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Everything posted by Looneyas

  1. Ok Gradings over, Thank you all for ya support. I tripled Graded had a ball. Thanks again.
  2. I am reading a book called The Whartons Stretch Book, They Feature Active - Isolated - Stretching Now I fully understand Isometric Stretches , any ideas on this type of Stretching. Good points Bad Points ??
  3. Well I started stretching 9 weeks ago. Im 6 Inches from the side splits. I have gained this amazing stretching from 2 types 1. Morning Dynamic stretches Every morning 2.Isometric stretches as KickChick said. I stretch twice a day and no major injurys yet, As i always warm up well before. Look fwd to stretching dont look at it as hard work, look it as a goal,
  4. Any helpful hints of Kick Training on the bag. As I find just doing 10 x kicks per kick is very boring sometimes. I try to make a game like kick bag, switch legs kick on return swith and do the same. Any other ideas Thanks Guys
  5. Nearly time for my first grading in TaeKwonDo 22nd March, Starting over again was the best thing I have ever done, but Nerves are starting to take shape, any hints advice that i can do at training or home so that when it comes to Grading i wont be so nervious.
  6. Im nursing a few strained Muscles, but thats due to home training not at the Dojo, I have recieved a broken big toe, Now that hurt like yesterday
  7. Ok Questioned answered So its still Legs lifts on bar Thank You
  8. What impact does swimming have on strenghtening your Hip Flexor, As swimming does not go through a full range of motion for your Hip Flexor. So is swimming good or bad for the strenghtening of the Hip Flexor.
  9. I agree but its not the splits its the Dynamic Flexibility that lets u kick high, along with strength.
  10. Thank you all for the advice, My kick is correct as in style straight leg, no small hook. Just the accuracy As i was looking and using my heel as the target finder, I will be praticing looking then the kick and this is what i need to work on. Thank you all.
  11. I seem to have a extremely powerful back kick, I feel i have a issue with accuracy. 5/10 Kicks land, I think its due to my spotting the target. What idea's do other MA have in training for accuracy in Back-Kicks.
  12. 5 months to do the front splits, Im hoping for 3 months
  13. convert the VHS format into DVD then u can upload to a web site for downloading.
  14. To add - I have both His book first and i wanted more info then i also recieved his Video. My main view was getting splits as fast as possible, So then i can concentrate on my Kicks. The book is better than the video. As he is hard to understand his english isnt the best. My gains are amazing but its comes down to following his methods and hard work.
  15. I agree it will give u the upper edge, I did gymnastics for 10 years. I did very well in the sport no state or any high ranking. I can jump higher than most people being 5ft 6, I can nearly dunk a ball in basketball. So gymnastice gives u a lot towards MA. jumping ability, Stretching, balance Just to name a few.
  16. A belt isnt the Issue, Its how you will handle the problem when it happens. You wont know what will happen till it happens. Use common sense, as I won my last fight by 50 yards.
  17. Ok late but i was surfing the topics and would like to have a say I train other than the 2 days at my Dojo every day so out of 7 days 5 I stretch at home, and 2 i stretch at my Dojo. And thats twice a day. Have been doing this now for 5 weeks and my flexibility is comming alone fine.
  18. Please tell me if im missing a stretch in my routine please. 1. lying on back legs stretched for side splits 2. calfs 3. hamstring 4. Thighs 5. i dont know the name but u are on 1 knee with other leg out in front. Some times i but my other heel to my bum to get a greater stretch This is my nightly routine im positive i am missing a muscle to stretch. I do Dynamic stretches every morning
  19. Dont over do ????? Meaning my training, Im surviving, I am also making a diary of my stretch routine from start to finish. Only 1 injury so far lol
  20. Holding leg out in a side kick i can hold my leg about 135 degree's. This comes from Dynamnic stretching.
  21. I have been doing this one for 6 weeks Morning stretches Dynamic stretchs every morning that involves 5 sets of leg raises to front and back side around 10 each. If you search using a search engine on dynamic stretches u will get massive amounts of info. At night i do Isometric stretches 300 Kicks to bag as a warm up (Thanks kickchick im so sore from that warm up works a sweet) The i have a pully set up so i can do Isometric stretches for my side splits and it works i have good pressure, Then i do calf stretches then my hamstrings this is by a chair and chest on leg, Then u push leg down to get a good Isometric stretch. Thighs and hips are left. This is a very hard nightly stretch routine but with care and the correct warm up, It wont take long , My gains in 6 weeks are amazing. I am doing log of every day when i stretch on how i feel and progress. Best advice is learn to look foward to stretching and enjoy it. ( search on Kickchick topic as she has a wealth of info, helped me out heaps and i know she will help when asked. )
  22. We have a parent who thinks she is better than our Instructor, Always over talking the Instructor, tell him how to train her kids, Well it came to the crunch the other day. The child in question has a short temper ( Both kids are Junior Black Tip) and (Both going for black belt in 1 month). The child then said to the instructor im going to kick the #$%^ out of you, next thing both shins clash and u have 1 kid on ground screaming in pain. The instructor did no wrong but the mother went off pulled the kid out and wrote a letter to his Style Branch instructor. Still waiting on outcome
  23. ok so if i do a 30 minute bag work out, As my lead up to my Isometric stretches so do a set work out on the bag then my stretches, ok i will do that for a month see how that works out, Dont stretching make kicking higher natural, as im 5ft 6 i can kick with power 6ft 2 thank you again
  24. Yes thank you so i can do the 3 kicks off front foot, then same off back foot, then switch, ok ill give it a try thank you as well as slow kicks i do for pratice i can combine. Would it be a good idea to do a x number off each leg between stretching reps so i do my stretches, in the minute break i kick the bag in a set routine, Then i go back do another stretch do this this i have completed my stretching, then do my kicks on the bag as well at then end.
  25. Ok I like to hear some idea's on bag training, As i use my bag as a warm up before i do my nightly stretches, and the rest between the sets i use my bag again to pratice 3 kicks. 1. side 2. back 3. front Since its been 15 years since i last trained, and im starting at white belt so I just need to perfect those kicks and my other kicks will come natural with a bit of work. What bag routine should i do. Thanks inadvance
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