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Everything posted by cymry

  1. cymry


  2. I skimmed through the book awhile ago, and it idn't look too bad. i think I might buy it.
  3. You think it might be referring to the whole yielding/energy manipuation thing?
  4. You thik it might be referring to the whole yielding/energy manipuation thing?
  5. Notice an Everlast bag. Doesn't "everlast" when Master Kang takes a shot!
  6. The mechanics of the punch are no different, though the effect may be.
  7. Can you explain a bit more about how you spar?
  8. I think Biu Gee is used more as a way of keeping your distance if things go wrong.
  9. A right hook is a right hook, a push kick is a push kick...
  10. I also said before that you are most likely to be confronted by an unskilled opppnent. And IMO, grappling on the street is much less dominant than grappling in UFC-type events.
  11. Like I said before, don't think it's designed for skilled grapplers.
  12. For example, finger jabs to the throat and eyes.
  13. I have been attending classes for some time, and during my numerous discussions with the sifu, I've gathered what I've said previously. BTW, tyhe reason there's no real sparring in wing chun is because there's no real safe way to do it. None of the strikes work with mitts, and the kicks are aimed at vulnerable targets. My sifu trained under Samuel Kwok.
  14. Is it only the Wing Tsun schools that teach groundfighting/antigrappling?
  15. Here are a few: Pros Flexible Very fast Free of mysticism Cons No real sparring Little or no groundfighting No joint locks
  16. Kinda funny, I'm a lefty but I was trained like everyone else, left side forward. So I've got a kinda JKD-powerside-forward thing. I prefer striking with my left side.
  17. Are you suggesting grappling with a knife-wielding attacker?
  18. I'd probably favour Japanese Jiu Jitsu
  19. I believe there is a universal energy that we can use to our advantage. What it is may reside in places other than the physical world. I'm not contradicting my last post, by mysticism I mean the whole flying, fireballs and lightning stuff.
  20. Ki is a concept in many cultures around the world, it's just called different things. It could be called chi, qi, prana, bio-electrical energy, whatever. Personally I do't believe the mysticism of it, but several of the teaching methods of the East are compatible with Western science.
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