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Everything posted by DarthPenguin

  1. Wednesday 1st March Karate session Warm ups slightly different this week as a different instructor - one of the 3rd dans filled in for the week. Lots more stretching which was good. Also did some drills of front kicking over a prone partner to work on chambering properly and a similar drill for yoko geri keage Kihon Worked through our required grading kihon. Got a useful pointer for one of them that a hand adjustment i was performing (As i thought it was required) is not needed so not to do it. Simple fix to make though which is good Kata Worked through grading kata a few times. Once to a count and then all the way through and also once myself in front of the class. Tried to really focus on 'separating out the moves' whilst performing each technique as quickly and sharply as possible. Got some really good feedback afterwards that it looked really good (so i will try to perform it this way in future!) Also found out that i will be grading again in 2 wks - thought i might be but they hadn't mentioned the dates!
  2. Sounds like a lot of potential issues that could have all impacted on the deadlift tbh. Each one could have caused an issue themselves so compounding them it is no wonder that there would be a negative impact. I think i used to use a very similar hammer strength pressing machine in the gym. Generally most people counted the weight as the total weight on the machine as most people were pressing both limbs. One thing i did notice on it though was I always found i could lift a LOT more on it (likely due to the reduced demand on stabiliser muscles). At the time i would struggle and hit 2-3 reps with 75kg in a bench press but could easily rep out 8-10 with 110kg on the hammer machine. Might be worth factoring that in when planning loads etc
  3. Thats 4 then! Realistically i think we need about 8 people to make it interesting. If anyone else is interested please chime in and we can get down to the details of getting it arranged
  4. Just saw this come up and it reminded me of some issues my brother had where yoga actually made the issues worse! When he got it looked into properly by medical professionals they said that he had unusually flexible joints etc and that the yoga was making this worth and leading to instability. He was advised to quit yoga and take up some other exercises and actually to stretch less etc! If you haven't already though i would echo the suggestions to go and see a medical professional - 26 is quite young to be getting issues like you describe (without a clear cause like being in an accident etc). Good luck!!
  5. Tuesday 28 February Lifting Session Bench Press 20kg x 5 40kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 55kg x 5 62.5kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 KB Gorilla Row (reps = L + R; weight = per kb) 24kg x 14 24kg x 14 24kg x 14 24kg x 14 24kg x 14 24kg x 14 24kg x 14 24kg x 14 24kg x 14 24kg x 14 E-Z Bar Curl (superset with below) 30kg x 7 30kg x 7 30kg x 7 Triceps straight bar pushdown 25kg x 7 25kg x 7 25kg x 7 total poundage lifted : 6827.5kg time : 35min density: 195.1 kg/min
  6. Fans may grumble about it, but fans aren't in the building studying this stuff 5 days a week, and fans don't have to worry about losing their jobs if they make the wrong decisions. I think if Hurts hadn't missed some playing time, he would have won the MVP. I also think he's here to stay; no Wentz dropoff. Hurts has improved vastly over the past three seasons. I don't know how much more improvement he can make, but he's shown that he can carry a team to the ultimate prize. Will be interesting to see how the 4th down thing progresses. There will be a lot of analysis based on net points i assume from 4th down tries, plus net yardage, with teams coming up with their own acceptable metric: I envisage something like : we get 50% of tries and average 7pts per successful 4th down try drive, so 3.5pts per attempt but when we fail we give up a field goal on 1 in 3 but no points the others, so a loss of -1 with a net of +2.5pts - obviously will be a lot more complicated. NFL and Baseball are really good for making use of analytics so if there is a gain to be made there then someone will I think you have to take into account the nature of the game being played in, too. This was the Super Bowl; all or nothing. I'm not sure they consider going for it as many times during an early regular season game, but I could be wrong. I think the fact that it was the Super Bowl made a huge difference in going for it that many times. Sneaking on 3rd and 4th downs like that, that many times throughout the course of the regular season puts the QB in a dangerous spot quite often. True but then maybe you end up with a 'QB by committee for some teams' a bigger one who sneaks more and a smaller one who doesn't - though that would be tough to prevent the other team knowing what is happening. Am sure that the front offices have people working on crunching the numbers though : i know that there is a massive correlation between sacks and game winning and have seen a win probability added number linked to them before. IF there is a way of eeking out a statistical advantage then someone will spot it!
  7. Yeah, i understand why they have tried to make changes to speed up the game but i don't think they have done it in a particularly good way. 8 seconds max for the batter to get ready doesn't seem like much tbh and there will be issues if any 'proper' games are decided with an awarded strike/ball as the spring training one was the other day. I would have thought it would make sense to allocate an average time per hitter and this gets tracked. Then if it isn't met there is some kind of penalty for the player and team - would allow the players to adjust to the situation: if pitching to a dangerous hitter like Judge with the bases loaded then can take some time, if pitching to a guy hitting .180 with empty bases can speed up a bit
  8. Really helpful review. Would be great if you are able to update in a few months on durability etc (obviously if you have the time!). I've always found it useful to see a review of the new product and one a few months down the line since these are relatively long term purchases
  9. Maybe message Aurik, he trains Uechi-Ryu and may be able to point you towards some good sources - might just be like bjj was here in Scotland when i started it : there were a few clubs but terribly advertised and you only really found out about them via word of mouth (this was in the late 2000s/early 2010s so it was a well known style!). Good luck with the search!
