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Alan Armstrong

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Everything posted by Alan Armstrong

  1. This is Silat's take on the jab, what do you think?
  2. Timing is everything, especially in a fight, do you agree? Being in the right place at the right time, positioning and landing strikes and not getting hit back takes practice, how do you practice your timing? Is timing something you practice?
  3. There are many videos that talk about defending from a jab and not so many on how to throw one. Often it is the boxing jab, that different disciplines use as an example towards defending against. As what is a jab but a quick lead hand straight punch, or is there more to it than that? Or should I elaborate, that a jab is a fast moving lead hand punch, usually followed up with a few more fast ones, that opens the opponent up for other combinations, that can also end in a jab. As a jab is not so straightforward to do or defend against, far from it, is this worth further investigation? With it being widely known as probably, the first punch thrown in a boxing bout, is a jab of some kind, is this a fact or a myth? A jab has many possibilities and can be utilised it a variety of different ways, as if there is a one method fits all against defending from one. Do you use jabs in your fighting game and are you sufficiently prepared to defend against them? This is an exploration on the jab and it's impacts good and bad, for and against, how useful has jabs been for you? Do you have any opinions or questions about the use and effectiveness of the jab?
  4. What does internal arts mean to you? What does external arts mean to you? How can internal art be separated from external art? Is internal a spiritual thing, feeling or aspect? Is external for you being something tangible? Why does martial arts consider internal and external to be something worth while?
  5. Martial / Art Is a recent phenomenon as when warriors (Martialists) became almost distinguished, the (Artist) was introduced for continuing on with tradition, also for health body and mind self development. From what I was taught by my Sifu, is that in the distant past, martialists were internalist and the now today methods having changed in to external. Knowing the difference between internal and external takes sensitivities beyond the norm to grasp fully. A quick and simple way to understand with a few explanations, such as when light sparring. While in the moment, your sparring partner gets hurt by you unintentionally, due to using less muscle power and more control. As not trying so hard, movements become loose and natural; effortlessly. Muscles working more effectively and efficiently due to taking the (tension) hand brake off. Punches and kicks have more of a (relaxed internal) snap (heaviness) feel to them (metal ball with a chain connected to a handle) instead of an (tensed external) pushing (solid iron bar) muscling effect. This is how I know when "Father" modern, muscle, external methods differs (as they reach a peak performance for the practioner and it is down hill from there) a short intense period. However from the ancient "Mother" internal systems which are older and wiser, the practioner continues to develop continually in to old age, more often skills are developed and nurtured over a long period of time. As for throw away soldiers, it is far easier to train them to become quickly improved, to be stronger, in the short run, than it is to be something far greater, softer, natural and skilled in the long run. We know softness can penetrate the hard and that hard becomes brittle, whereas suppleness is closer to youthfulness. A pick pocket can steal effectively, if is gentle enough crafty and not getting caught, this is internal. A person that snatches a hand bag is an obvious example for the externalist, to use brute strength. As one person doesn't alarm or alert intentions whereas the other does. Another example. External, clashing of swords is obvious and is destructive to the weapon and can break it, then what if the battle drags on and all that you have in hand is a broken sword? Internal, dodging with being mindful and parrying with the sword, making it last longer to do more damage in the long run. Martial artists have a choice today to have a short lived journey or a long lasting one, to gravitate to the way of the farther or mother, the wise Incorporating both of them.
