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Everything posted by Harkon72

  1. Not at all, I studied Shorin Ryu and Okinawan Kobudo for the first part of my Martial Arts career. It was a good grounding, and I hope to build on it. You are very welcome, post, comment and enjoy.
  2. I train in Karate, but I have a need to purchase a Kung Fu suit to practice Wing Chun and to teach my private lessons. I think that a Frog Collar suit is very smart. I think that an all black suit with the pants that gather at the ankles would be ideal. I've seen a 100% cotton one on amazon for £25, I have never worn one, do they fit well? Are they worth the money? Do I need to get one at all? I would appreciate your thoughts on this guys.
  3. Our Application of Kata or Bunkai is the soul of our Karate. This is where our style of Karate is! Without it there would be no style, no Karatedo. Karatedo with no Kata is not Karatedo, Kata with no Bunkai is not Kata, it's just Aerobics!
  4. We have a few in our style, 28 I think. Wing Chun only has 3, Bruce Lee only learnt 2 of them, but he had the formless style
  5. I like Kickboxer but my favorite is Enter the Dragon.
  6. 280cm is small for an adult, mine is 320cm.
  7. The Russian Spezna Special Forces Troops. Their Combat Sombo is the best in the World.
  8. My Karatedo Chose me, it came at the perfect time in my life
  9. Interesting; what style or tradition of Ninjitsu do you teach?
  10. If it were a junior member of my Family, the instructor would have to test against someone his own size!
  11. You are Very welcome, we have a few Korean Stylists here, and many with experience of varied arts with wonderful views and arguments. Please post as little or as much as you can, I wait to hear your opinion. Yours in Karatedo, an aging Welsh Bushi.
  12. Our Sensei is a good martial artist but he has ignored a request for a student to stop in a class because of knee pain. The student carried on with the class and now her knee has a problem that has lasted a year. Should I tell him about the injury that my wife has before she returns to class? And the possibility that he contributed to the cause of it? This is difficult but I feel he should know. Does anyone have any advice?
  13. Kata is like a piece of music, everyone plays it differently. We all recognize the tune, but the way you interpret it is up to you; that is what makes it an Art.
  14. I am not a bad judge of character, I try not to engage with bullies; but if one was happy to get involved with me physically, we would see how much they wanted to prove their point. As I said, I wont be laid a hand on or stand by and watch the abuse of innocents.
  15. Any Book by Fumio Demura is related to Shito Ryu.
  16. I'm sure you can ask them, just point out the benefits to the community a martial arts club can offer. One question, going from 4th Kyu to Shodan in 6 months is very sudden. in our club that transition would take at least two years; are you testing for each grade or is your Sensei doing one Grading to test you straight to Shodan?
  17. I concur, I had a Shotokan Sensei who was a second Dan for 10 years. He could have graded to 4th or even 5th Dan in that time. He just accepted his grade and just got on with his Karatedo.
  18. I get confused sometimes when martial artists refer to chokes and strangles as being the same category of technique. Chokes cut off the air supply and strangles cut off the blood supply; is this right?
  19. Osu!!
  20. Here we have my 1,000th post on Karate-Forums!! This has been a great year for me and I hope I have made some contribution to what is one of the best forums of martial arts posts on the web. Thank you for your support everyone, please post away, enjoy yourselves and ask any question you want of us; you may hear some pearls among the answers and I hope to carry on and see what I can learn.
  21. A change is as good as a rest; training outside your usual style is a good thing; it can give you a new perspective and a powerful new arsenal of technique. On the other hand you might find that chasing two rabbits leaves you hungry.
  22. A good Rowing Machine is a great tool for endurance training. Boxers here in North Wales used to row the length of the Menai Straight to build their stamina and explosive power.
  23. In our school, weapon training is for 3rd Kyu and above. "Beginner" weapon training is something we perceive as dangerous. Get at least 2 or 3 years empty hand training first before attempting to master a weapon. Weapons need respect and maturity. Children swinging Nunchaku make me cringe, "Sport Sword" fights for 6 yearolds are a money spinner that smell of McDojo to me. Please, if you find a weapon you want to master; master your spirituality first. Osu!
  24. Thank you CT, I hope I can rise to the Challenge.
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