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Everything posted by iamrushman

  1. nice site.........lot's of info......added to my favorites..............
  2. here's a few tournament terminology: JWA WOO HYANG WOO-------face each other KAE SOK------------continue CHUNG-------------blue HONG---------------red
  3. on your journey to a goal: 1) try your best not to make mistakes and don't worry about the possibility of them occuring. a) if you should make some, learn from them. do not repeat a mistake. try to repair or replace that which may be affected, then try to improve upon it. 2) try not to fail and do not worry about the possibility of failing. a) try again after failure. isolate the cause, and correct it, then try to improve it. b) if you should fail, it is important to remember that failure can be the seed which eventually gives birth to success. therefore; use failure to your advantage.
  4. oh ok..........i'll try one then....... "kyung neh chung dhee SUBMISSIONFIGHTER..!" bows in respect to blue belt submission fighter.
  5. well..UMA in a yellow track suit........yum yum......
  6. how about a translation for us korean speaking people.....(smile) (lol)
  7. welcome to this forum SKIPPY............ we look forward to your views and insights...
  8. good luck to all those involve........now the learning really begins........
  9. it's becoming very intense..they say that small pox may be next.........
  10. yes; TAEZEE...one of my favorite TKD sites.......
  11. may i make a request.......... i would like to move this thread to the taekwondo section............hapkido is a korean style of MA and is mostly likely where hapkido practitioners will look for this subject....... just rushman's humble opinion......
  12. thanks for sharing young man and good luck with your studies.......
  13. i agree with TAEZEE....taekwondo is a well rounded style....the problem is that in today's world no one sticks around long enough to learn the more complicated techniques........ it's just that we teach the kicks first.....
  14. couple more weeks left get your answers in...... congrats KICKER..won't be long now at the pace your going..........
  15. welcome to this forum SKIPPY and happy posting.........
  16. welcome and happy posting...........
  17. with all due respects......everything else is a much better place for this thread........
  18. very nice to hear your views..........
  19. the thing i find strange is that here in florida some people are spreding white power around in schools and other places for fun.....( and not the kind from colombia either).....what sick minds some have to entertain themselves.
  20. welcome to the boards C-SPANIAL...........
  21. ok ........went to see IRON MONKEY last night....(thanks for the reminder TAEZEE)...... i thought it started out slow but became very good and intense as the movie progressed..........because i grew up on the old chinese MA movie genre, i really enjoy these new versions with thier updated special effects....if your into these types of movies..... i give it a
  22. what a sweet color of blue you two have......very nice my friends........
  23. CHRIS...no i don't remember that one....(smile) IRON....very good chioices........
  24. because of the lack of hapkido practitioners in this forum.........any conversation is a good thing......i am also interested in other concepts of hapkido.
  25. no; i never used hapkido techs in tourniment type sparring............the way i was trained, it is to devestating and to easy to hurt someone for a trophy.
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