  10. Fans may grumble about it, but fans aren't in the building studying this stuff 5 days a week, and fans don't have to worry about losing their jobs if they make the wrong decisions. I think if Hurts hadn't missed some playing time, he would have won the MVP. I also think he's here to stay; no Wentz dropoff. Hurts has improved vastly over the past three seasons. I don't know how much more improvement he can make, but he's shown that he can carry a team to the ultimate prize. Will be interesting to see how the 4th down thing progresses. There will be a lot of analysis based on net points i assume from 4th down tries, plus net yardage, with teams coming up with their own acceptable metric: I envisage something like : we get 50% of tries and average 7pts per successful 4th down try drive, so 3.5pts per attempt but when we fail we give up a field goal on 1 in 3 but no points the others, so a loss of -1 with a net of +2.5pts - obviously will be a lot more complicated. NFL and Baseball are really good for making use of analytics so if there is a gain to be made there then someone will
  11. Saturday 25th February Lifting Session Had a week off as i had tweaked my knee and needed to rest it, had first session back today. Reduced the volume to be safe but made sure got the heavier sets in Squat 20kg x 5 40kg x 5 62.5kg x 5 72.5kg x 5 82.5kg x 5 These felt smooth and easy. Right knee was still a little funny afterwards but overall ok Standing KB one arm shoulder press 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 E-Z Bar Curl 30kg x 6 30kg x 6 30kg x 6 Total poundage : 2927.5kg Total time : 25min Density : 117.1 kg/min
  12. The Eagles also are a lot more willing to go for it on 4th down. There were some interesting discussions on how this could change the league and the role of the punter. There are already a few teams that go for it more often on 4th down when they are near to midfield as the net gain from a punt might not be too much if a touchback
  13. Hi all, From other posts it seems like quite a few people are into baseball so i had the thought that maybe it would be fun to have a KF fantasy baseball league? could set up on a free site like Yahoo fantasy baseball and auto draft to minimise the time zone issue etc. What do people think? EDIT :: adding joining link to top for ease of access https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/league/join?leagueId=1665329380&inviteId=f646ad4f-100f-4aae-9066-f03c578abffd
  14. Yeah i second this. From your post is sounds like you are (relatively) young, so i am a little surprised that you are getting quite so beat up at bjj. It is undeniably tough on the body but i have always found it is quite easy to scale back intensity in sessions and make adjustments. Almost everyone who has trained for a while has things they are careful of and (in my experience anyway) wants to work on technique more so is happy to roll more gently sometimes. Personally i rarely roll 'full out' as unless the individual is similar in size, strength and technical ability it is not good for one of the two of you (and since i am one of the larger students in my club i don't see any benefit from just smashing people). Have you been training bjj long? Is a shame to stop training something that would go well with the kyokushin and as bushido_man says the ground fighting knowledge would be good to have
  15. Yeah totally agreed here. The degree would be supplemental. I have a family member who was a professional sportsperson and while nearing the end of their playing career did a degree in sports science and is now a coach. The sports science degree is something that i am aware of a lot of ex-sportspeople doing over here anyway, though not heard about many martial arts people doing it. Maybe the difference is that (over here anyway) a lot of sportspeople coach when they are older, which is usually the same with martial arts instructors/coaches. When younger they are still fighting/training actively. Person i could see benefitting from the course would be someone who has decided at a young age to be a trainer rather than a fighter themselves and this helps them develop skills (i'm ignoring the potential credibility issue with students)
  16. Still all looking good - and nothing wrong with the last rep of a heavy set of 5 being a grinder. When you are really pushing yourself it often is! Numbers are going well though - excellent progress
  17. Hurts's performance was outstanding. I don't know that I'd say he was the better quarterback; his stats were off the charts. But with the lesser amount of time that the Chiefs had possession, Mahomes made the most out of that time. Hurts is a stud. He's going to get a nice contract out of this deal, and the way he's improved over the past few years has been awesome to watch. Yeah thats all fair. Mahomes did as much as he could but stats wise he didn't seem to be as good as usual (though he pulled it out when it counted throughout). Mahomes was the safe pick for MVP and can't really disagree but i just think it would have been nice for Hurts to get it. Will be interested to see if he has made the genuine leap to top tier QB or if it is a Carson Wentz style great season with a drop off again afterwards
  18. Yeah that all makes sense. Will be interesting to see if Purdy has just suddenly 'got it' and confounded the draft predictions or if he will become anothe Matt Cassell (one great season at New England and converted that into a decent contract and was never too great) They may have gotten lucky and got the next Drew Brees - in my head he is the posterchild for someone who shouldn't make it at QB and is great
  19. I never realised that Vegas was that close to LA. With the sheer size of the USA i thought it was a lot further! Fingers crossed for you then. I'm looking forward to this season a lot - should be a good one!
  20. Definitely. Was an excellent fight. 48-47 either way seemed fair to me as i was unsure on the winner of the first round. The judge who gave it 49-46 was crazy! Was nice to see that the UFC kept Volk as P4P no 1 after the fight too. Have a feeling this could be a trilogy in the offing!
  21. Good choice. Wonderful fighter though never the same after that move to hw. Would have loved to the see the Tarver fight if he hadn't done so. Was a shame to see him keep fighting on though - never nice to see an all time great being beaten by guys who he would have toyed with in his prime
  22. Yeah thats a shame but it sounds like it was a good experience (martial arts technique wise). Also, it sounded like Master Kim (from your previous posts) was very sensible. Maybe you could reach out to him and arrange some training with him directly? That might enable you to keep the Tang Soo Do going
  23. Yeah good on you for doing what is right for you. I always remember getting pressure from some prior instructors to enter every possible event in competitions, and even when i had entered forms, sparring, multiple breaking events, getting told off for not entering them all - effect it had on me was i pared back my competition entries. Martial arts are an inherently risky pastime. Competitions even more so since adrenaline is added to the mix. Entering a competition out of obligation seems to me like it is a easy way to increase the risk of injury too.
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