  6. Here is a Rock Paper Scissors example. The Rock is the punch The Paper is the counter parry The Scissors is the follow up knife hand strike https://youtu.be/cuDZU-kSybE Rock Paper Scissors exercise is how to respond to an opponent https://youtu.be/UyTvsQ6ZBJU Improving reaction time Double leg takedown https://youtu.be/1eFlZ0UNkks Rock Paper Splits Rock Paper Scissors MMA out smarting the opponent Kung Fu Rock Paper Scissors Kung Fu Rock Paper Scissors fight scene
  7. Another example of how not to be telegraphing https://youtu.be/cuDZU-kSybE The other side of the coin Intentionally telegraphing for set ups when punching and kicking
  8. I don't belong to any of the three, yet I work out in a gym that is fitted out with everything a body builder could ever want or need and more. Bringing my own variety of thera bands and ankle weights, (20 kilos) including a speed bag. My use of loose weights or cable machines must Incorporate improving my core strength with flexibility or ability or agility or coordination. Not interested whatsoever on focusing my energy towards just improving strength and having bigger muscles. I have many people telling me that they should be doing what I do but don't, from cross fitter's to body builders. I work on joints and muscles to improve their range of motion and strengthen them for more elasticity. By practicing 1000's of punches and kicks in a week I am absolutely not lacking in strength speed or power. Having at least a dozen personal trainers floating about in the gym they are more apt to copy me than I them, as some of them have told me so. One in particular has told a friend of mine that what I do can be dangerous, where I see them as the dangerous ones, having people exercise lacking proper warm up and reliant on the trainers to stretch them out at the end of the session's. Thefore their clients (of the trainers) never learn how to stretch or how to warm up gradually or safely from the beginning. Knowing some of those that have personal trainers, complain about joint pains, well no wonder!!! Those that have the incentive of stretching either do it at the wrong time or do it without the proper knowledge of knowing how to do it properly. I see so much rubbish from personal trainers (physiotherapists is another story) bringing out rulers and putting them through poses, when they really need to loose some weight and be more active and agile. As martial artists we are far more advanced than personal trainers are, as we need to be able to do extraordinary things correctly with abilities, as opposed to only getting bigger and stronger that leads to posing in a mirror. Whilst those wanting bigger muscles don't always take the natural approach and put their health at great risk with steroids, oil injections and plastic surgery. Oops! Didn't plan on doing a rant. Sorry about that,,, feel a lot better now
  9. The happy baby (yoga) pose is when laying on one's back, legs spread open with knees bent. With a little modification with a pillow or cushion/s supporting the lower back, to get more comfortable. This is a playful position where pointing toes and stretching the legs, toying with balance and gravity. Smelling one's own feet or trying to put that big toe in one's own ear. Making circles with the feet in the air. Doing Scissor sizes or doing frog impersonations. Of course these are not intellectual games but they are challenging! Or getting ambitious with trying to wrap the legs behind the neck. This is a great beginning for the day before leaving the bed. So there you are in the happy baby pose, this is where it all began for you, before walking, talking or being able to sit up straight. Before you could feed yourself with a spoon, before you could do many things, the baby pose was how you workout out. This is how it all started... Without a gym or much of anything else the determination to do anything, something, started with that pass time to entertaining one's self in the baby pose. Till wanting to sit up straight and in wasn't possible as your muscles were not strong enough to do so. Trying again and again getting that little bit stronger, these were your first (crunches) sit ups, till finally success. Till the next adventure to crawl then walk with the help of furniture to hold on to. Now walking then running about, skipping, jumping and climbing. There will come a time when you and the baby pose once again becomes important again. Don't wait till it is too late. Reverting back to the happy baby days is something very easy and natural to do, a simpler time, when there was nothing better to do, with no worries or stresses to deal with. As never forgetting the child in you, going a step back even further is the happy baby, further still is the fetal position. Point being that, it will relieve unnecessary stress in the body by being a happy baby when life was simpler than today. Disclaimer: However there are a few side effects (1) becoming stronger (2) becoming more flexible (3) feeling ridiculous but happy! Thanks for reading this... Are you going to be a Happy baby?
  10. Hello Maria! This is very much a sharing place of experiences and knowledge you should feel at home here; welcome to the forum.
