meaning to make you buy it or anything here. What Phil really wants is feedback, so please if you have any criticisms share them with him!
  12. With weightlifting, the general rule is: 1-6 reps - strength 8-12 reps - bulk 15+ reps - endurance
  13. Welcome.
  14. A general guideline on rep ranges: 1-6 - Strength 8-12 - Hypertrophy (size and bulk) 15+ - Endurance Running at the end of the workout will burn more fat since the glycogen in your muscles has been used by the weightlifting, so your body will look for other sources of fuel. However, if you do intense cardio at this stage your body will look for a quick to use energy source and so will actually burn a lot more muscle than fat, so keep it gentle cardio if you want to bein the fat burning zone. I never knew that fact about cycling and flexibility Withers, thanks very much for it. But if you stretch both before and after you cycle, won't that negate the shortening affect cycling has on the muscles?
  15. Very interesting read, thank you! The training those guys go through is really inspirational.
  16. What movements are you using with the weights, in the gym? The movements that tend to benefit martial artists the most are the simple compound movements, like bench press, military press, deadlift, chins, and squat, among a few others.
  17. Thanks everybody - Patrick, James, staff, and users.
  18. As live performances go it was pretty average. Quality wise, just as good as on the CD but the songs seem to have a lot more meaning when you're crushed up against the barracade with thousands of people moshing behind you. Yup.
  19. I'd love to see bands like that! The only bands I've seen live are [Spunge], Jimmy Eat World, and Lostprophets.
  20. Hello there. Basically, somebody I train with at my Taekwondo school is working on the enourmous task of creating a CD full of Taekwondo information from all of the major organizations and schools. This will include all techniques, patterns (Palgue, Taegeuk, Chong Han, etc.) sparring advice, korean translations, etc. etc. I would like to ask you all to please visit the site and give it a look through, and offer whatever feedback, advice, suggestions and help that you can to this man (Phil). The site is very proffesional in my opinion and this is a serious, decent attempt. http://www.tkd2cd.com/ He's especially welcoming translations in both Korean and English for name, since different clubs seem to use different names both English and Korean. For example, the TAGB (Taekwondo association of Great Britain) Uses Inner lower block, our club uses 'Groin block'. The Korean translations of these would also be different. If you message, be sure to explain what club you belong to so he can get the information correct. Thank you all a great deal!
  21. Jack


    Now that's what I like to see.
  22. Jack


    Cool it people. This thread is here to introduce someone not flame.
  23. Agreed. Big Brother is definitely losing its uniqueness now, perhaps its time for the producers to start picking more extreme characters.
  24. LOL! Oh the memories. Your foot is not used to the spinning and movement barefoot on a hard surface. Your skin has been torn and will regrow stronger as a callous. This is nothing to worry about, every body who has ever started martial arts has probably gotten this within their first few months of training. I got them weekly when I started out. After a few more months your skin will toughen up enough to cope with, but even after that it will continue to break every few months. Its quite the worry when this happens one week before your grading, though!
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