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Everything posted by Harkon72

  1. Here is my honest review of Greatest Lessons from the Martial Arts: A Compilation of Martial Wisdom by Tim Johnson. Mr. Johnson contacted Patrick to offer a review copy to this community, which was sent to me. As such, I received this book free of charge. I thought the book was typical of a new age looking general philosophy journal of trendy snip bits. It has strengths; it's a good looking book, it feels professional and it will appeal to the market of would be martial artists. What strikes me though is the apparent modern look and feel that may be construed as being too new age and fitting of a self help book shelf and not the prey of the serious martial artist. The visual impact is dramatic and slightly a cliche of oriental images and zen looking scenes. This, to be honest, is why in a book store I might overlook it. It does have material depth - at times it is quite intriguing. The advice is often sound but there is an underlying gut feeling of a false sense of a pseudo western view of what oriental martial arts should convey. To try and explain; it's almost too perfect a package. It has the feeling of a bargain bin book and this lets it down as it contains real depth if you take time to read it and overlook the glossy cover and the attempt at trendy new age marketing. It has great potential; it could be expanded on. But I feel it could just be seen as a children's introduction to martial arts philosophy; a pocket guide or holiday stocking filler. I'm sure the author has more of an ambition for it than that. Overall, I would recommend it as an introduction to a view that people might want to follow; but I find the image it portrays unfortunate and different from what I would expect from a book I would take seriously. All the best; Gareth.
  2. Hello and Welcome from North Wales!
  3. Hello and Welcome!
  4. Unless there is a club hidden somewhere in south wales Goju Ryu or Goju Kai is unknown here in Wales. I heard of Some in Birmingham, England; unfortunately there it was suppressed by the growth of MMA; leave off the protective pads and ground pounding I say!
  5. Any object carried on your person with the intent of harming another is illegal in the UK. If you walk down the street with a hammer with no intent of using it in the way it is designed or that you have just purchased it; then you can be cautioned or arrested by the police and the offending implement confiscated. I have had a key ring confiscated in my home by a police officer; how he knew my intent to use it is a mystery to me.
  6. America! Be so proud of your team! That was a word class gutsy performance. You put over paid over hyped England to shame. Hold your heads high USA!!
  7. Holland's first goal was a good strike. Costa Rica played well with 10 men; I thought their forward Cambell was brave to take a spot kick. I always follow underdogs that do well.
  8. I know of some schools that can give "Instructor" belts as soon as two years into training; as soon as a green belt is obtained. In our Dojos you cannot assist until you are a brown belt and you cannot take a class until you are at least 2nd Dan.
  9. We have the two kata in each round performed side by side. The Judge and the two seconds flag the winner. The judge's decision is final but maybe over ruled if both sempai flag the other competitor as the winner.
  10. Our Shukokai is a Shito Ryu derivative. My reletavley new style Aikido is a first generation Japanese school, derived from authentic O Sensei's Aikido and Akijitsu. As for Kata, the Karate has Pinan, and Shito Ryu based forms as taught by Sensei Demura's Genbukan. I am yet to grade with the Aikido Dojo; so I have no idea how they will test me.
  11. The most famous Kata with Ippon Nukite is UNSU. http://youtu.be/c_duw_bxnDs Enjoy.
  12. Yes, Nukite; Also we have kata that uses Ippon Nukite in a similar action.
  13. We have similar spear hands in our kata; ours are done with jing, fast. What is the bunkai for soft spear hands?
  14. Congratulations and well done! Martial Arts are tough to learn to this level. I'm proud of you. Keep up the good work.
  15. Well, Spain are out of the cup! The World Champions humbled by the mighty Chilean team. I'm glad that the underdog prevailed!
  16. Walk away; they shout - walk away, they insult - walk away, they provoke - walk away. They lay a hand on you - you have the right to prevent injury to yourself or another innocent person. If you are confronted with a weapon or more than one attacker - run to safety or a public place; if you are cornered - take action to defend yourself. There is no cowardice in running, there is no glory in fighting; that said, stand your ground if you can on this; look to make it clear that you are in the right. Bullies always meet their match in the end; you might not need to do anything. Good Luck.
  17. Is anyone watching the Soccer World Cup? I'm supporting Iran tomorrow! Spain on wednesday night; any predictions?
  18. Hail and Welcome!
  19. The greatest factor with any martial art is the teacher; a poor one can make a fantastic system awefull; a great one can take you on a journey beyond what you can imagine. Good Luck.
  20. Hello and welcome!
  21. The most noble of mammals! Hail and Welcome!
  22. I have a small space in my house up stairs next to the pillar that holds up the building. I have set up a wing chun wall bag there. All you need is enough room to shrug your shoulder.
  23. There is an interesting book; "Feel the Fear and do it Anyway." by Geof Thompson. Those who fear but act anyway are brave; those who claim to have no fear are fools. I find that walking up and down hill along with planking on an incline can help. Ballet raises with hand weights also help me a lot. The balance board and good kidney strength are also great assets for total spiderman conditioning.
  24. I'm sorry if I upset anybody, but my own gym are full of bulk builders with 70% bulk above their waist, I played rugby for the British RAF OTC against the US marine corps in 1991. Their pack had a third more weight than ours, it took longer for them to get up and out wide our 11 stone wingers left them chasing shadows. We fear our elite forces ourselves; you don't even know they are there. I won my wings and am retired now; I'm not a hero and would never claim to be. I feel shame and loss; my point was that to achieve leg power, to bulk up is not the answer, if you are bigger; you need more fuel, more water, just plain food and faith in flexibility not steaks and lobster followed by aspartame and ibuprofen. Please fear your enemy; that's the only way you can survive. Technology can only do so much; it's the look in the eye that makes them run.
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