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Everything posted by Looneyas

  1. Thats a good question, Are you fully healed yet , as that may weigh a bit of factor to your problem, If any thing talk to your instructor as you may need to be just slowly return to sparing.
  2. Yes thank you, I i know the next few months will be hard as i have set a few goals first. 1 full splits 2. perfect the basic kicks Then the rest will come with a bit of hard work. The Morning stretches dont hurt at all I look fwd to then, My night stretches are a different story, I love stretching as i can see the progress iam making. When I do stretch at night I do make sure I do a good warm up, I do carry 1 injury, but i cant feel it when i stretch only doing daily routine that i can feel it. The tear is just under my left bum cheek near the top back of the leg., No real worries yet, i make sure when stretching if that starts to give pain i stop that stretch.
  3. Question on My stretch routine that i have. I stretch twice a day 1. Morning Dynamic 2. Evening Isometric I have been doing this for 6 weeks major gains in my flexibility, but I dont seem to be resting enough only time i dont do my Isometric stretches is when i am at my Dojo mon and wed nights. Should i be resting more between my Ismotric stretches.
  4. Is it appropriate to start a new martial art, Well in my case i have I did a style called Zen Do Kai. A very aggressive style, I did it for 10 years reach my 2nd Dan, This style never suited me as it was way to agressive but i still stayed being young and easy lead. Now 15 years later I have re started training in TaeKwonDo and wish i had trained in that style all those years ago as i would still be training now.
  5. KickChick Ok can u do a Isometric stretch while leg on a bench just above hip level, Now if i keep both legs straight and when i reach to put my chest on knee, can i push the leg downward to get a isometric stretch, Will i have to raise leg higher or just try to get chest closer to get the best isometric stretch of the hamstring. BTW - Calf stretching what important factor does it have on being able to perform the front splits.
  6. Thanks guys, given me some ideas, but here is one for you, same aspect as you said with the V against the wall. I use this pully system to do my side splits Isometric stretches and it works and painfull. http://www.looney--toon.com/images/stretching.jpg See if you can work out how its set up. Total cost of my home made stretching machine $10.00.
  7. What are some good Isometric stretches for the hamstring , I have my leg up high and using negitive pressure that way , but i dont realy feel it works well.
  8. This is a way i have been stretching to get to side splits its a pully system, I use ismoetric stretches in this http://www.looney--toon.com/images/stretching.jpg
  9. How long did it take u to do the front splits,
  10. Or better yet buy his books as thats the best reference.
  11. I trained for 10 years in a style that wasnt suited for me, as im a x gymnastic and i should of taken up a less aggressive style, thats why i quit, now 15 years later i have started again in Tae Kwon-Do, I was a 2nd Dan 15 yrs ago. Now i have returned to be a white belt and after a few weeks from returning I have never felt so much passion in wanting to learn and traning as there was so much i missed out on.
  12. Any hints and tips on perfecting a Great Side Kick. Any Good excersing that can be performed each day other than stretching, that is already on a daily basis.
  13. Yes my Soreness is from my stretching, Its due from my isometric stretches, dymanic stretches are great in the mornings. Thats cool so i can keep up my Stretching program i have set myself. Thanks a lot great info I will always warm my self up before i stretch, My goal is flat splits in 2 months. Would my great gain be cause i could do the Splits years ago, but back then my form was bad.
  14. As i have just returned to training after 15 years layoff from Training, I have started my stretching program Dymanic stretches in the Morning everyday Isometric stretches at night at least 4 times a week I have been sore every day since i started training my splits, I use to be able to do the side splits but that was 15 years ago but from 3 weeks stretching i am just 6 inches from splits, I stretch while sore so far no worries, but do u feel there would be a issue stretching while still sore, as my Gains are amazing, As this time around I am concentrating on stretching correctly as thats what i missed on when i trained all those years ago.
  15. Well after 15 Years off Training here is a old pic of me doing a very bad splits between 2 chairs http://www.looney--toon.com/images/antsplits.jpg Now after 4 weeks of Stretching twice a day. Morning Dymanic Stretching Evening Isometric Stretching with a pully system. Painfull but very effictive, As this time Starting at white belt in Rhee Taekwondo (I was a 2nd Dan in Zen Do Kai) I can realy understand why Flexiblility training is so important, As within 1 Month from not being able to touch my toes to being 6 inches from Side Splits. Hoping within 2 months full splits again
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