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Everything posted by WolverineGuy

  1. I used to pay about 40/month. I've payed as much as 60. My school is free now though.
  2. "Thank you sensei may I have another" heheh...National Lampoons Ninja Animal House...
  3. Prodigy is cool. I listen to 80s music a lot. I'm a sucker for the hard WWE themes (HHH's "The Game" by Motorhead, Word Life by John Cena, etc...).
  4. If you want to practice grappling outside of the dojo, get a gullible roomate. Seriously, it's very hard to practice that on your own
  5. I've heard lots of stories about Elvis being VERY proficient in Kenpo
  6. When you stop taking it, you lose some size. You won't lose muscle, but all the water leaves from the muscles.
  7. Gamma rays. Of course, you'll have a green tinge to your skin.
  8. Tuna is your friend.
  9. Well, by age 12 you should have your 17th degree black belt to be the ultra grand dragon master in San ishin roku ni hachi mu duk kwan tae bo ryu karate.
  10. No problem, just wanted to make MYSELF clear, as well as clarify what you meant.
  11. The short answer: creatine gives you somewhat of an energy boost, which helps you in your work out. However, what it's really doing is filling your muscles with water so they look a little bigger. It's basically cosmetic.
  12. Relationships are a wonderful thing, but they shouldn't take precedence in your life. Nor should you compare one to the other, because its always a unique situation.
  13. Hehe, sweet. I rule.
  14. Squat, without a doubt. Without varying it, you hit SEVERAL muscle groups all at once.
  15. I agree that most people don't need as much protein as I take in...however, too much can't hurt, in my opinion. Plus, protein shakes, for the most part, taste good, and they usually keep me away from chips. Also, I did state that as a BODYBUILDER, protein is your best friend. I'm sorry I didn't clarify. Again, though, the more the better, in my opinion.
  16. I'm not saying cross training is bad...what I am saying is that a pure bjj'er can handle himself quite well on the street.
  17. We were all there once. I bought my share of karate books hoping to learn to be invincible. Good thing that now I am.
  18. Sounds like my kind of training. jk
  19. Fraud conviction? Perhaps I'm out of the loop, but I never heard about that! What happened?
  20. Its funny how this thread has mutated from "would this technique work" to "my style is better than yours..."
  21. That's what I'm here for.
  22. I learned striking for years...over the past two years I've incorporated grappling, and tipped the scale in my strategy to "grappler with some srikes." I personally find it easier to dominate someone if I can take them off of their feet and mount them.
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