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Everything posted by Shane

  1. Wow a few posts from fellow Washington folk!!!!! My instructor use to have us roll our escrima sticks over our shins to help de-sensitise our shins, but our over all shin conditioning drill were done on an old bag that the bottom had become rock solid. Now in my school I use only the back and have students do short sets switching from side to side until they build up the tolorance to up the sets and the power. As far as a glass bottle I would just stay away from that. Hurting yourself is only going to keep you from training and thats going to defeat the purpose of your entire goal. Good Luck
  2. I myself do not study BJJ, but I have trained with some individuals who have taken it. All I can say to you is TAKE IT, Ive seen guys do it for about 6 months and already posses alot more knowledge and skills than others taking different arts. (skills that can be applied to a realistic situation)
  3. Here is just a few links. Use major search engines to research the history and find out more info. http://www.capoeiranyc.com/study.html http://www.capoeira.com/ the above links will give you a little look into the history of the art. But by getting on the search engines and taking some time you can find some interesting things about the past and different versions. Good Luck
  4. Rick you have some of the best posts on here!!!!!! I'm going to say that muay thai is straight to the point. There is more to it than alot of people think but it is plain and simple and I think that is what makes it very effective as a stand up art.
  5. It looks like you have past experience's training in martial arts. I would say that if you feel like your at a level in your training where you might be able to pick up on some techniques from a muay thai training video then go for it. I will agree with the post before mine that training without an instructor is not a good idea but depending on your previous training you might be able to get a start on learning more about muay thai from a good video, that is if there is no schools near your location. Good Luck and good choice!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. The bigger they are the harder they fall. JUST DONT LET THEM FALL ON TOP OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Belt Ranks in Kickboxing????? Should there be belt ranks in kickboxing programs? Ranking systems are great for many reasons one of them is it allows the student to set short term goals inorder to achieve an overall goal. And it also acts as a motivator for the students. Since alot of Martial Arts have adopted the belt ranking system do you think that Kickboxing should also? I have seen a few schools out there that promote students from white - black for a kickboxing program. What do YOU think??????????????????
  8. I dont think that mixed martial arts is a fad, I think that it has been proven to be combat effective. Not better or worst than traditional only that it is proven to work and now days that is what alot of people are looking for is the REAL DEAL. I mean come on Mixed Martial Arts is just taking the best and most realistic technique from other arts and puting them together to make a well rounded realistic way of training for todays combat which is self defense. I just dont look at it as a fad I see it as something new and exciting and people want to check this new thing out. I will admit that the UFC,Pride etc. is a huge help to the mixed martial arts as far as bringing people in the doors. Anyways good Topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Okay in a street fight anything goes as you made clear in the opening of this topic. That also means anything goes for you so you need to reach into your basket of tricks and not even give them a chance to think about going for the special place. Pummelll them hard and fast. Okay so I'm trying to keep it intense here!! I would try to get out of the guard asap in a real street fight just because of the fact that you never know who might be coming threw that alley next. But this is an interesting topic and for sure is something worth getting on the mat and trying out new things to improve your abilities from the guard.
  10. What is real Jujitsu? I'm looking for opinions on this topic from any martial artists. Jujitsu to me is the art of combat. Its techniques should be anything that would work in a real combat (selfdefense) situation and if that technique is not in a jujitsu program then it should be added. I am a firm believer that you need to train on all aspects of a fight to include kicks, strikes, locks/chokes, throws/takedowns, grappling. I think that the offensive aspects of these techniques should be trained as well as learning the defensive aspects. So shouldnt real Jujitsu include any and all techniques that could be used in a real combat (selfdefense) situation? Times have changed since the day of armor covered warriors on the battle field so shouldnt this art of combat change to fit todays real world. If we did not allow Jujitsu to change with the times dont you think we would be cheating its true meaning and nature? Once again this is only my opinion. But I would like to hear the opinion of others. Thank You
  11. My favorite stance comes from the mixed martial art kata called kickbutt kata 1. The stance is where you are standing over your attacker right after you knocked him out in the ready position. This is a very old technique that dates back 1000's of years. It takes alot of control and you learn to channel your energy inorder to keep from kicking the attacker in the head over and over. Okay so I'm trying to be funny here I'm not trying to offend anyone. Thanks
  12. Check out the school and be opened minded. If you like it and feel you will benifit from it then take it, if not then look else where. First you need to decide what you want most out of the martial arts. Everyone is seeking something different. Martial Arts were originally designed for combat so that is what I expect to get out of them is combat fighting skills. Now there are some arts that you get that and so much more out of I'm talking about mentally emotionally etc. so figure out what you want and then find a place that can fit your needs. Also you need to remember that each system out there is basically just a different method of training. Some focus on particular techniques while other focus on all, each uses teaching methods differently and each has different beliefs. But most martial arts came fromt he same place and Iam not talking about countries etc. I'm talking about the battle field. So there really isnt new techniques or new styles there is only new ways of presenting these old techniques. I know alot would disagree but as a martial artist who has been trained in the traditional way, mixed martial art way, and as a soldier for the battle field I know you must keep an open mind at all times. and now I'm getting all off of the subject SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL
  13. I'm going to agree with the others on this. I had to learn them at one point in my training inorder to progress but they are not a perfered method in no way. Atleast not in my book, but each individual is different.
