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Everything posted by yamesu

  1. Back from holidays and back into training! 25 Dec 2012. -Christmas challenge. Did 147 pushups on knuckles in multiple sets. 26 Dec to 4 Jan. -1-2kms jogging per day to burn off the excessive meals!!! -Abs on 26th, 28th and 2nd. 6 Jan 2012. -Hiking, covered 4kms in 26 minutes, blistering heat, dehydrated myself quickly. -10 rounds on heavy bag, 1.5 min each with 30sec break in-between. -Pushups to exhaustion. 7 Jan 2012. -Swimming laps, various strokes. 800 metres. -Pushups to exhaustion. 8 Jan 2013. -First day back at Kyokushin for 2013. 1hr class afternoon, 2hr class evening. Pushed out more than 1000 kicks and 2000 punches. Im going to go and lie in an ice bath now....
  2. 23 Dec 2012. - Jogging (10min up and down hills). - Quick Abs. - Resistance bands (10min). - Kicks, 20min. - Kata, 15min. - Combinations drills, 10min. - Stretch down.
  3. I've said it before and I say it again, I think kata should take a bigger precedence then that. There are a lot of very useful things to be learned in kata. That being said, I'm glad that you found a dojo that fits your training preferences and that you can be happy in. Congrats! I agree, kata should have a greater emphasis. However, in my experiences with several Kyokushin dojo's, kata application is usually left until higher ranks. I dont know why, perhaps to build up strength first as well as tame the "flight" part of adrenal response through free sparring. Glad you enjoy it so far OSU!
  4. 21 Dec 2012. -20min walk. -Uphill jogging (approx 700m). -Grab/throw training (20min). -Push/pull training with weighted sled (15min). -Freeweights: Deadlift, shrugs, flys, curls (2 sets each supersetted). -Kettlebell, 20kg. Swings (3 sets 20s); round legs (2 sets 10s); clean and jerk (2 sets 5 reps each arm). -Drilled kicks (5min) -Stretch. Might do some jiyu kumite later if my brother is up for it.
  5. 20 Dec 2012. -Stretch. -2min Jog to warm up. -Freerunning and trick practice (30min) - Quite uplifting experience, as i have nto been out to do this kind of stuff in a while, just took it easy, but still got in a few good runs.
  6. Zaine is on the money. Generally (if you count the links attached to the bearings) there are 7 links. Speed chucks have 5. 2 inch cord is closer to the 5 link than the 7, and give a better overall feel i think (particularly octagonal handles!) Osu.
  7. Just bought my brother ankle and wrist weights, as well as a weightvest. Happy Yule time!
  8. Daily, at least once. Even more on actual Kyokushin training days (usually before and after training).
  9. 19 Dec 2012. -5min jog to warm up. -Stretch. -Drilled Tsuki and Shuto (10min). -Drilled Uraken and Ago Uchi (5min). -Drilled Kin Geri, Chudan/Jodan Mae Geri (10min). -Drilled Chudan/Jodan Mawashi Geri (10min). -Shadow boxing (10min). -Kata = All Pinan, Gekusai Dai/Sho, Yantsu, Saiha. -Drilled Chudan/Jodan Mae Yoko Geri from Zenkutsu Dachi (5min).
  10. 17 Dec 2012. -180 minutes Kyokushin classes (60 early, 120 late).
