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Everything posted by Harkon72

  1. A Massive Congratulations Patrick, this is the best Martial Arts forum on the Web, and that is not just my Opinion! Osu!
  2. I have only played the first Shogun Total War, it's a classic, you can get a copy from amazon for a few quid. The Second Shogun Total War is one I am yet to play. I love Empire, Medieval 1 and 2, Rome is pretty cool too.
  3. Thank you for Sharing, I enjoyed that.
  4. Choking is very Dangerous, it can cause damage to the wind pipe and larynx, it can cause blood clots in the lungs, brain damage due to lack of oxygen and stroke. It's nothing to be played with. Toughing it out can Kill you.
  5. Honor is a fine tradition in any one's Language.
  6. We teach Shukokai, but we NEVER let children spar with one another, not until they are teenagers. This shows the lack of realism this instructor may have. If you are not happy, go else where. Please, Karate is a discipline, taught by example and respect, at all ages and experience. Don't let your children be hurt or emotionally bullied. There are plenty of other schools, and cheaper doesn't always mean poorer. Good Luck.
  7. Penblwydd Hapus Bob!
  8. Yes, if you have the capacity to handle it, go for it! You are choosing to engage in a challenge that few modern karateka can rise to. Good Luck, I would love to see you perform one style's Bassai Dai or Passai, followed by the same in the other style. If you can do it, then you deserve praise, praise indeed. Good Luck.
  9. Don't shoot me but I'm not a fan of Aikido. It takes a long time to learn as an effective self defense system. The floor is lovely and padded, they seem to roll on it like it's a safe place to be. They wait for their opponent to get up, it's full of courtesy and assisted throws and take downs; a wrist grab is not an effective attack in our Dojo. I admit, at a high level it is very effective, but the amount of frustration involved with repetitive exercise that is not explained and a style full of pseudo spirituality that is only acceptable to the converted. I threw a punch once at an intermediate Aikidoka, he complained to his Sensei; "I can't catch his punches!" my response; "Well block and counter then!" "Please learn how to throw a punch!" I'm sorry for my anti-Aikido rant, but this style is one of my pet frustrations, I just don't believe the hype.
  10. Yes! The reality wake up when joining my present Sensei was profound.
  11. I think Bruce Lee said; "A Sculptor does not add clay to his piece of art, he cuts away at what he has to reveal the masterpiece." Each of us is a raw piece of clay, we are molded and tempered in the fires of our will. (I think that was Mr. Han, man Lol)
  12. It's a pity they are so far away from us, I practice with Nunchaku, I have over 10 years of Kobudo training. I get mine from Ninecircles, top Okinawan quality, for about £10 a pair. The Horse Bridle Chuks look really interesting!
  13. My Sensei tested for his 5th Dan today. He asked for a physical test, not a time served reward. He was challenged beyond what his body and mind knew. After 5 hours of hell, the chief examiner called him forward; "We'll see you next year Sensei." The hush was deafening, he felt that he had let everyone down. The truth is that this day is the first in a year long grading. The far mountain was close but they opened a chasm before him. This is the time for rest, but over a year and a day the test really begins.
  14. Pinan Yondan is my best Pinan Kata because it has power and control, speed and focus, strong stances and turns, the bunkai is good, open to the Karateka for application, it's the best for me, I love the last Kiai point with the Hiza Geri/Ni Empi/Shuto uke combination, magick!
  15. I'm doing Matsukaze at the moment, it's much more fluid than the Pinan Kata, a challenge but I'm getting there.
  16. Yes, you are right, some of the vocabulary these sites use can be very basic, maybe a Goju Ryu site has someone that can help you. Good Luck.
  17. Hi, you are very welcome here, there are a few Wado Ryu Karateka in our ranks and some Tang Soo Do practitioners as well. This forum is diverse and has varied experience and views within it. Please enjoy and post, share and have a good time.
  18. Osu! The first step up the far mountain is the hardest, struggle, fall, get up, walk, run, fall again; keep going, the view from the top is glorious!
  19. My Sensei tests us beyond what we think is possible quite often, but he is a good reader of his students and would never ask us to do anything he would not be willing to do himself.
  20. Having the Art or the "Do" doesn't mean it is not effective; while you can argue that styles such as Sombo and Krav Maga have been tested in a combat or real self defense situation, the Bunkai of Okinawan Kata is artistic but born from practicality. This is why we still have it. Okinawan Karateka fought for their lives in the same context as Russian or Israeli troops, it was just a different era. I am alive due to my training, it's not just the technique; it's the spirit and depth of mind. Karate is not a lesser system because it is an art, the application is the key. I studied Russian Sombo for 3 months, I have experienced the aggression and power of a warrior who throws you into the floor hard, really hard. But the look in the eye of master karateka just before he counters with blinding speed and a calm power is just as valid, if not more so as you are so proud of him too.
  21. There are loads of sites who do this for free; here's just one; http://www.lingvozone.com/LingvoSoft-Online-English-Japanese%20Kanji-Dictionary
  22. You are very Welcome here, please share, comment and enjoy.
  23. Martial Art, Martial, of Mars - to wage War. Not a themed Kindergarden! I know this issue very well. There is a trend in the UK to start classes young, to get a Dan grade at 10 years old, have a sport career then give it up when you go to collage. I restarted Karate at 38 years old, I train with a traditional Karate Sensei. We have children's and cadets classes, but this is where the sport and development finishes. My Sensei, his two other Head Instructors, two Sempai and myself are Men, I'm not being sexist here by the way. Karatedo is our life, we follow a Warrior's Spiritual Path. When we practice Bunkai, it hurts. In Kumite you are to defend yourself at all times. From the first to the last Bow of the session there is Respect, one Warrior to another. We are great friends, Brothers, but to us this is not a Sport, we are not playing games.
  24. Yes, I started Shukokai at Collage, I moved here when I was married, and the local Dojo teaches Shito ryu based Shukokai. Genius! My Shorin Ryu was taught to my Sensei by Rikishi Oya in Okinawa in the 60's and 70's. Sensei Symmonds has now passed on, but my Shorin Ryu still comes out in my Karatedo.
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