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Everything posted by Harkon72

  1. North Wales might be off the beaten track. If you visit London, check out Steve Rowe's Shikon Martial Arts Dojo, he's one of the best Sensei in the UK.
  2. We do all our kick combinations to pads. Last grading it was Ushiro Geri, Mwashi Geri (Back Kick, Roundhouse KIck). Next Time it's Mae Geri, Ushiro Mwashi Geri, Sirikomi Mwashi Geri (Front Kick, Turning Heel Kick, Step Up Roundhouse Kick).
  3. Yes it was, it was a journey within a journey. Eric San and I just hugged at the end; words were not necessary.
  4. I'm from a Military Family, My Father was with the Malayan Scouts and my Grandfather was a Cook at Monte Casino. I'm am proud and pleased to remember the sacrifice made for my way of life. It matters not the Politics; the brothers in arms fought for each other, not heeding color, creed or what a man called his God. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.
  5. I did this kind of fighting in the 80's as a teenager, semi-contact touch points. It's fun!
  6. Thanks for sharing, that brings back a few memories.
  7. Defiantly Frodo Baggins; Burdened, Small, with Good Friends.
  8. Our systems aren't that different. The sparring that is meant for junior Dan grades and adult 5th Kyus is continuous free sparring with dipped foam head guards, tags, boots and shins. It is not quite full contact but students, especially juniors take a while to build up to it. Going to the expense of buying the gear too soon is something we do not ask. The school doesn't ask students to buy weapons that they never get to use either. The idea is for students and their families to spend as little as possible.
  9. Can I tell you a secret? No student of martial arts in the UK needs insurance form the association until they are 16. They should automatically be covered by the instructor's insurance, with no exception. It is because, as a minor they have no legal liability, the instructor and guardians are responsible for them. So when the Sensei asks for an insurance payment for a 10 year old - it's fraud. Our juniors don't do free sparring until they are a Dan grade. Our adults don't spar freely until they are 5th Kyu either; so they don't need sparring gear for at least a year. I know of associations here that have never payed out insurance, and never will; so the money is just an additional fee. Our association asks £10 a year for administration and legal costs if any claim was made. Cost of gradings or tests are also an issue that people are not aware of. Some schools can charge as much as £100 for a Dan grade for a child, and this is with only his own instructor present. We have a panel of 3 at least, and they will be the association's Head Examiners. There are many factors to consider, but if you are happy, you can afford it and you gain from it, then it can't be bad. Go for it!
  10. Don't join the first class you come across. If a deal sounds too good to be true; it usually is. Don't sign any contract and defiantly no disclaimers. Make sure that there are no hidden payments, ask for a comprehensive breakdown of all fees to be paid. Don't buy anything in equipment or uniform for at least 3 months. Check the Sensei's qualification; ask who HIS sensei is! Ask to sit and watch a class. If it sounds like Ameridote, go for the door!
  11. We have no oriental weapon sparring in our area, Kendo is unheard of in North Wales. We have a few western fencing clubs though, the one at Bangor University has been successful nationally.
  12. Yes I agree, as I posted on the Karate thread; the harder you go in training the easier the fight will be when it matters. Your Spirit will carry you further than your Mind knows. A good Sensei can measure the effort he needs from you, they know your limit and your mental barriers; beyond these is where the true Art begins.
  13. Tonight I was tired before going to the Dojo. I had not trained properly this week, had not had sleep that was good for me all week either. In truth I was in no state to train. I bowed at the door to see my Sensei standing there, alone. "It's just you and me tonight Gareth San!" usually I love these sessions but my heart fell, I was dreading it and Sensei Eric could see it. I began my warm up, a long story short, at the end of it my lungs did not have the capacity I required. Then before a second breath, it was straight into Kihon; my Mind was screaming Stop! Stop! my Sensei said "Three more!" then "Three more!" again. He wouldn't let me finish each technique until I showed proper form. Then it was the Kata. "Matsukaze", again and again. My only break was when Sensei started me again after each mistake. Then, I felt no pain; my Spirit brought forth the insight of the Bunkai to each technique. My Sensei showed me the true depth of the Kata, physically showing me each weakness in his and my own body. He showed me positively lethal technique which I absorbed to my Soul. The Spirit can take you further than your Mind can Imagine. Where the Body tells you to stop is where the true Karatedo begins.
