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G Money Slick

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Everything posted by G Money Slick

  1. Tyson is a washed up has-been way past his prime. I doubt he'll follow through with this as his career is on lifesupport.
  2. Steven Seagal and........(I might get bashed into the ground for this).....Jean-Claude Van Damme.
  3. This game is really really good. I think they really captured the Shotokan style with Sub-Zero pretty damn accurately. His stance and block are authentic. They even have a crapload of Exotic Chinese Styles that I've never even heard of. This game is really something else. I enjoyed it more than Tekken 4, which is also an awesome game.
  4. I thought Bloodsport was OK, average at most. The fight scenes were descent (The ones that didn't have Van Damme in them!!!) He's just proof that muscles, looks and flexibility don't necessarily make a great martial artist
  5. I'm Surprised nobody has mentioned Cyborg. That movie just......UGH. Reeked of suckiness.
  6. Actually we're both wrong. He was born in.....get this....1940!! Chuck is extremely old but in phenominal shape, much like Jack Lalanne.
  7. Pat Johnson is a NINTH DAN!? Wow. That's impressive. Pat Morita is a comedian and a damn good one to. He just has the Martial Arts look to him.
  8. Van Damme's fight scenes are so damn corny. Anybody with a week of martial arts experience would die laughing watching the final fight in Kickboxer. He flexes and yells, flexes and yells, flexes and yells, shows off his split kick and flexibility, flexes and yells. End of fight.
  9. Name: G Money Slick Style: Hapkido
  10. I've been practicing Hapkido and Western Boxing for a few months now and I found this Wah Lum Kung Fu dojo on a local street near my house. I've never really knew what Wah Lum means. I just want to know if any body here studied Wah Lum Kung Fu or if it's name means something else or can tell me anything about it and if it has any practical uses or applications.
  11. i don't know much about chinese martial arts but I do know that Yip Man was a Wing Chun master who taught Bruce Lee...and he's the man!
  12. I've never seen a Mantas Daga demonstration before. Do you have a link to a video of it?
  13. Yeah same here. I enjoyed the original more than the remake however. Chan's hands are lightning quick.
  14. No dude. Richard Simmons is in his sixties. Billy Blanks is like in his 30's.
  15. https://www.shotokanforeveryone.com The instructor/site creator, Ed, is this chubby guy with a really really bad mullet. Cool site for shotokan karate students/enthusiasts, despite the horrible haircut. Some kata links are still unfinished however.
  16. He's lost 7 of his past 9 matches. His last fight was a disgrace. This guy is going to get his brain permanently damaged (More than it already is) if he continues trying to prove himself, which he doesn't need to do, in meaningless matches. He's just making himself look bad and tarnishing his "legend". He was great in his prime. That was a LONG time ago. It's time he really moved on.
  17. Billy Blanks is a 4th d bb in TKD I believe. I read his bio and he incorporated his TKD training with music to become the Richard Simmons of MA!!
  18. Jackie Chan and Jet Li both studied Wu Shu. Van Damme did ballet and knows a couple basic karate moves (like sidekicks, roundhouse kicks, etc.) Chuck Norris studied 10 styles of MA, including Jeet Kune Do, Tang Soo Do, Kenpo, Tae Kwon Do, and Judo.
  19. Van Damme lack flexibility? That's about all he has going for him as far as MA is concerned. Have you ever seen "Knock Off", that movie made me sick just watching it. Desert Heat was even worse. Van Damme is an egomaniac who has about as much Martial Arts knowledge as Jim Carrey.
  20. Van Damme could whip Norris anyday. Every body knows that !
  21. Van Damme's fight scenes are so damn funny. It's 90% flexing and posing. I mean, this guy can make a 6 minute fight scene using only 5 moves, all in slo-mo.
  22. How long do you spend stretching daily to gain flexibility in your legs? How long does it take to aquire a significant gain in flexibility?
  23. Yes that is very true. not just with kickboxing but anything....golf, baseball, karate, anything. If you make a mistake you need somebody with more experience to correct you. Give advice. Etc.
  24. I wouldn't recommend crosstraining. just pick one style and put all your focus into it. Hapkido is incredibly well-rounded and respected. It is similiar to Aikijujitsu (Derived) and usually taught at TKD schools. Just a tip i guess.
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