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Master Jules

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Everything posted by Master Jules

  1. Sure....anything that adds to your training in a POSITIVE way is always usefull.....but newbies shoulnt try this without the proper "hands on" guidance.
  2. Kime is "focus", but as you indicated in regards to kata and Kiah....there are specific places in kata that call for a kiah.....what your teacher says about it "sneaking out" is true also....you are simply letting your body and spirit do what it needs to....you have apparently built up energy that needs to be expelled....sometimes it just happens.
  3. LOL P.A.L I live with one of those too.... On the topic though....yes I have been attacked with everything from knives to pool cues and beer bottles. Working as a bouncer for 19 years, you come up against all kinds of stuff.....you just gotta be fast. In a knife situation..resign yourself to the fact the unless youre REALLY good, youre probably gonna get cut. In those situations, I tend to lean more towards my Aikijujitsu stuff, and usually end up breaking an arm or wrist somewhere along the line....I havent been cut bad, but when a weapon is pulled, I retaliate all out and they usually go to the hospital.
  4. That is my understanding as well Seven.
  5. That is my understanding as well Seven.
  6. I was several years ago for a short time. Around the time of my divorce, my life became so hectic that I had to leave. I did send all of my students to continue their training to Chi-I-Do.
  7. Yes, Seven always has good sound reasoning behind his opinions.
  8. Im sure every system does have its pros and cons....some systems have a lot less "cons" though.
  9. https://www.Chi-I-Do.com
  10. I will agree with WW.....there is a degree of "cooperation" that does occur in some of these demos....thenagain....there are some masters...Wally Jay being one of them...that do not need cooperation.....and as MM said, the same can be said for chi masters.
  11. Of course there is.....but during his demos, hes does invite san dan and higher to attack full force, and he literally toys with them....as I said...it is amazing to watch.
  12. Shouted ?....I think you are refering to "Kiah"...spirit yell
  13. Hes about 80 yrs old so, its been a long time since he had a "senior"
  14. Yep....and both those systems are traced back to AikiJuJitsu.
  15. Thats the kinda place it is....a belt factory
  16. MM.....your history is absolutely correct. Im not all that sure about TKD, but I believe that is correct as well.
  17. customers.....can anyone say "Tiger Schulman"....lmao....
  18. It does descend from White Crane, with Pakua and chi gung as well as Shaolin chin na elements. It really looks much more like a gung fu system than any Japanese karate system for example. In fact, you can see parts of the Hakutsuru (white crane) form in every Goju kata.
  19. MM.....like I said....shes Swedish...a Viking...shes got the killer instinct to begin with....Ive been in trouble since the day we met....lol
  20. sorry....comp is on the fritz.
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