  14. For me Bob, being true to myself, my Honor has value beyond what I am. My Love for being is like the mountain that I climb, the Happiness that I feel walking this journey is what being is all about. The people that I meet along the way add to my experience and learning. My Loved ones are family and not always blood. My Honor flows from my Darling that I share my life with, she knows me and my Guides better than I do in my waking life. My Martial Arts are a method for my learning and the development of my Self. Honor is a man's gift to Himself.
  15. I'm the best at minding my own business in foreign parts, but in this country a nod of acknowledgement to the hard nuts is usually all it takes. True, if you act the victim you are likely to become one. Most people can't be bothered with you; but if you show respect you usually receive it. A word of Welsh goes a long way in some pubs in rural Wales even if that word is all you know.
  16. Sounds Great! I look forward to saturday night very much!
  17. That's a nice Award, well deserved and given in gratitude.
  18. I am hoping to be changing the color of my Gi in December, when you reach 3rd Kyu in our school you change from a plain white gi to a black one. I think that a 9oz Nine Circles Okinawan Cut gi would look good. I won't go for a heavy weight as they can lose color and can be tiring to wear in summer. Nine Circles import from Japan and you can't beat them for price.
  19. Fantastic List! A great cross-section of the Martial Arts world. I find no surprise that Shotokan Karate is number 1, it is and has been a great example of a style that speaks to people all over the world. My style, Shukokai is way down the list, maybe because it is a young derivative. Kobudo is popular as is Shorin Ryu. Tae Kwon Do is one of the most popular styles in the world if not here in Wales; it would be interesting to compare any correlation between style and location. Thank you for compiling this list, it took hard work and it is very interesting.
  20. I support and follow my village soccer team, Nantlle Vale Football Club. They top their league at the moment, there have been some good signings this year and we hope to do well.
  21. I thought long an hard about sharing my experience or not. It was a Self Defense situation and a nasty one. I felt violated and the demon inside of me took a great leap until I found the strength to restrain it. Thank you for your support, and I apologize for raising such a controversial and powerfully political context on what is a peaceful forum. My point with regards to martial arts is that my training drew out the follow up front kick from me, and as it materialized a slight insight into its consequence prevented it. My opponent was helpless and to indulge in a violent finisher would have been in truth criminal. I submitted the post not to feel any pride but to share an experience that illustrates where we can be led to and where I feel my Karatedo has taken me. I appreciate your words and I am grateful Patrick for your understanding. Thank you again.
  22. Well done and congratulations my friend, your teachers had faith in you and they were not disappointed.
  23. Today I was enjoying a coffee in a local cafe when a person pointed to my Red Remembrance Poppy and Spat in my face and drink. My reaction was to stand and hit him off his feet with a palm heel strike to the chin. As I chambered my front kick I noticed he was out cold against the counter, so I did not kick him. His so called older friend who must have put him up to it pocketed his cell phone and ran and left him. I helped the cafe waitress to get him to his feet and asked her to call an ambulance. I left before they came. A gentleman and his wife smiled at me and assured me that they saw nothing and said what a lovely day it was. I think I did my best to practice control, the only things my friend was left with was a sore jaw and a hefty dentist bill. I value my freedom and I will wear my poppy with pride.
  24. That was an awesome interview Bob, and an insight into a martial artist that has made the living of Do his Life. Those who receive most respect are those who never ask for it. I, personally feel a warmth of the Budo Fire in your gut each time you make a call to kindle a spark that I'm sure we share in this path we never chose; I believe that when the student is ready, the master appears; and by this your light will go on past your days. Osu!
  25. I am a Wiccan, and we believe that what energy you give out, be it thought or deed returns to you but stronger. I have training in Kobodo weapons, many years and in a time of real need they would be used with no mercy. I do lock my door at night but I don't give out negative thoughts for what lies beyond. I meet each day with hope. I do not fear death, pain is temporary. I would defend my Loved ones with my life. But after all, the Natural Law is that Like attracts Like, and if you see aggressors in every shadow and fear each knock of the door; this is what your perception of the world will create. I am no fantasist, I have found light in the darkest places, I know evil exists but it has no power where honor and truth is found. I may perish this night, but I wont go easy; the evolution of the self is stronger than the shackles of any material world. Blessed Be.
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