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Alan Armstrong

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Everything posted by Alan Armstrong

  1. Tai Chi Chaun translated means Grand Ultimate Fist. My teacher had over 40 years experience. He explained to me that TCC has many fighting styles incorporated in it. He would not teach it to people that wanted to use it to fight with. TCC is far deeper than learning how to hurt another human being. It is taught to be a way to improve health instead!
  2. Which style uses bone power more than any other style. I personally use it with Dragon style Kung Fu. I was never a big boned person so in sparring session blocking big boned or heavier boned people would have a greater advantage over me. I've managed to turn this around by drinking larger amounts of milk and toughened up my forarms mostly to take powerful blows. The downside is that my chi Sao and push hands are less sensitive than they once were. This could be an issue with many MMA practitioners. Have you had similar issues?
  3. Styles are logically connected to body types, terrain and military or martial advancements. They change with the times. As we have seen changes in MA in our own time. I see the connections with religion becoming less important and more connected with sports. Today MA is not a requirement for survival as it once was. I don't see the difficulty in dating styles from Asia because artists of the time would paint or sculpture what they had seen. We have adapted styles from other cultures no differently as they have. We are the latest hybrids of MA. The military have always had an interest in MA and the H2H aspects. MA history touches every culture there survival depended on it. MA is also connected with farming and hunting tools modified for battle and there inventions will also coincide with dating styles. African MA are also practiced but not often under discussion. Individuals highlights in MA come and go trending and bringing in new combatants to perpetuate the style of the day, as they did yesterday and no differently in to the future.
  4. Crescent kicks for me are always handy to have in a dojo on if in a street fight situation. I practice hundreds of them with my exercises on an almost daily basis. I found a little trick that works for me is to use an outside to inside crescent kick with my kicking foot twisted and snapping in to my opponents stomach. Crescent kicks are quick and very easy to do with practice and are a quick and safe way to find out how well equipped or surprised your opponent reacts to them. Crescent kicks can be quickly changed in to an axe kick if needed. Crescent kicks are as handy and as versatile as you practice them to be.
  5. Tai Chi practice is a way to massage your internal organs. Also a way to help the flow of blood improving circulation. Could also be considered as a way to harmonize your mind body and spirit. Some say it is Yoga in motion. What many do agree on is that is a good thing. I'm always happy to see younger people practicing and sad to see older people sitting and watching them. Everything it is said can be explained with Yin Yang. I tend to believe it. Tai Chi is Yin Yang in motion. Every movement uses both the Yin Yang in a harmonious way. Creating a connection with the way of the universe. In doing so drawing energy in to your being in a natural way that cannot be attained with cash or credit cards. I'm just touching on this subject of Tai Chi and by no mean's am I an expert but some times a little knowledge can go a very long way
  6. Great answers. I am impressed with explanations about using Chi. My take on the subject my differ as I specialize on this topic. For me "Chi Power" differs from "Muscle Power" MP= Pushing or Pulling. CP= Movement or Concentrated Energy using the entire body like modern dancers move. Having tension in movement is counterproductive. Tension used in the very last second when striking is the most common thing to do in external MA. In internal MA we tend to get conditioned to never be tense even when striking an object; having said that it is used minimally when we "Pung" or use a bouncing type technique. The Muay Tai kick is in fact a Chi Kick because it follows through the target without using the stopping tension that other styles use.
  7. Words are very important when teaching SD. Especially SD because in can be complicated to be explained without complicating it further. I try to keep the language down to simple terms and expressions. Such as, be behind the weapon and not in front of it. Good post!
  8. Hi Harcon. I have also been in your situation being spit upone. It is often usef to provoke a fight. The person doing the spitting was with a group of six others. So jumping into a fight wasn't my best tactic at that moment. I was surrounded so to run wasn't an option either. As I stood my ground and continued to be spitted at the only thing on my mind was to to be ready for the fists to start flying at me. While I was focusing on what was to come next, the spitters friends started to walk away as if they did not what to be connected with this disgusting person. So the spitter gave up and walked away also. What I did not notice at the moment was that I had bit my bottom lip and it was bleeding nicely. So I would agree no matter how much MA experience you have sometimes the best option is to do nothing.
  9. This is a very good and worthwhile topic to continue to build upon. What I believe strongly that women should learn how to become escape martial artists. Also to be more aware of the situation and or location they are in. Women have most times the element of surprise on there side. Which is a ticket to get out of a bad situation fast. A note SD targets are places or areas that are not able to be toughened up with weights or exercises such as eyes, ears, toes and so on. Ordinary everyday objects are very effective as a weapon. A pen or pin can be a surprise weapon if need be. Being creative with SD can be used depending on things at hand. How many fight have been won by using a simple rock or stick. I have participated in SD classes for woman and honestly I don't agree with the instructions given. The reason I don't agree is that classroom situations are nothing like the real thing and instructors may have never been in a real fight. As I've been in many real fights I know from experience what to expect. These SD classes for woman should be offered in the school system. Why wait till being an adult to learn these things. Smaller men should also be included in this topic.
  10. Hi Darkranger. Chi Kung or Qigong as it is also called is a fantastic way to stay in shape. This is ancient Chinese medicine. For a MA it is a must to learn and practice. There are literally hundreds of exercises that you can practice. I do suggest for a beginner to keep things simple at the start. Consider that Chi energy is in your blood and the two cannot be separated. The better your circulation the healthier you will be. Air is Chi the way you feel is Chi feed your muscles fresh air and you will feel better for it. Don't stop learning about Qiqong you are on to good thing! All the best on your quest.
  11. Thank you KF Sempai for your honest opinion. I brought the subject up about Chi Kung because it is not often talked about. I heard about C/K in the mid 70's. It was very secretive topic back then. Now 40 years later on there still isn't much to be said about it. I've noticed that personal trainers are using resistance training that C/K Chinese MA have always used. The trainers are missing large gaps in the soft flowing aspects. The are also missing the point when it comes to help the aged to exercise.
  12. I practice soft and hard Chi Kung for about 30 hrs per week. Just love doing it and can't wait till the next day to get back at it. I look 10 years younger or even more than I should; I'm almost 60. If anyone has any doubts about the benefits of practicing Chi Kung just ask.
  13. MA's can also effect driving habita. Such as wanting to hit other cars or avoiding being hit. The whole nervous system is being reprogrammed while practicing ma's. I'm almost 60 and l'm loving ma's more every day. There is always something interesting to learn and practice just waiting to be discovered. I've practiced ma's for most of my life and I wouldn't change the better part of it for anything. It's not all physical there is alot of wisdom to be integrated in to your being also.
  14. Focus more on balance and chi flow directions will bring about a more subtle internal force of strength. Controlling the opponents chi is very unsettling for them when masterfully done. This is the felt but never seen Kung Fu developed from practicing Chi Kung.
  15. Secrets in martial arts are abundant we only need to open our eyes wide enough and long enough to allow them to be transmitted to us through all of our known and unknown senses.
  16. Find a Kung Fu teacher with the most experience.
  17. A master in martial arts is one that has mastered himself or herself in the chosen art and no longer is considered at student but has instead become a teacher, guide or example for others to follow.
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