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Everything posted by Titanium

  1. Sounds like an awesome lady. I think its all about mental stamina; the body gets old, however the mind can remain at youth and agile.
  2. I can only purchase the gi trousers separably; I find it difficult to get the top half on its own. I use a light heavyweight as these are fairly cheap if something break and a heavyweight competition gi for specialist training. Most of my recommendations come from UK stores...I don't know where you live but have you tried Amazon out of curiosity.
  3. What a great idea! Somehow, I don't think this would be as common as tennis, football etc. I think one of the main issues is that people have a lack of understanding about the 'art'. What a statement it would make though.
  4. I'm afraid that some people instruct not because of a love of the art (not sport) but merely for financial gain. Is that really why we are karateka? For money? Not me, that's for sure.
  5. In response to the new posts, thanks. There's a great selection of members here.
  6. Thank you all for the welcomes.
  7. In our dojo we bow every grade. I hold 3rd Dan Wado and I bow every grade to show respect. With that being said, I am also a 2nd Dan Shotokan and in this we only bow the instructor.
  8. Christians do say turn the other cheek, however they should not be push overs. Some Christians believe that martial arts is toying with the Devil, however this is nonesense. With that being said, karate is a way of life and not a sport. I'm not sure how God would feel about that.
  9. Does it need to be limited to Shotokan? We all know about Andy Sherry's famous gykazuki. Terry O'Neill did a lot of Ippon Kumite. Aside from that, I'm not overly sure.
  10. I always say, place your feet and walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet. (this is high control) For a strong stance, grip the floor with your toes, be unmovable.
  11. Thank you. I have had a snoop around and this looks like a great place to be.
  12. I think experience is key - I also feel practitioners like to know that the instructors have experience and knowledge. I have been training in two styles of karate for years (17 years plus) and I would not claim nor want to take the job as a senior/head instructor; I don't feel I have attached that rank yet.
  13. Hi everyone, Its good to be part of a forum about karate, I am part of the Reddit karate community. Keeping it short and sweet, I am the following. > 3rd Dan Wado-Kai > 2nd Dan Shotokan Its great to be part of an online community with others of the same interests.
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