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Everything posted by Thuggish

  1. wing chun, like everything else- is different with each fighter because some people are better than others at fighting. with a good teacher, a good student/fighter, and a good knowledge and capability- wing chun can be devestating on the street. but the instincts have to be there- the killer blows have to come like that. remember that on the street anything can happen to anyone- a kickboxer might demolish the guy with wing chun in one kick, the boxer might pound the guy to death (which is something boxers are incredibly good at- they do it all day), or the wingchun guy could hit him in the eyes or throat and call it a fight (after hitting a few more times.) it is very hard to judge anything on the street- and honestly, nothing prepares you for a street fight fully untill youre in one. fighting in the ring is close, actual cage fighting is as close to street fighting as it comes. personally, id trust less idealstic, if you will, styles- like boxing where you pound things. dont get me wrong, im a fan of wing chun- but if its me against some guy, id rather be a muaythai badass who can punch and kick things super hard than in wing chun.. especially since i still know to hit vital areas like his throat. thats what wins street fights.
  2. while not dangerous, they have little if any effect on your muscles. yes bruce lee used it among many other exercises- and no, it had nothing to do with his death. using one will not hurt you, but it wont help you either. do crunches and leglifts and all that if you want abs.
  3. frankly and no offense, i couldnt care any less about a muay thai dance and things like that. im not knocking anyones interest in it for posterities sake or whatever, i just wanna fight so thats what id wanna spend my time doing. different people different goals i guess.
  4. from what i understand (and im no expert with savate) savate is virtually all kicks with little or no punches at all. a boxer could take one rather easily.
  5. some people are just skinny and have a real problem gaining weight. you might try eating more calories a day, making sure its more than you actually burn so that your body has plenty of energy to grow muscle, while also eating about 1g of protein per lb you weigh. other than that, lift heavy, and see what your body can do. i wouldnt worry about health or strength too much though if i were you.
  6. not to mention the fact that muay thai careers are much much shorter than a boxers career since their bodies just cant handle the beating.
  7. a good boxer lettin loose with his fists on the street will decimate whatever is in his way. not bashing karate or anything, but katas wont save you from something like that unless youre a karate master... and take lennox vs a karate master... i dunno. either way, if you want street fighting (unarmed), boxing is a great way to go, cause kicking the sh it out of someone is what its all aboutl.
  8. i have on exercise for the obliques that works really well for me. its on that wedge thing you see people doing lower back work (extensions usually) all the time. what you do is get half on your hip half on your butt so that you are facing forward but twisted 30-45 degrees so that you can lean your body back then bring it back up with those muscles you want to build.... did that make sense?
  9. dont do one handed pullups
  10. ahhh!! ahhhh, ahhhhhh..... AHHHHH!!!!!!
  11. poor tyson? who could feel sorry for that nut case? throw that schizo back in prison where he belongs. hes not a boxer anyway. as for lennox, who knows what hes doin, maybe hes just gettin old. he can still kick some serious * though.
  12. i dont know why youd be 'bloated' for any reason.... anyway, while it can be done id recommend against it- white meat especially is good for you. protein is what muscles are made of, and martial artists use muscles a lot. why make it harder on your body?
  13. ...what? type that out again. and run a spell check.
  14. it will probably go away after a while if its what i think it is. a lot of times, joints wont be perfectly smoothe- the bones develop little bumps or whatever. eventually those are worn down and everything is a lot smoother.
  15. thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. every athlete in the world will tell you the opposite- and that's what a "study" i'd trust. your guy with those arguments either really hates stretching, misheard something, or believes anything he reads. but then, if you wanna prove him wrong, let him go without stretching for a while, maybe a year... then see how flexible he is and how many times hes been injured, and so on.
  16. all of them. your back may not seem important- nor your biceps, but theyre all necessary to have a strong balanced body. why do you think every boxer and kickboxer out there builds their backs? boxers build their legs and they dont kick. dont neglect any muscle in your body- back, legs, abs, calves, anything. thats how you become a more fit fighter. obviously chest is the main punching muscle, but its not the only muscle.
  17. might have slightly pulled or hurt something- be careful and go easy on it. best to start too slow rather than too fast.
  18. san shou is a competitor for muay thai... theyre hardly different, really.
  19. both are very effective self defense techniques, and as an ex gymnist youd be in excellent shape for kickboxing as well as wing chung. best advice i could give over the net is if youre a bigger guy do kickboxing. i can say that kickboxing will be more effective sooner if you study it (be sure to hit a bag without gloves every now and then, just to be ready for taht fight on the street). truth is, youre better off using mostly hands in a street fight anyway, which both arts will teach you. read and look into both of them, maybe youll find one more appealing than another. try to learn some sort of ground fighting/grappling stuff if you want self defense as well.
  20. tuck in your chin, then twist ninety degrees so youre facing him sideways, grab one hand if you like and twist it- then youre in position, having grabbed his hand or not, to do some damage of your own. id strongly suggest not headbutting, as it exposes your throat and strengthens his position.
  21. know your limits, but the maximim days for beatin on the heavy bag is seven. id say if you go at it for a while light bag gloves arent a bad idea, just know that you should always concentrate hitting with your first two knuckles and all that good stuff. kick it some, too.
  22. ohhhh i thought you were talking about the front shoulder exercise also called the shoulder press or military press. maybe i gotta stop the crack i dunno.
  23. karate- traditional style anyway- is good stuff. muay thai if you learn it correctly will probably help you focus more on shear power, especially with them kicks. id say go for it, if its turns out useless, dont go anymore... give it a few weeks.
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