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Everything posted by yamesu

  1. 20 March 2013 -1hr Kyokushin class (afternoon). -Kata, 45min, Seipai and Pinans. -2hr Kyokushin class (evening). -Pushups competition (on knuckles) sets: 15/15/15/15/14/13/12/11/10. -30min jiujistu drills, butterfly sweep from bottom, triangle choke from full/butterfly guard transition, standing choke from singleleg takedown attempt, sweep from bottom-full mount.
  2. 15 March 2013 -1hr Kyokushin Class (afternoon). -Leg and back stretching, 15min). -Shadowboxing (sparring?), and heavy bag work, 10min. -Wall mounted bag work, 5min. -90min Kyokushin class (evening). -Little roll with one of the guys after class, paracticed sweeps from bottom, omoplata from full-guard and triangle choke/arm bar transitions from full-guard. 17 March 2013. -4hr knife work seminar.
  3. 13 March 2013. -1hr Kyokushin Class (afternoon), focus on mawashi geri and tying different levels together (Gedan -> Jodan etc). -Kata, drilled Sepai several times. -Leg stretching (5min). -Heavy bag work (5min). -2hr Kyokushin class (evening), focus on fitness for first 40min, and focus on kumite randori for last 80min.
  4. This ^^^ I was amazed at how much I was able to save by doing this - enough for an overseas holiday each year! And its not enough that i miss the money once its been put away!
  5. 6 March 2013. -1hr Kyokushin class (afternoon). -Roundhouse kick circuits, heavy bag (15min). -Shaowboxing (10min). -2hr Kyokushin class (evening). 7 March 2013 -Stretch. -Low and mid roundhouse kick drills (20min). -High roundhouse kick drills, three variations (snap, follow through and downwards/brazillian), 10min. -Shadow boxing for kicking finishers (15min). -Kicking kata (10min). -Stretch down. 9 March 2013. -Drilled roundhouse kicks (10min). -Stretch. 10 March 2013. -Stretch - legs focus. 11 March 2013. -Pushups to exhaustion. -Pull ups to exhaustion.
  6. 27 Feb 2013. -1hr Kyokushin class (afternoon). -Circuits high intensity (15:30 for 4x rounds): Jump squats, shuffling pushups, iso holds with squats, iso lifts with squats, mountain climbers. -2hr Kyokushin class (evening). -Pushups on knuckles, declining number sets for a total of 120. Shredded my knuckled on the wooden floor.
  7. 25 Feb 2013. -HIIT, mixed intervals of cardio, plyo and bodyweight isometrics (20min). -Randori with partner, 30min. 26 Feb 2013. -Chest: Flys (high weight low reps, slow) 3sets. Reverse flys (high weight low reps, slow) 2sets. Reach exhausted levels indicative of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Flys (low weight high reps, fast) 1set. -Wide arm pushups with legs elevated, 1set to exhaustion. -Quick abs.
  8. I think you'll find a fair few of the members here have high level of "practical" application of their MA (as you refer to it), with some even carrying out day to day jobs in the Police, Security or Military. The self defence forum on here is a good place to check out. Osu.
  9. I trained Presas Modern Arnis for about 3 and a half years. Loved it, and I think that SE Asian stick/knife fighting is the best compliment to open handed styles. Stick fighting seems to cut out the bull you get with other weapons based systems and really focus on the integral movement.
  10. I LOOOOOVE FongSaiYuk. Probably my favorite Jet Li cult MA film (the second one just does not match up though!). Best of luck with your Shodan test. Hope the kumite part goes in your favour. Osu.
  11. Im all for learning new kata, it kind of excites me in a weird way.
  12. Every Kyokushin dojo Ive trained at has run 2 hour classes for adults, particularly in more advanced ranked classes. Kids do a 1 hour class. (which is much more structured around the basic syllabus than the adults). Though its different for beginners (akin to the kids classes noted above), adult advanced classes are always different. Sometimes focus is on kata, sometimes on self defence, sometimes on full contact. In 20 years I dont think Ive ever done two lessons that were exactly the same. All classes generally have a quick 5-10 minute warm up (we are pretty much expected to be already warmed up), 5 min stretching to begin. Same to warm down at the end.
  13. 22 Feb 2013. -1hr Kyokushin class (afternoon). -Circuits (15min), focus on ground and pound work (punches, elbows, knees), tyre flips. -2hr Kyokushin Class, full contact.
  14. Ashi barai is a great move, even in full contact bouts. Here is some great use in Kyokushin: See: 1.33 3.26 ~6.15 I think that (although rare perhaps) it can put you in a great position to follow up.
  15. 20 Feb 2013. -Circuits, 20min, plyometrics, isometrics, cardio and strength/bodyweight. -Weights, endurance training (8+ per set): Flys, Reverse flys, benchpress, deadlift. -Drilled Chudan Mawashi Geri (10min).
  16. 18 Feb 2013. -90min Kyokushin class (afternoon). -Stretchning, legs (10min). -90min Kyokushin class (evening). -Stretching, legs and back (10min).
  17. My current dojo does not demote. Hoever - if a BB is slacking off, the Shihan will let them know about it.
  18. This sounds like an interesting way of doing directional kicking. I've trained similar things in the past, but not exactly this. I am going to try it! 14 Feb 2013. -45min Bokken kenjutsu and saburi training. -Shinken training: drawing, clean cutting (5 direction cuts, all descending and horizontal). 15 Feb 2013. -Circuits, 10min. -Abs, 10min. -Pushups pain competition with my brother, until failure. -Leg stretching 5min. -Knife training, 12 direction cuts, opening and closing. -Knife defence with partner, movement and practicing machete disarms with arnis sticks.
  19. This is a very good point, often overlooked. A lot of people seem to think conditioning is solely building tolerance by getting hit. Not true (though being hit is a part of it). Conditioning is also largely built by doing isometric strengthening excercise and Static holds. Kiba-dachi is a good example, as are handstands.
  20. 12 Feb 2013. -Chin ups, 3x sets until exhaustion. 10/7/4. -Stretching (10min). -Full contact sparring (15min). 13 Feb 2013. -2hr Kyokushin class (afternoon). -Circuit training (flipping heavy bag up and down the dojo, combinations). -Drilled takedowns, combinations - G&P from mount, Side control for knees and elbows, transition to arm bar. -2hr Kyokushin class (evening).
  21. 6 Feb 2013. -2 hr Kyokushin class. -Circuits : Jumping squats, pushups, squat kicks, overhead raises and mountain climbers.
  22. Common theme here. I was 7 years old and my Mother told me two of my friends were doing Karate, and asked if I wanted to try. I said yes, and that was my introduction to Kyokushin. I've never looked back.
  23. I believe it should come down to your bunkai. If the sequence dictates the next movement be used for proper bunkai application, then yes, thought should certainly be given until it becomes second nature. Kata is not always just a set of singular movements, often several steps will be strung together to achieve the "right" applications. Osu.
  24. 4 Feb 2013. -90min Kyokushin class, afternoon. -Thai pad work with partner, roundhouse kicks (5min). -Circuits, abs focus (5min). -Kata, Seipai (10min) -2hr Kyokushin class, evening.
  25. I am a government chemical scientist, with a majority of work done in water chemistry and transmission vectors for human and ecological health. I have trained under Pharmacologists, Construction workers, Structural Engineers and Dentists. Its amazing that, no matter what the profession or background one comes from, Martial Arts can bring us together on a common ground.
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