  11. 17 Dec 2012. -800m swim, various strokes. -Light abs work in the sun
  12. Im with Dr Qui - Flexibility. Mainly for my Jodan Mawashi Geris!
  13. Solid advice above. I am by no means an expert, but have been lifting for about a year now for the same purposes you are. To work strength (as oppose to straight endurance or muscle enlarging), I believe you should be working high weight, low range reps. So for example, working your 1 rep max. To do this, you need to find your 1 rep max by trial and error. Remember, If you cannot complete a repetition with perfect form, then the weight is too heavy (and you may end up damaging your body). Out of respect for KarateForums I dont want to link to other forums, but there is some great information out there on Body Building, with some people who can give you some excellent information on lifting. I am training six days a week, three Karate, and the other three three cardio/weights/abs at the moment, and I have dropped a few kilo's (curently 80kgs = 176lbs) while maintaining my muscle proportions. I have also found that to compliment my MA, isolation lifting (i.e.; just bicept curls) is not really effective in comparison to compound lifts. A breakdown of one of my weight sessions days is basically: -30-40min cardiovascular exercise. -Targeted weight training for compound movements (usually low weight high reps for fast twitch muscles, and then the same lift with high weight low repos for larger muscles). -Abs (always leave until last!). I dont supplement with protein shakes etc, but choose to get my protein from my meals instead, but some people tend to have good results with the shakes etc. You might even want to think about weighted sled pulls and pushing a car for your purposes. Nothing like going old-schol for strength building!
  14. 14 Dec 2012. -120min kyokushin class, focus on self defence (takedowns and immobilisation). -Drilled standing choke to takedown. Transition to arm bar, transition to reverse arm bar.
  15. Ah, I was not thinking intra-style comparisons! Good points both of you. Though, irrespective of the sect, I still think most Kyokushin retains its concepts. Nothing mystical here - just hard training!
  16. 11 Dec 2012. -30min interval running on treadmill. -30min weights training (light and heavy supersets for white and red muscle fibres), chest and shoulders focus. -Ab ripper X. 12 Dec 2012 (12/12/12!!!) -45min kihon (basics) training - blocks, punches, kicks. -Kata: Gekisai Sho and Gekisai Dai. -P90x Cardio. -Interval hill sprints with situps at top, and pushups at bottom (20min). -Situps to exhaustion. -Various circuits, 45min: [Plank, Squat kicks, Uphill Jogs] [Reverse Plank, One leg raised squats, underarm pullups]. -150 kicks to finish.
  17. 10 Dec 2012. -120 min Kyokushin Class.
  18. Maybe for some. I dont think this rings true for Kyokushin. No secrets there, just "Hard Training" to forge a "Hard Spirit". Its a case of you get out what you put in.
  19. Both solid posts above! I think that his carries over to most asects of the MA. The more skilled a person is, the more likely they are to display discretion in actually causing harm to another person. I put is as "the more you learn about violence, the less you want to be part of it". When it comes to weapons, I have injured myself more times with chucks and san-setsu-kon than I have been injured by others in kobudo....
  20. That is a great initiative!!!
  21. Unfortunately for many this is commonplace in MA training I think. I train with a couple of people like this, and in particular some who only come into the dojo every now and again after reaching a certain rank.... (in fact last week I was punched square in the throat by an overly enthusiastic puppy! Needless to say I was less than impressed) I believe that one of the keys to MA is slowing down techniques, only then does one really grasp the true nature of what we are learning. Perfect it slow, and then gain speed. My tennis instructor once told me "Practice does NOT make perfect. Perfect Practice Makes Perfect!!!". It is highly unlikely (unless they are extremely skilled) that anyone will attain perfection by travelling at 100 miles per hour off the bat (if you get my gist). In kyokushin I think this is particularly true. Look at some of the greats. They sit and wait for the right moment, never charging in, but picking each and every move as if it were their last. This, to me,is what makes a great MAist, and a trait which I have learnt to carry into the Boardroom to become very successful in my career. My only advice is to breath and think more. Slow things down, because then you can really look at areas that need improvement.
  22. It is. In my area TKD is dominant, with a few low level BJJ schools within a 50km radius of home. Because of my love for Kyokushin I travel over 2 hrs to get to my dojo 3 times a week.
  23. Get more ripped up (i want my 6 pack back!!!) Amp up training, including resistance, strength, endurance and general MA technique. Complete a 40-man Kumite.
  24. 8 Dec 2012 -Jogging intervals on treadmill, 35min. -Quick Abs. 9 Dec 2012 -5km walk to warm up. -Swimming (laps of an olympic pool) 30min. -5km walk home.
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