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Master Jules

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Everything posted by Master Jules

  1. I second the motion......remember....it aint a fashion show....just get on the mat and train....
  2. Hmmmmm.....could be....I didnt look at it that way....if so....sorry Rick......
  3. Better to engage a opponent than getting engaged.... .......or married...lol
  4. S Ryu and WW......I agree with you completely.......
  5. MM......would that be "wax on-wax off" ????
  6. I have to disagree with you Rick......sort of......while you cant learn something NEW on your own......by practicing what you already know, you may come to a new and "deeper" understanding of what you already know.
  7. It was a great topic.......hope we have more of them
  8. I was curious about that answer too.
  9. Certainly, there are arts which are more "suited" for certain body types.....my understanding of Capoera is that it requires very good flexibility, and an ability to move to a certain rhythym. Just because someone is "husky".....dont misjudge their abilities in terms of flexibility.....perfect example of that would be Sammo Hung....while he certainly is ...ahem...."portly".....he sure can move, and is VERY flexible.....of course, he isnt the norm.....but....you know what they say about judging a book by its cover.
  10. Thats the chance we take when we decide to engage an opponent.
  11. Hey......check out "Puming Iron" ......even Arnold smoked pot
  12. Gilbert.......I didnt realize it was that simple
  13. Again, ANY art, trained properly, and in the hands of a skilled fighter, is effective. Plus...they have cool rythym....lol
  14. Take any opening the opponent gives you and exploit it to the fullest.
  15. Theyve always worked for me.
  16. Could be as simple as earning a certain rank (usually 4th Dan)......but really.....it should be based on your ability to "do", and of course....depth of knowledge
  17. Drink heavily....LOL.....seriously though......very effective art, if trained properly (like anything else)....
  18. No disrespect here, but 8 months isnt a long enough time for you to cross train......it can be confusing.....however, some people can handle distinguishing the different aspects of differing styles......give it a shot and see what happens.
  19. The Okinawan masters all got plastered drunk on rotgut sake.....but thats it....'cept for cigarettes
  20. Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxactly
  21. #1....who knows if youll be ready better....the orange belt, or the master ? #2....Shorin is correct....focus on your technique, NOT the candle.....and treat the sword like a whip Best of luck
  22. First .....welcome Now....as far as what for you to study.....go to as many dojos as possible and either sit in on or watch as many different things as you can....then decide what suits you the best. Let us know what you see in your "dojo travels" .....
  23. Ti... Let me first tell ya....I feel your pain....lol But seriously.....having trained with countless people over the years, both in and out of the dojo setting, Ive seen all kinds of personalities come and go....and so has your teacher. What I mean by that is this....your teacher and senior ranking students DO NOTICE this woman's behavior.....trust me, they DO. Yes, people like her can detract from the continuity and quality of training, BUT ONLY TO THEMSELVES. Their behavior simply means that they arent giving 100% focus to whats going on in class, and consequently, they are shortchanging their own learning. Although she sounds like a real pain in the..., YOU are there to learn.....stop spending so much energy worrying about how much of a pain in the ... SHE is. Here's a suggestion.... Your sensei trains you in the physical and mental concepts of your art, and Im sure he also talks about....or at least implys to you.....the importance of focus and concentration. Consider this woman to be part of your "supplemental training" in the aspect of the "focus and concentration" part of your training. Show your sensei, and the senior students of your class that despite the OBVIOUS distraction that this fellow student causes, YOU will remain 100% focused on training to become a better martial artist. This training will help develop your ability in "real life" to remain focused on any task at hand, and perform outstandingly. As a bouncer for 19 years, I can tell you from personal experience that this kind of training has given me the ability to have what others have called an "infinite amount of patience" in dealing with guys that you just wanna throttle. LOL..... Anyway.....heres the deal.... #1-- Dont worry....your Sensei KNOWS #2-- Use her to your advantage....remember...the tougher you make ALL aspects of your training....the easier everything else will be...... "Focus Grasshoppa" PS......please take the advice I just gave you....YOUR training will improve greatly. Good luck
  24. Good job....just keep it controlled and focus on improving your techniques.....the tougher you make your training, the easier every day things will be !
  25. Good job....just keep it controlled and focus on improving your techniques.....the tougher you make your training, the easier every day things will be !
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