  14. When it comes to takedowns/throws and grappling you really need a partner and an instructor to show proper technique. Even with a partner and Instructor it still takes a long time to get good at throwing and grappling. I wish I could help but when it comes to training on these types of techniques I think a partner is a must. Good Luck
  15. When you hear a Jujitsu student talking about doing kata, they are not refering to a form of dance or set formations, they are talking about doing the technique it self. And its practiced on a fellow student rather than in the air (most schools). I enjoy Jujitsu because you spend your time training in a realistic training environment. Ofcourse I can not speak for all forms of Jujitsu for there are hundreds of versions out there but with my experience Jujitsu is training on what ever works and if My Jujitsu program does not have a technique in it that is proven to work then that technique is added and becomes part of the training. Jujitsu is not better or worst than other forms of training out there but alot of Jujitsu schools out there are always adding to better the program with realistic techniques and training methods. So that right there lets you know that Jujitsu is up there on the list of being pretty darn good!!!!
  16. I think you really need to watch some of the first UFC's this way you actually can see how the fighters and developing differently. In the first UFC it was style against style and now each fighter is training on all aspects of a fight stand-up to grappling and everything in between. So its nice to be able to watch how the fighters change threw the first so many events. ENJOY
  17. This debate on top 10 could go on forever!!!!! The only true way to find the top martial arts would be impossible. You would have to take 1 person and split them into several individuals and then send them off to train in all the different styles. After this is done you would have to bring them back and have each individual (that originated from the 1) fight to the death and the last one left we would declare that system of fighting the #1. Even with this impossible process you would still have a hard time determining numbers 2-10 since each fight is to the death some of the betters might be killed prior to different matches. Anyways this is a crazy post but I thought I would fill everyone in on my crazy opinion.
  18. I'm going to agree with cfr on this. I have heard nothing but great things about the straightblast gym and after checking them out on the internet I would love to go visit their gym.
  19. I have never trained in it, but it is probably one of the most interesting martial arts to read about. While researching it on the internet I have ran across some stories of some fights that have taken place in Brazil where Copoeira fighters have dominted others some of these fights include grapplers. Either way I have to agree with others that have posted here that anyone willing to give 110% and has heart can benifit from just about any style.
  20. Keeping notes or a journal a great way to help retain all of the information MA training has to offer. I keep a binder full of all of my notes and techniques. As my students progress they are given copies of the pages that I have for what ever particular level that they are at. I also encourage them to keep their own notes this way their binder will be twice as think as mine filled with my point of view and their own, its just another great way to keep adding tricks and methods into your basket of techniques.
  21. I got this information off of the usa boxing web site. http://www.usaboxing.org/ visit this site and click on safety on the left side of the screen. In there they show questions about safety within the sport of boxing. Safety is #1 when training, so find a school that believes in that also. We use to just go at it and I mean we spent more time waiting for bloody noises and water eyes to clear up than we did sparring so make sure you also find a gym with the proper equipment and one that starts you off with light sparring, until you are ready to move up the pace. Getting hurt because of something that could have been easliy prevented is just going to keep you from training that much longer. GOOD LUCK How does boxing compare to other sports in amount of fatality rates? Fatality rates per 100,000 participants Horse-racing...........128 Sky-diving...............123 Hang gliding.............55 Mountaineering........51 Scuba diving............11 Motorcycle racing......7 College football..........3 Boxing...................1.5 Cited in Cantu, Boxing and Medicine, Human Kinetics Illinois, 1995
  22. When first starting you should spend alot of time training only those techniques shown at your gym. Remember you want to perfect the basics first because basics will be your foundation and I believe basics are the best. BACK TO THE BASICS HIT HARD HIT FAST AND KEEP HITTING KICKS NEED TO BE POWERFUL AND GET THAT FOOT BACK TO THE GROUND AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE!!!! GOOD LUCK
  23. Training on your own is great, but before you jump in and start going at it sparring, you should get some actual training to help develop good technique and train on defensive tactics so you can defend yourself during your sparring sessions. Also its best to have someone in charge of sparring matches for safety issues. Thats another big one with the parents. Ofcourse they dont want their kids beating each other up, but a controled sparring match is much more safe than just puting on the gloves and going at it. Trust me I know Good Luck and have fun with it!!!!!
  24. I'm going to agree with the others on this. You want to listen to the Instructor, there is alot of know it alls out there and most of them dont know much, so forget what the student is saying and listen to those who are trained to be a trainer!!!!! It takes alot more than just knowing a form or technique to be ready to teach forms and techniques.
  25. I see your in Canada so here is some links to schools up there. http://www.axecapoeira.com http://www.abada.ca/ http://www.achebrasil.com/ This link has some more school in B.C. Canada I'm not sure what part your located in but maybe you can link there from this site below http://www.capoeirista.com/schools/?q=Canada&state=British+Columbia Good Luck this is a very interesting martial art with alot of history that you can research from most of the large search engines such as yahoo, msn, google, etc.
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