  11. Thanks for sharing Bulltahr I am a fan of André Bertel, also as Shotokan was my first martial art as a teenager, so I follow him with genuine admiration and interest. However his path is his and not mine as my path has strayed from karate. Wing Chun is my base MA system and have branched out in to other systems that have enriched my thirst for MA knowledge and practice, my roots have always been karate; as there is no escaping that. Having no reference points only Shotokan to go by at that time, looking back I can hardly believe how many times I was knocked down and for some unknown reason and kept standing up for more LOL Being so skinny in my karate gi, 5'7" with a 24" waistline might give you some idea how skinny that is; had to do my shopping for clothes in the kids section, just to find something in my size LOL Back as a teenager practicing Shotokan, my brain just wasn't mature enough to understand martial art concepts well enough, no matter how hard I tried LOL Now in my 60s I feel like a walking encyclopedia of MA concepts and strategies and consume more of them like breakfast daily LOL With Andre I wish him well, he has a point of view with blind faith... Faith for me is something constantly being tested, all one can do is train intelligently and persistently and hope for the best but if not bring it on, as I'm as prepared better than ever and not going down without a fight LOL As I came in to this world kicking and screaming, no reason why it wouldn't be the same on my way out but this time with style LOL
  12. Hello MaryTaiChi.Does Chinese martial arts put harmony and balance in to your life? The Chinese have a name for everything, if not they will adopt foreign loan words to fill the gaps. Tal Chi being meditation in motion, does feel good afterwards, as my instructors wanted the students to cultivate the chi, I felt too good, went partying instead and spent it LOL Chi being something misrepresented and now in the Western world connected with fraudsters; shameful behaviour really! Cultivating Chi is something very special, perhaps with future generations it will be better understood in a positive light. Personally I have no doubts about the positive health benefits of Chi. As without learning about Chi I am sure my life would have ended many years ago, due to poor quality life style habits, from obesity too malnutrition, to four heart attacks. Now about 15 years later, I eat right, no bad habits, training twice a day for 7hrs, people believing that I am 10 years younger than I actually am and feeling very good about it, in my 60's So yes... cultivate the chi and don't let the cynics pursued you otherwise
  13. As the meanings of Rock Paper Scissors continues to expand. More Scissors attributes being that it is comprising of two knife edges that work together symmetrically with a fixed pivot point; also characterized with two circles at the other end. Scissors being double poined (piercing) one end and rounded circles at the other (prying) with two blades (cutting) that come together in the middle, becomes a multi purpose tool, an ideal metaphor for martial art techniques. Some Scissors have been modified to contain a bottle opener in the finger insert, where others scissors can contain a mini vice grip between the finger grips and pivot point. Scissors can also be used like a compass, used for pivoting, navigating footwork, judging distance, using reference points. Paper can also be modified, consider fly paper, that has sticking and adhering capabilities, which includes, sticking to the opponent. Paper is related to flexibility, where the other two fall short in that area yet they have other strengths. Thereby it is useful as with paper, to use that attribute of suppleness, having a greater range of motion and many shape changing options. Rocks needn't be rounded as jagged-ness or smooth can work just as well depending upon the circumstances. Rocks are related to mountains and also mountain climbing. Being on top is a great place to be. Persistence of continuing or fighting an up hill battle. Does a side or rear mount sound familiar? By Modifying your Paper Rock Scissors and giving them all something extraordinary makes your game that more effective. Considering the human body to the three: Whilst standing spreading the legs apart and arms stretched out looks similar to a pair of scissors. Roll in to a ball resembles a rock. Stand straight or lay flat out on the ground and there you have the paper. Paper relates to planning ideas strategising. Rock relates to physical activities building foundations. Scissors relates to creating and cutting away un-essentials. Paper is two dimensional that can give the illusion that it is three, deceptive aspect. Rock is three dimensional with: height, width and depth, spacial awareness aspect. Scissors is multi-dimensional, can work with patterns and is also able to move in any direction, unrestricted aspect. Interpreting paper rock scissors to one's own needs, it's not this way or that way, it's your way! Today we have the concept of mind mapping, how things can be organized in one's own head and how they relate to each other. Basics simplified, paper rock scissors; with three very familiar items that can be explored and expanded upon in the context of martial arts. Rock can relate to nature and naturalism. Inborn Abilities Instincts Survival Paper can relate to processes and systems. Perseverance Practice Structure Compliance Scissors can relate to creativity and change. Imagination Expanding Evolving Adapting Rock stability can move and continually stay balanced. Paper can move with the wind effortlessly flowing in all directions. Scissors can move cutting or ploughing it's way through obstructions or difficulties. Scissors are moving and cutting similar to being able to move and strike simultaneously; as this is very difficult to learn for inexperienced fighters, as usually move first then second followed with strike. Paper can also move and change shape smoothly and simultaneously. Rock moves and rolls with momentum picking up speed. Footwork, as the top part of the Scissors is position (pointing) front leg and the rear leg bottom part of the Scissors establishes the angle; this keeps the focus on the opponent continually and automatically, keeping hands free for striking in advantageous positions.
