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Everything posted by Rich_2k3

  1. Bruce Lee vs Chuck norris Bruce Lee tunnel scene End fight in kickboxer most of the fight scenes in the Transporter
  2. He's acting is pretty damn bad, but I thought Under seige was an OK film.
  3. I see everybody loves Van Damme then!
  4. What is the difference between kempo karate and other styles of karate?
  5. I good idea would be to do animal forms, like the 5 shaolin animals (Tiger, crane, leopard, snake and dragon). Normal katas are set of moves that have practical meaning, ie. defences agaisnt an imaginary opponent, however animal forms are geared more towards expressing a certain animals movements through martial arts. I've recently been working on Kangaroo kata ....no seriously
  6. Are there any side effects?
  7. Yeah I know what u mean, perfect example is The Matrix, I mean would it really hurt to get a real martial artist, instead of the totally wooden Keanu Reeves and his non exist martial arts talent.
  8. All IKO clubs should really be the same, it's the same syllabus's and the same training programs. In my style Trodai, I spar every lesson unless we are doing somthing specifically different on that day. Is it your whole club that doesnt spar or is it just the lower grades, if so then u'll be sparring when u've moved up in the ranks. However if your club never spars then u should probably move club, or if the other club doesnt spar then try another style of karate that does.
  9. I suppose it could mean to the chin or abdominals, either way its still very fast and hard to block.
  10. Bruce Lee Chuck Norris Royce Gracie Jackie Chan Dolph Lungdren Stephen Segal Jason Statham Jet Li Jean Claude Van Damme Wesley Snipes
  11. Could u plz list the 4 main Traditional okinwana Styles and give an overview of each, ie what they enphasize and how they differ. Also cud u list Shotokan Karate, Kyokushin karate and Wado Ryu karate. So i suppose that 7 styles . I'm just curious because I may take up a more traditional style when I reach black belt in Trodai.
  12. U good buy one of those blow up ones......
  13. I know this is abit of topic but whats the difference between traditional and Brazilian Ju-jitsu? I'm interested because I'm contomplating talking one up in the near future.
  14. Because we'll be free fighting in karate, i'll keep this technique saved for when a punch comes in. We always train as u usaully would in karate, with striking. But for your 2nd purple grading and on some occasions(only past 2nd purple) we train with grappling.
  15. Surely creatine will decrease ur "motor muscle" performance and just make u look bigger. Your gonna lose flexability and functunal strength surely if ur muscles are full of water?
  16. Put these fighters in order of who's the best! Assume their all in their primes: Bruce Lee Jean Claude Van Damme Chakie Chan Dolph Lungdren Chuck Norris Jet Li Wesley Snipes Stephen Segal Royce Gracie Jason Statham My list is in no apparent order. You may not have heard of these 2: Dolph Lungdren was the russian boxer in Rocky and the bad guy in Unversal soldier, ex-pro in Kyokushin Karate. Jason Statham starred in The Transporter and Snatch, he studies Kung fu. Enjoy
  17. Yeah, make sure they're not replacing the other 10 security guards that were gunned down in last nights raid
  18. Yep, killed bulls with his bare hands (pretty damn cruel though!!)
  19. He will be reacting first, i'll get him when he throws a reverse.
  20. Remember I'll be fighting karateka's who have no experience in grappling. However one of our experienced black belts, a fantastic martial artist, has crossed trained in Jujitsu, so he teaches some of our guys how to grapple when we get to 2nd purple belt, i'm not there yet, but i'd like to be ahead of the game when I do. U see to recieve our 2nd purple we must do some free fighting in front of the class, grappling is allowed. I know a good throw to use; its actually a knife defence but it works well with a punch too, when they hit the floor i'm more or less ready to go into an arm bar (only seen pics though). Theres is one problem with my throw, it includes an attack to the neck, like a clothes-line. Its designed to take out the opponent before they hit the ground, so i've got to be careful, which aint gonna help when my opponents struggling. Remember I have no training in grappling arts.
  21. I'd love to be able to do this stuff anyway.
  22. http://www.bjj.org/techniques/intheguard/escapetriangle/ I found this on the BJJ.org site, its how to escape(without biting), take a look. p.s check site out its gr8
  23. Yeah, I think martial arts is becoming more and more popular, especially in the celebrity world, it will probably become "fashionable" for celebs to practice it eventually and they'll start it up, obviously giving up when the novelty goes, damn celebs.
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