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Everything posted by Titanium

  1. This is a very good point too. Hip and body movement.
  2. I recently watched a video of some Okinawan masters training and there were FIVE red belts in the room along with 3 renshi belts, amazing to see so many high ranking individuals in the same room. On topic, isn't this what Chuck Norris did? He's the one and only 10th dan in UFAF, so who graded him? I understand that Chuck Norris founded that 'hybrid' style. From this I assume he promoted himself to 10th Dan along with the status of Chief Instructor. With so many high ranking Dan grades this is either: > Suspicious > Generally talented practitioners Being masters, I suspect that it is the second point.
  3. I know what you mean - I think it is what people find interesting in their own mind and personal development.
  4. Good system, I do the same a couple of times a week. You can never practice enough.
  5. Welcome to the chest club. It seems like a lot favour this position and I can see why. It is so practical doing it this way oppose to looking elsewhere. I do, however suppose it is personal preference. Just reminded me of a funny situation from a while back... I taught a karate class for the Phys Ed. department at a college I worked at a while back. I had a very small group one day, so we did non-contact sparring; it was 3 punches (that were blocked), then the other person did their 3. Anyway, I was working with a young lady who said awkwardly, yet politely, "can you please stop staring at my chest." Luckily, I had 2 female students in the class at the time with MA experience who corroborated my story. After that round, I taught the students to look at their opponent's chest, not their eyes, and explained why. I also told my boss, figuring I should tell her first in case we had a sexual harassment complaint on our hands. Thankfully, the student understood I wasn't checking her out. You lucky thing. That could have gone majorly wrong for you. Thanks for sharing that.
  6. oh! ... um .... What about Rum and coke? This is a technique advance system.
  7. Solid advice.
  8. Welcome, however delayed (I'm new, that's my excuse). Shotokan is certainly like this from experience, however my Wado school is like this too as it is an old Dojo (traditional teaching). I always get changed at the Dojo as I don't like advertising that I do karate - well, apart from my bag which says KARATE in massive font. A lot of Dojo's cater for kids as it is revenue and its not worth turning them down - some come and go, this is fact. Nowadays karate schools are more relaxed as people don't like the strict, traditional styles (in my opinion this is personal preference). I live in the UK so I cannot help with Dojo locations near you.
  9. Indeed, it makes it sound like you are learning a form of karate. Kickboxing is kickboxing - karate is karate Wait...Judo is full contact Kung-Fu
  10. Exactly! My 7th Dan Sensei is nearly 70 and is 5 years overdue for his 8th Dan. "With age comes wisdom"
  11. Good advice! Are these available on Amazon and other online sites?
  12. I know people who have never graded - it doesn't matter how quickly you progress through the Kyu or Dan grades. If you enjoy it, stick at it my friend. No, you Sensei should understand that people learn at different rates and he/she should not criticize you for this. Also, I've known people train karate for years and not know a lot of the Japanese words for moves, kata's etc.
  13. Absolutely! As for "operators" and "warriors", I most certainly am both: I'm a computer Operating Keyboard Warrior! Clickety clack! In other words... CredoTe <=== Nerd!!!
  14. Welcome to KF, I hope you enjoy your time here.
  15. Yes, thanks for sharing. I'll have a look at the videos.
  16. I also agree that the basis is the same. It is named a little different - some styles may put their own 'twist' on it.
  17. Ah, that's no good then. I suppose they would be good for personal training.
  18. Thank you - on your recommendation, I will have a read.
  19. Glad you liked the video. What I mean by " natural " many wing chun guys when they train in Chi Sao will have programed attacks and counters. In this videos it was unrehearsed and completely spontaneous. Your MA style sounds great - is it similar to any other MA? Wing Chun is a southern Chinese short range combat system there are others like white crane, Jook Lum praying Mantis, White eyebrow and others but Wing Chun Chi Sao training is highly more advanced IMO putting a lot more emphasis on this type of training. Interesting - I have always fancied training in Wing Chun, however its finding time with me.
  20. Love it - "Every class is a test". Good process you have going; our Sensei does the same...he grades people when they are ready and not before.
  21. Just had a look at their website - looks good stuff. Is the following link to what you mean? http://rdxsports.com/mma It does look more UFC, boxing or ring gear. I love the designs though.
  22. I do not have any experience either - I will have a quick look into it though.
  23. Add on ^^ I think it's wise to try another Dojo, even for one lesson to see if your son likes it there too. If he's made a friend this may be difficult to switch, however I would recommend tasting another Dojo.
  24. Yeah I started Shotokan when I was 6 and I am now 21 and still doing it. Have a look at KUGB.org, this is Britian's number 1 Shotokan karate organisation - there are a list of Dojo's on that website. The JKA are also Shotokan, whatever suits you and your kids. Ours are different, however I am quoting what I do at Wado and not Shotokan. It does seem strange to wear different Gis, however each Dojo is different.
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