  14. Welcome to the Paper Rock Scissors battle ground sensei8. With in the game lessons to learn, that can pass over to martial arts. 1 concealing intent 2 throwing variations from the left or right 3 unpredictable combinations 4 timing speed slow medium fast variations 5 psychological tactics facial expressions body language As the game rules seem like a game of chance, bending them to one's advantage is possible, with practice and unnoticeably changing the odds towards one's favour. As allowing the opponent to be a split second ahead of one's self and (countering) either being a copycat player or playing to win. With practice start off as a copycat player, this throws of the opponent questioning is this all a coincidence. As now have learned the timing of the opponent without losing anything. With practice speeding up the game or slow it down but always lag behind unnoticeably to cover the Rock or cut the Paper, to blunt the Rock. Here are the obvious Martial arts attributes with the three options. Scissors is metal based (Cutting Chopping Piercing Dividing Sharp) angular Paper is wood based (Wrapping Containing Holding) flat wide thin lightness Rock is mountain based (Compacted Hard Blunt Round Heavy Stabilising) slippery Every martial art movement or technique cannot escape from the three. As a straight (rock) punch can be countered with an open hand (paper) parry. As a double leg takedown (paper) can be neutralised with a another (paper) sprawling (laying out flat) counter; a copycat matching paper with paper. Another copycat example (rock with rock) can be countering a punch with a punch. When demonstrating using an elbow (Scissors) strike against a punch (Rock) it automatically causes controversy, without ever knowing or being exposed to the Paper Rock Scissors theory. Some techniques are obvious such as a Scissor kick, Axe kick, Knife hand strike, Hacking elbow, Spear hand, all belonging to the Scissors family. Making sense?
  15. Suggestions 1st enjoy, like no one is watching or cares. 2nd detox, thoughts, body and spirit. 3rd breathing often, releasing unnecessary tension and anxiety. 4th laugh, from time to time, or at least once a day and get it over with. 5th bring a bottle of baby oil, to massage muscles yours and new friends perhaps. 6th bring along a few thin thera bands and stretch and strengthen all of your muscles, they can teach you more about how to punch straight than any book ever could. 7th smile often enough to relax facial muscles, practice in a mirror first if out of practice. 8th hug the tress and thank them for the oxygen you are breathing, they give us more than we deserve and they really do deserve our respect and appreciation. 9th remembering that flexibility is an attitude that carries over to many different things including muscles. 10th learn how to gyrate those hips of yours, as this is the time and place to start doing it; as this is the fast track for becoming more flexible in the hip area in conjunction with deep squats. Have a great time and keep us all posted
  16. Most people grow up playing the game Rock Paper Scissors as a child, perhaps not so much when older. This concept of relating the game Paper Rock Scissors, to martial arts, was taught to me by my Sensei in the late 1970's pre internet. Have you been taught how this game relates to martial arts? Would you like to know more on how this works? Would be a great advantage to use the right thing at the right time against your opponent, would you agree? Or at least not to do the wrong thing would also be beneficial? Hopefully to peak your interest in this topic, that perhaps your chosen discipline leans more to one of the three, can you guess which one? Where Scissors cuts Paper and Paper wraps Rock, while Rock blunts Scissors and the cycle continues, can you visualise how this relates to martial arts? As the lesson to be learned here, is that all three are equally important, that each one can defeat another. Where the way to defeat an opponent, relies on which approach to be useful from the three, do you agree? Experienced trainers give their fighters advice between rounds on how to win the fight, could it be they see something that the fighter doesn't, that relates to this topic? This is why, depending who is in your corner, can help win or loose the fight, but how is this so? This subject goes far deeper than just strategising, as it is far more profound than that, can you see how? If there is ever a subject in martial arts that needs to be understood it is this one, regarding the simple game of Rock Paper Scissors; wanna play?
  17. You are welcome LastKing. Depending on the engine of a martial art will soon find out the weaknesses. Such as JKD, sudden movements will create a whiplash to the neck; grappling will also find weakness in the neck area. Muay thai with knees, as this is a target also lacking strength in movements can cause damage. TKD with sudden direction change for kicking, can twist ankles if not careful or conditioned appropriately. Boxing are vulnerable to damages, as strength and power develops with practice, wrists might not be Conditioning for me is a daily issue, as my engine becomes modified other areas of my frame need strengthening to match; similar to modifying a car. Therefore prescribing something just for knees is a temporary fix as the next weakest link will appear soon enough, then the next and so on. Suggest conditioning all known weaknesses, with preventative medicine exercises as if they are already damaged!!! My personal philosophy is to conditioning the body for all martial art movements and not aimed at only one system of fighting. Condition the body as a whole for fighting purposes, this involves doing it at high speed and coordinated, as if taking the car out on a race track, to see how it holds up. This is what the class room environment is for to test, find and strengthen weaknesses and fix them safely before causing major damage to one's self.
