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Everything posted by Looneyas

  1. So true as i was a 2nd Dan before I quit then 15 years later i went back to TKD and had to start as a white belt. I suprised all i spared with as im very quick with legs and arms. plus i train twice a day. So suprise is the best attack i find. U should see there eyes pop out when i do a jumping 540 back kick and my fav 360 jumping spinning cresent kicks.
  2. This hits the Nail on the head.--- This is why u having issues with upper cuts. They are a close in punch if you try to punch with the wrist in any extenting out u will fell pain in the wrists. How do i know this as i had same issues with upper cuts till i went and saw a boxer who showed me correct hitting power, I dont get sore wrists now due to correct angle of the punch.
  3. You do it slowly, Remmeber take it at your pace. The reason behind the strengthening is to get your body ready for the stretching that splits has on ya body.
  4. True Tall people cant jump for diddle...... Unlike us smaller power packed shorties like me who is only 5ft 6 but i can dunk a basket ball.
  5. I would work on ya jumping as well. strength in the calf will give the the extra height in your jumps. as i can do a 360 easy as as i can jump high. Never tried a 540 tho might give it a go. As i pratice doing a jumping 360 back kick the leg i jump off is the leg i kick with.
  6. Thank you Nice to get a reply from the tall MA. I do agree with you on hand speed on the taller MA when we are in close I have it all over them, as they cant keep up with my hand speed, But its getting there, I seem to have the problem in going in after they kick and they seem to get me on the double or triple combo. I will try to get in before they can excute there combos see what happens. Thank Again
  7. yes agreed, Its the power they deliver in there kicks, Trust me they love sparring me as im fast and they love that but i try to watch there shoulders as looking at there eye level my neck gets sore looking up. but i will try to counter when they move but these guys are like monsters.
  8. Yes sparring 3rd Dans are fun, As I love sparring ours even tho we only have 1 he owns me all over the Dojo but as long as i can learn from it i love it.
  9. Im am only 5ft 6 and at training we have 3 black belts that are all 6ft 3 plus I am lucky I am a X Gymastic as i can easy kick them in the head from standing or jumping. but to be that close to kick that high is hard as hell. Any advice in dealing with the tall MA as I love sparring them as they make me work for any hits i get on them, In the meantime they drill me all over the dojo because of there reach. I am fast with both legs and hands but i seem to have problem reading there kicks. I can read most people before they kick, could it be because i focus on my eye level not theres due to there height Thanks Giys
  10. Sheeeesh A Aerial Cartwheel is Gymnastic move pure and simple, I did 15 Years as a Gymnast then i moved onto Taekwondo. TKD took the move off Gymnastics.
  11. I use to Spar a lot from the back foot, but over the last few months i have just used my front foot and the difference in sparing is great. I get so many more hits from my front foor than my back foot. who else believe in front foot sparing to back foot.
  12. A Areial Cartwheel is a GYMANSTIC Move not a Karate Move
  13. Who said that a man looks like a wimp doing Aerobics. What a load of crap, I use to do Compitition in Aerobics and its not easy. They are fiter and stronger and more flexible than most MA. So before u believe what people say try it for ya self and then see who the wimp is, bet ya will be so sore that u wont go back then who is the wimp.
  14. OK lets show you waht real training is outside the Dojo Monday - wednesday - friday - saturday 6am Dymanic Stretches with 100 sit ups and 50 push ups 12pm i also do another 3 sets of dymanic Stretches 3.30pm when finish work 1 hr on strength on my gym 1 hr on stretching isometric hard thats 4 times a week Tuesday - thursday - sunday 6am Dymanic Stretches with 100 sit ups and 50 push ups 12pm Dymanic Stretches 3.30pm Strength plus working on my active passive flexibility This id also the 3 times a week i go to my Dojo. Hint to have a good home training have set plans and Goals make the goals long and short term. Have fun and look fwd to training as im looking fwd to my stretching today as i have redone my routine and i love stretching.
  15. Strength in your splits is the key to cold splits, when u can do full splits and then push ya self up from splits no hands, then u maybe ready for cold splits.
  16. Your problem is not your stretching its the flexibility in your hips, There are a few exercises that you will have to do to obtain the side splits. Hip stretches find out what types will help u are go from there.
  17. I still think either you are born with Fast Twitch Muscle fibres or long slow fibres. I for 1 has fast twitch muscles, Im naturaly fast as for that i never had to work on my speed as i always was faster than most.
  18. I have power in my Flexibility, There is a difference, Only way to get powerful kicks is not in flexibility but in kicking and kicking and more kicking.
  19. When you did the Injury in the first place, Did you follow the RICE rule , 2nd while comming back to training did u strengthen the injury part or straight back to stretching. You have scar tissus that will be need to be broken down the strengthened, If ya doctor says it will go away, well go to another doc or Phyo
  20. Reflexes there is a part of training that only time will help you with, Im extremly fast and that has nothing to do with reflexes. I focus on there shoulders as all movements come from shoulders, but each to there own.
  21. Found a few try these http://www.superior.net/~zendokai/ http://www.zendokai.com.au/Kidz%20Karate/Index.htm http://www.zendokai.com.au/ aussie one Bob Jones
  22. Zen Do Kai well my old style, never knew if they had a web site ill search for ya but it wont look to promising.
  23. Finally recieved the new #Edition 4. Better in Question and answers, A bit more indept in the Question and Answers. The book is better layed out but same as #Edition 3
  24. In order to kick a person in the face, it only requires a stretch of around 150 degrees. But to be able to reach that face without warming up first, one should develop the ability to do a training stretch of 165 degrees. A rule of thumb is to be able to go 15 degrees beyond the flexibility you plan to use. Kicks straight off the hip use only 90 degrees flexibility, thus to kick at that level in self defense, it is necessary, for safety, to develop a stretch of 105 degrees. By being able to stretch 15 degrees higher than you plan to use, it is possible to use the kick when not warmed up and on the street. If a person can do 180 degree splits, they can easily kick to the head without worry. (The author speaks from experience, due to the actual use of kicks in his law enforcement days.) It is possible to go beyond 180 in your training splits, the norm for a person with normal bone and muscle structure is around 195 degrees. When a person can lay their stomach on the floor, with their legs in a perfectly straight line, with their hips solidly against the floor, that is the actual range of their stretch. This type of stretch would allow a person to kick even a person taller than them in the head. Thus kicking anywhere about the waist would be as easy as punching. Most of all, the elasticity that that kind of stretching produces, allows for a very fast kick, with no antagonistic intrusion. If a person stretches enough to have any where from 180 to 195 degrees flexibility and then include the high number of repetitions necessary to have good form in kicking, then they can have extremely effective self defense kicks. Nothing takes the place of kicking. If you want to kick well, practice kicking. KICKING THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE by Dr. William Durbin This nails ya question
  25. To Note when I do recieve the book in 2 or 3 weeks i will let u all know the outcome. View the book here What's New at Stadion.com New Book!!! The Fourth Edition of Stretching Scientifcally is available now! See also Mr. Kenneth Pua showing the effectiveness of our method on this page. http://www.stadion.com/whatsnew.html
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