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Everything posted by Nevinyrral

  1. I'm not sure if effectiveness is a good measure of legitimacy.Because compared to mma or boxing most traditional karate styles with only point sparring, or for example internal kung fu styles like tai chi would have hard time to defend their legitimacy.
  2. I think it depends on person, style and circumstances. If a person trains hard, attends online classes, joins open sparring sessions or competitions then it would give crebility to his rank. One could also learn at home but attend grading in person. As for the style... a lot of people say you wont learn timing and other things related to sparring and fighting. But to be honest, a big majority of traditional styles (mostly karate and tkd) dont teach sparring or teach only point sparring with little to no contact.
  3. I would need to take a trial lesson, but I'm sure I would learn something. My only concern would be what organisation you would be under, as this might help with competitions and gradings. Anyway you can always try, in the end the students will decide if your school will stay.
  4. If heavy bag is too big you can try speed bag or reflex ball. Also since you do kempo you might also try a makiwara.
  5. As it was already said it depends on what the teacher in this school decides. When I changed schools I had to take an exam for my equivalent rank.
  6. You could teach classes in some fitness centre or local gymnasium at the start, so it would be easier with rent and starting of.
  7. Depends on what sambo he trained.If I could pick anything I would pick shidokan or daido juku for childhood since those are a lot like mma. And then add boxing and wrestling. But reslistically in my area it could only be kiokushin and judo if it couldn't be mma class.
  8. What do you usually do for warm up? And how long does it take, and how long does full class take? What kata do you practice mostly?
  9. This is always a good idea, although you would need to try diffrent formats like full light and semi contact, kata competitions. Also compete not only in karate tournaments but for example mma. I would have few questions for you though: 1. Do you have your own dojo and students. 2. Are those students ready and willing to continue training after you establish new style. 3. What would be a governing body for you. 4. Something more personal like your age and where you live. Anyways good luck. PS Isnt himokiri karate used in Grappler Baki
  10. Welcome to KF. Those are some nice videos you have. Which one is your daughter, and how old is she? I used to train shotokan so I would be happy to share my experience.
  11. I have recently switched karate organisations and had to grade for 1kyu(which I passed). Now I am preparing for a shodan. Wish me luck.
  12. For me size does matter. You can overcome size difference with skill but only to some extent. Also your attacker/opponent might also have some skill. So in the end it goes to what the situation is. Remember, you might have great skill, but one lucky punch from a guy outweighting you by 100 and you are done.
  13. They should simply make it continous and/or full contact only then it would make any sense. That was the reason why I at first started competing in diffrent styles and later switched style alltogether.
  14. Wushu should have weapons training. And training in a group is always better than alone. You can meet new people, and its easier to stay motivated. You could ask instructor if he knows any staff technique.
  15. Not counting warm up and stretchingI mostly train using punching bag or do some kata. I dont have much equipment other than sit up bench, rowing machine and treadmil.
  16. Hello Seafarer. You can learn to do basic forms and do some nice tricks with staff from videos. But what would be hard to learn is using staff for self defence if you learn alone without instructor. And could you tell us what martial arts are available in your city?
  17. If this school is under some organisation you could always talk with them and explain your situation. And if you have your certificate you can try to find a diffrent school that would either accept your rank or make you take few months of intense training and grade you to your rank.
  18. I personally find fidcussion about each other fight among students to be a bit of a waste of time and might be even counter productive especially if those students are low level. I would prefer to do more drills and spar, and have teacher correct me/suggest changes to my style. Of course quick tips during sparring like "good kick" or "come on, attack more" are ok.
  19. Hi Tepul. I recently switched from shotokan WKF to a small style that uses variation of bogu kumite. We use boxing helmet and gloves, chest protector and leg guards. Also throws and limited groundwork is ok. Before the switch I went to compete in their tournaments. For me the biggest problem was distance and that I had problem with combinations- both using and defending against them. And in your bogu kumite do you stop after successful technique or fight non stop?
  20. From what you are saying it looks like this school simply went with what is trendy now. Lots of traditional schools started transitioning into more mma focused after it became popular. I think you can benefit from this training. It might show you different way martial arts can be trained. Also if you want more kata you can always ask sensei about it. He might have simply stopped teaching it because there was no demand for it. You can also train kata at home or attend some seminars.
  21. I have few things that I would like to do this year. But as I am getting folder and have a child now it gets hard to find time for everyting. First of all I would like to takie part in at least one tournament. Getting A medal would be great too but I want to at least give my all and feel satisfied. Second thing I would like to achieve would be getting black belt. I also plan to start my experiment this year. I will go to as many different dojos and schools and take their free lessons. Maybe I'll write a blog about my experiences.
  22. I have few things that I would like to do this year. But as I am getting folder and have a child now it gets hard to find time for everyting. First of all I would like to takie part in at least one tournament. Getting A medal would be great too but I want to at least give my all and feel satisfied. Second thing I would like to achieve would be getting black belt. I also plan to start my experiment this year. I will go to as many different dojos and schools and take their free lessons. Maybe I'll write a blog about my experiences. And I wrote it in wrong topic
  23. Thank you. Didnt see that one coming.
  24. Thank you all for your replies. They are all solid posts. My view of Lee is that he was outstanding martial artist, and that stories about him are sometimes a bit exagerated.
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