  18. This concept of palm and thumb placement is far from easy to appreciate the benefits of practicing in writing. However.. As a front hand palm open facing down accompanying a rear palm up fist is ready for, grabbing with the front hand and striking with the rear hand or perhaps a deflecting front hand slap and punch. Or consider the reverse method of a front hand thumb up fist with a rear thumb up open palm, Indicating a jabbing front hand with a thrusting rear hand awaiting to thrust forward or for parrying away head shots. Point being, all systems of martial arts give away intent with hand positions, be it Tai Chi with both palms open facing down, while Muay thai thumbs pointing up facing and mirroring each other; yet the bare knuckle fighter has palms up in to fists with the thumbs pointing outward. The palm and thumb positions with fists open or closed are quick indicators of intentions and possibilities of the opponents weapons. With practice using both hands clenched then with both open, then one hand open and the other closed. Interchangeable with lead open front hand to clenched rear hand, then changing the order, is great for coordinating movements as perhaps one hand grabs while the other strikes. Becoming very aware and practicing when hands are better to be open and or closed for techniques makes for what is called "leaking hands" that adapt to leak in to the opponent's defence. With three options of each hand to be Assisting Neutral Active Independent of the other hand but being utilised to help each other. Assisting could be used for holding, pinning, pushing, down the opponent. Neutral could be used for deflecting and defending, also a backup to change in to Assisting or be Active in striking. Active is striking or Inflicting damage on the opponent. This concept of hands trickles over to other combat possibilities, such as when... a person or opponent is crouching down, leaning forward, with both hands open, then expect to be taken down to the ground... Palms open and facing down is okay against kicks but not appropriate against a boxer with clenched fists. Hope you can see the point of all this... As this is the Paper Rock Scissors game of martial arts.
  19. Excellent sensei8. Here is another explanation Part2
  20. Telegraphed techniques are easy to stop, avoid and or counter. What causes them and how to stop doing it? Any ideas? Here is one good idea just for starters
  21. Mexican Martial Arts is like MMA but better
  22. MMA starts from the true boxer stance. All MMA stand up techniques derive from the true boxer stance which involves punching, palm, elbow, knees strikes, eye gouging, also kicking, tripping and throwing. From the true boxer stancs, it can take different steps in to ground fighting, but considering to fight two people or more whilst on the ground becomes dangerous for oneself. Whilst on one's feet it increase the odds of surviving with options, than it is fighting on the ground. Considering the chance that the attacker is a boxer and using boxing against boxing, it will be the more experienced that will most likely to prevail, which might not be you. Having something other than stand up boxing skill is a big plus, here being one, silat. Street fighter tips All instructors in the three links here in, are all well worth watching further than the examples mentioned. In doing so, it is possible towards becoming effective maists,, also on the streets if needed. Considering boxing skills is similar to an airport, where taking off from a good place also works well when landing.
  23. Yes you are totally right sensei8. Increasing one's odds for survival on the streets is not based so much on skill but understanding the consequences of fighting there. However with some of the right skills... Boxing skill is the foundation of being able to combine moving and striking off combinations effectively like no other discipline can; that includes a balanced defensive and offensive approach, suitable for quick actions suitable for many self defence scenarios on the streets.
  24. Do you see any effectiveness in this on the street? https://youtu.be/GZUgUWgFs7c Or this https://youtu.be/6ThrtY5Jtg4 In the real world of self defence, it is best to strengthen one's own weaknesses first and not learning techniques or moves that are not realistic, as each individual is different, what works for one person dosent nesccecerily work for the next. Awareness of Spot the bad guy looking for a fight Is useful knowledge to have. Notice that the wing man is filming this event. Street fighters always have a back up plan usually (if not a weapon) it is their buddy or friend, that will tip the odds in their favour. If it just happens to end up in a street fight, then beware of the wing man buddy!; that will be hitting you when you are not looking, or jumping in if needed. Just waiting in the wings while the person you are fighting is playing a distractions game with you, all of a sudden the POW! As the wing man (out of nowhere) kicks in and sucker punches, lights out!!! Or the street fight senerio can start in reverse with lights out first... Sucker punch analysis Gang attack analysis Dealing with gang attacks in MA style just for starter's...that leads to techniques that lead to nowhere. Continuing on to serious defence delusions continue on to focusing on to misleading information, very sad really Back to Boxing for self defence; philosophy
  25. 7 Golden Rules For Self Defence That involve boxing skills. Personally I practice 10hrs of my 35hr training week on boxing. For the sole purpose of self defence against multiple opponents. Mindful of: Range Mobility Precision Power Does boxing work in a street fight?
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