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Everything posted by iamrushman

  1. taekwon do is the way of the foot and hand. in other words it is the art of foot and hand fighting. being that taekwondo is 75% leg work the legs can become very tired after a work out. but with time the will become very strong and fast in attack situations. respect both yourself and others.
  2. hello, i've been studing taekwon do for about twenty years and love the flexiblity and stamina it provides me. being raised in HAWAII i have studied many different martial arts, but the korean style are my favorite. the belt colors i am used to are white,yellow,green,blue,red, and black with the the stripe of the advancing belt in between. thank you for allowing me to be part of this forum _________________ rushman 3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon florida [ This Message was edited by: iamrushman on 2001-06-04 16:04 ]
  3. hello and congratulations on starting this forum........i hope to see lots of activity and insightfull conversation here. to protect good and right in the world
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